文/ 何彦斯 译/史聪一
Being in China a good while, it occurred to me in autumn 2019 that I need a place where I could go winterswimming. I adored the walrus people where they practiced their hobby in the cold, but I never thought of actually being one of them to one day.
The idea came from Wim Hof. When you are in your 50s, it is time to adjust your life to a more healthy lifestyle, that would make aging more enjoyable. In 2010 I quit smoking because I realized that two packs a day were too much for my body. I started with yoga and meditation. Wim’ method consists of three pillars: cold water exposure, breathing and exercises like stretching.
After taking only cold showers twice or three times a day for one year I was finally ready in October 2019 to get to the next step: immersing myself into the cold water outside. And as always in life: when you really need it, the occasion will jump out. I was walking in the Summer Palace here in Beijing barefoot after I had dipped my feet in a pond when I encountered a group of four ladies in one of the pavilions that were built as bridges. I approached them and asked if they knew a place where I could go swimming during the coming winter. Each of the four ladies gave me different directions as of where the place was. Then suddenly from the foot of the stairs an older bold man jumped out and asked me if I really mean it and want to go swimming? He lead the way in a speed where I had problems following. He told me that he was over 60 and had done winter-swimming for the last couple of years. Looking at him I realized how fit and healthy he was. And the happy smile on his face never disappeared. When we finally arrived at the water-place I told him that I had not brought a swimsuit today but that I would come back in a couple of days and jump in. We exchanged our wechat so that we could stay in touch and make an appointment for the next time we would meet for swimming.
Beginning of November it was the first time that I let my body slowly into the water of the canal that leads to the Summer Palace. Just outside of the Historical Side there were a handful of swim enthusiasts that were getting ready for the cooler time of the year. Some were standing around in swim trunks letting their bodies be warmed by the autumn sun. The water had 11.5 degrees Celsius this November afternoon. The most stunning thing was the very positive and radiant vibes that these senior citizens gave me. I could sense how happy, positive and healthy they were. Just being here and absorb their energy was a good reason to come out. To prepare my body for the dive I had taken 30-50 deep breath on my way to the canal. According to the Wim Hof method this would energize the body and make it resistant the cold. I undressed myself, put on my swimming trunks and went down to the water. Letting myself glide into the about two-meter deep water I kept breathing deep slow breaths. I had seen a video from the “Yes-project”who had trained with Wim Hof in Poland and had stayed in the freezing water for about ten minutes. So I knew what I was doing was possible, even for an untrained person like me. And todays eleven and a half degree were not as low as what I had seen in the video. For the next weeks I kept coming back and slowly people got to know me and I got to know some of them. Then some of the other simmers approached me and asked the “normal” questions: “From which country are you?”“How long have you been here in China?” “Where do you work?” “How old are you?” “What’s your name?”The order of the questions is about right.
Temperatures dropped further until the lowest point in the beginning of January: 0.6 degree Celsius. From that on it slowly but steadily climbed up again.
My personal record this winter were six minutes in 0.6 degree Celsius water which I also recorded with my newly bought Gopro 8. I had been added to the Chinese winter-swimmers group where I posted some fifteen second video-clips of my activities. This way people got to know me as “Teacher He” and soon would approach me asking all sorts of questions. When one of them who wasn’t in the wechat group called me the usual: “Foreigner” by name, soon one of the initiated jumped in and corrected: “This is Teacher He”, which put a grateful smile on my face. It takes time to be tolerated and maybe accepted. The cultures and customs which a long time ago I decided to accept. Soon I was officially one of the Winter-swimmers-group, and as an out-ward signal for that I was given an orange-red swim cap with the group’s name on it. For my weekly to or three plunges,mostly at the end of the week and weekends, I would take a bus and then walk the remaining two km or I would walk all the way from my home, which would take about two hours for ten kilometers.
Some rub their body with all different kinds of oil before swimming. When the water got really cold I felt my fingers and toes nearly frozen and so decided to take two measures: I got light-blue gloves and sock/shoes and I brought a thermos-bottle with warm water that I would let flow over my nearly frozen body-parts.Moving your body is essential. You would often see old people rushing back to their homes or to the bus-station.Nobody takes anything to drink. And most of all: no alcohol!
The idea of swimming in winter is deeply rooted in Chinese tradition. Caring for the body and staying healthy plays and important role in the Chinese society. Mostly older people are doing the swimming in the cold. Besides the water it’s the chat with other like-minded who keeps people young and healthy, I think.
Now its 2022. It’s my third winter in the water in Beijing.Events in the world show how important health is. Bacteria and viruses that most people consider dangerous to humans are part of our body and help us to live. The real enemies are not viruses and bacteria but stress, fast food and not enough or even no physical activity with our body. I consider it as part of my teaching work to be an example for students and colleagues. When they see me doing yoga, Pilates, physical training and winter swimming they ask questions and maybe in time they will follow and find their own way of leading a healthy life that is the basis of a fulfilled and balanced life.
These daily 200 older men and ladies who seek the kick of the cold are not mainstream. Each of us winter swimmers has its own deep rooted reason why he or she takes the plunge into the icy water day and day again. I call the daily ride to South-Gate (that’s where we swim,the Southgate of the Summer Palace) my visit to the doctor. Its doctor Nature. Visits are not depending on your health-insurance nor on your social status nor on your bank balance. Free of charge the clear emerald water flows for everyone who needs its benefits and medicine.Nature is abundant. Its not the Social-Darwinism that some western thinkers invented to keep the elbow-society alive. When you just look into nature around you- you will see blossoming trees in spring and the same trees offer the passer by an abundance of fruits that you just need to pick.