
2022-11-01 09:04LaviniaSpalding
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年10期

Lavinia Spalding


主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:346词 建议用时:6分钟

1I've been in Spain for only two days,and already my fingers hurt.It means I'm doing something right. Yesterday, after arriving in Madrid, I went to the Delicias neighborhood and knocked on a stranger's door.A thin, soft-spoken woman invited me in and handed me a $3,000 guitar.“Can you play something?”she asked.This was the reason why I'd come to Spain.Because I once believed I was dying to be a tocaora.

2My father was a famous classical guitarist and he was fascinated by flamenco. I started playing the classical guitar when I was five. Every afternoon at our home in New Hampshire, I practiced while my father instructed. I attended master classes—always the youngest student by a decade. Sometimes I performed with my father.Then, at 11, I quit.Heartbroken, my father distanced himself.Soon we spoke only when necessary. In my early 20s, I found myself pulled back to guitar. Our closeness returned,and he started teaching me flamenco.Then,when I was in my early 30s,he got sick.

3Before he died a few years later,my father told me there were almost no tocaoras—female (女性的) flamenco guitarists—in the world. If I kept practicing, I could be one of the first.I promised,and he left me his guitar.But after he died,I couldn't bear to play it.So for 13 years it sat mostly untouched, coming out only when my son begged to see it. Ellis was careful with his grandfather's instrument in a way that made me want to pass it down to him—both the guitar and the music.The problem was that I couldn't really play anymore.

4Actually, there were tocaoras and they were on the rise. Antonia Jiménez was the most important name in Spain. A few months later, in September 2017, here was Antonia sitting with me in her living room,politely listening to my playing on her guitar.

5I would spend the next three weeks in Spain putting myself in the world of female flamenco guitar—a world I now longed to be part of.

Reading Check

1.What's the function of the first paragraph?

A.To show the influences of guitar.

B.To lead in the topic of the text.

C.To analyze an important theory.

D.To introduce a popular Spanish artist.

2.Why was the author's father heartbroken?

A.He was sad about his disease.

B.He couldn't learn something from others.

C.His daughter stopped playing the guitar.

D.His fingers hurt while playing the guitar.

3.What can be inferred about the author?

A.She gave up music because of her laziness.

B.She became sick after her father's death.

C.She felt disappointed with her father.

D.She picked up her passion for music finally.

4.In which column of a newspaper can we read this text?

A.Fashion. B.Life.

C.Sport. D.Travel.

Language Study


1. A thin, soft-spoken woman invited me in andhandedme a $3,000 guitar. 一个瘦削、说话温和的女人邀请我进来,递给我一把3,000美元的吉他。


e.g.She handed me the letter.她把信交给我。

2.Heartbroken,my fatherdistancedhimself.我的父亲感到心碎,并封闭了自己。


e.g.When he retired,he tried to distance himself from politics.退休后,他便尽量使自己置身于政治之外。

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