
2022-10-26 05:57
哲学分析 2022年5期

· Philosophical Issues

3 The Explicit Notion of Sentence and the Issue about Whether There is Logic in Ancient China JIN Rongdong

21 On Following Necessarily YU Junwei

36 “ Being and Truth” and Knowledge Structure MEI Xiang

49 The Idea and Theory of Logic WANG Lu

· Philosophical Traditions

63 How the Convergence of Critical Tradition with Analytical Tradition is Possible: From Marx Was Deified as a“ Predecessors” of Vienna Circle AN Weifu

77 The Value Implication of Marx’s Neo-Humanism in the Generation of Science-Technology HUANG Kan

91 Dong Zhongshu:“ First Regularity, then Flexibility, Respecting Yang and Humbling Yin” : How Does Gongyang’s Philosophy of Regularity and Flexibility Complete the Transformation of Heavenly Way TANG Yan

· Philosophical Reflection on Modern Life

106 On What Grounds Can We“ Shang”(Award, Appreciate) Artworks? FANG Xianghong

115 Animals Cannot Have Beliefs LIU Xiaotao

129 Naïve Realism and Causal-Hallucinatory Argument CHEN Shiwei

· Philosophical Understanding of Science and Technology

142 Technics and Time: Form Heidegger to Stiegler WANG Qingjie

151 A Comparative Research On Three Models of Predictive Processing ZHU Linfan LIU Chuang

· Philosophical Event and Book Review

166 Adversarial Collaboration: Testing Contemporary Theories of Consciousness LI Hengwei CAI Shiling RUAN Zenan

184 The Appeal and Dark Side of Meritocracy: A Review of Michael Sandel’s The Tyranny of Merit ZHU Huiling