2022-09-23 14:27:20
Core level excitation spectra of La and Mn ions in LaMnO3Polyhedral silver clusters as single molecule ammonia sensor based on charge transfer-induced plasmon enhancementTheoretical study of M6X2 and M6XX'structure(M =Au,Ag;X,X'=S,Se): Electronic and optical properties,ability of photocatalytic water splitting,and tunable properties under biaxial strain水土保持探新路 三十九年写春秋春华秋实喜丰收 战鼓催征闯新路Stability,electronic structure,and optical properties of lead-free perovskite monolayer Cs3B2X9(B=Sb,Bi;X =Cl,Br,I)and bilayer vertical heterostructure Cs3B2X9/Cs3X9(B,B′=Sb,Bi;X =Cl,Br,I)超甜糯鲜食玉米育种有了新路蔬果种植走新路城乡一体化走出的新路探索大医院帮扶基层医院新路