Meet the “Dancing Grannies”走近“广场舞大妈”

2022-08-31 07:44:16凯文麦克斯帕登成玉华
英语世界 2022年8期

文/凯文·麦克斯帕登 译/成玉华

By Kevin McSpadden

The women usually gather in the squares early in the mornings and evenings, sometimes wearing matching outfits, preparing to dance in unison to the day’s music line-up, usually Chinese, sometimes not.

These “dancing grannies” gather by the dozens, and even hundreds, all across China, and have become an omnipresentpart of society in the past 20 years.

2 “Dancing is an all-age exercise, and it was proposed as a way for the elderly to be happy, to learn something and to contribute to the university,” said a Chinese auntie from Chongqing, referring to a community college for elderly people she attends.

She fell in love with dancing and now performs on stage and competes against other dancing troupesin China.

3 For many middle-aged and elderly women in China, often called “damas”,square dancing is the most important social activity in their lives.



2 “跳舞是一项老少皆宜的运动,被当成一种让老年人快乐、学东西和为大学做贡献的方式。”中国重庆的一位阿姨说,她指的是她所上的社区老年大学。


3 在许多中国中老年妇女(常被称为“大妈”)心里,广场舞是她们生活中最重要的社交活动。

These square dancing troupes have become a family for some participants and a fascination for many passers-by.

Which begs the question, who are these dancing grannies?

How it works

4 The most important feature of square dancing is the music.

The music is typically songs that are familiar to the group and there is a cottage industryof companies that sell soundtracks for dancing grannies, said Jiaxuan Yu, a PhD student at Emory University who has studied square dancing groups for seven years.

“But basically, they just try to find something that is free. That is a very important thing,” she said.

5 Choosing the music is the group leader’s job, a revered position that comes with both respect and responsibility.

The leader selects the line-up, choreographsthe dances (which often means simplifying the proposed dance),organises the meet-ups and manages the troupe.

For people in this position, square dancing may appear more like a job than an evening hobby.

6 The best strategy for joining a dance troupe is just to show up and hang around.




4 广场舞最重要的特点是音乐。



5 选择音乐是队长的工作。队长受人尊敬,但也要肩负责任。



6 加入舞蹈队的最佳策略就是亲自去现场,并在旁边转悠。

Once you become a familiar face,the group will ask if you want to join.Often, outsiders can pick out new members because they tend to hang on the edges of the groups and their dance moves are not as in sync witheveryone else.

Typically, once a woman joins a group they tend to stick with it, both out of convenience and, more importantly,because it can transform into their most important friend group.

7 “When they are dancing with others, they are also networking, so after several months, they will become very good friends,” said Yu.

“They may do things like go grocery shopping or travel together. They may become good friends in their life outside square dancing.”

8 The value of these groups can be immense, especially as a counter to loneliness in old age.

Andy Boreham, a Shanghai-based journalist who is working on a documentary about the damas, said: “When we retire, and the kids leave home, there often isn’t that much left to do. The women I’ve talked with about square dancing can talk endlessly about the connection and sense of belonging they get when they join a dance troupe.”



7 “她们一起跳舞时也是在社交,所以几个月后,彼此之间就会成为非常要好的朋友。”于佳煖说。


8 这些舞蹈队可大有裨益,在对抗晚年孤独方面尤其如此。


9 上海师范大学研究社会学的宓淑贤说,女性跳舞还有个原因是,这是她们展示自身女性美的一种方式。

9Shuxian Mi, a sociologist at Shanghai Normal University, said another reason the women dance is that it is a way for them to express their feminine beauty.

“In my opinion, square dance is a reproduction of beauty. More and more women show their beauty by dancing square dance, and the emergence of short videos gives them an opportunity,” she said.

A brief history of damas

10 Most histories of collective public square dancing, called Guang Chang Wu in Chinese, point to the mass urbanisation and building boom of the 1990s as the origins of the activity.

11 While instances of public dancing were common before China opened up to the world, the public squares themselves did not exist on a large scale,according to an essay published in MIT Press in 2016.

The authors Seetoo Chiayi and Zou Haoping wrote: “While the first public park had opened in the late 19th century,these newly built or renovated squares provided additional space for the dancers who had been performing cha-cha,ballroom, and yangge (a more traditional dance) in groups in city parks.”

12 Most square dancing troupes are made up of women who happen to live near each other.



10 大多数集体性公共广场舞蹈(中文称“广场舞”)的记录指出,20世纪90年代的大规模城市化和建设热潮是该活动的起源。

11 2016年,麻省理工学院出版社发表的一篇文章指出,虽然在公共场合跳舞在中国对外开放前就已司空见惯,但那时公共广场本身却并未大规模存在。


12 大多广场舞队的成员是住得相距不远的女性。


The transformational moment for modern square dancing was the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when officials called on the Chinese public to get out and exercise ahead of the Games.

13 “When China was hosting the Olympics, the trend was to encourage people to participate in physical education every day. At that time, dancing,tai-chi, or activities on the square was seen as an economical form of exercise because you do not need specific equipment,” said Yu.

“Dancing on the public square, especially for women, became a more economical and convenient way for them to exercise,” she said.

Tensions and technology

14 As the activity gained popularity, it created tensions.

People often complain that the songs are loud, and there have been occasions when troupes overstepped their bounds—such as a story of a turf warwith basketball players that escalated to a point where the dancing group took over the court.

15 A recent survey published in 2019 in thesuggests the problem may be more of perception than a reality.

13 “中国举办奥运会时,鼓励人们每天参加体育运动成了一种潮流。当时,跳舞、打太极拳,或者开展其他广场活动被视为一种经济的锻炼形式,因为这些活动不需要特定的装备。”于佳煖说。



14 广场舞活动越来越受欢迎,同时也引发了种种矛盾和冲突。


15 《国际环境研究与公共卫生杂志》于2019年发表的一项调研表明,这个问题恐怕只是人们的感觉而已,并不符合实际情况。

16 研究员肖捷菱和安德鲁·希尔顿发现,按地区划分,对广场舞大妈持正面看法的受访者占比在63.6%至78.4%之间。此外,他们随后对广场舞音乐最普遍的反应是“没意见”。

16 Researchers Jieling Xiao and Andrew Hilton found that between 63.6 per cent and 78.4 per cent of respondents had a positive view of the damas, based on different locations. Furthermore, the subsequent most common reaction to the music was “no opinion.”

The survey also found that most respondents said public squares and parks were the most appropriate places for the women to dance.

17 And for those who remain annoyed by the music, technology may be on the way to save the day. Boreham said dancing troupes are experimenting with Bluetooth headphones and speakers designed to limit sounds at certain angles.

“I think the future will bring more technology aimed at reducing noise pollution from dancing grannies, because that is really the most pressing issue in my opinion,” he said. ■


17 而至于那些仍然厌烦广场舞音乐的人,技术也许可以为他们排忧解烦。安柏然说,舞队正在尝试使用蓝牙耳机和扬声器来限制特定方向的音乐音量。


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