
2022-08-29 07:30:50
科教导刊·电子版 2022年16期

薛 霞

(内蒙古科技大学,内蒙古 包头 014010)

大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band4的缩写,是由教育部高等教育司主持的全国性英语考试。考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校专科生、本科生或研究生。大学英语四级标准化考试自1986年末开始筹备,1987年正式实施,目的是对大学生的英语能力进行客观、准确的测评,进而为我国大学英语课程的教学质量服务。四级考试考核学生英语综合应用能力,包括听力理解,阅读理解,写作和翻译,其中写作占总成绩的15%。这部分要求学生在三十分钟内完成不少于120词的短文,结构合理,内容切题,语言通顺。那么如何在写作中拿到高分?

1 历年四级写作题目中的高频词

分析2014-2020年的四级写作题目,作文题的提示形式包括提纲,情景,图画等。正确理解题意和紧扣主题是关键。拿到作文题目后不急于动笔写,阅读题目要求,确定要写的内容;一旦跑题,则无论句式多么丰富,辞藻多么华丽,作文的分数也不可能是高分。同时牢固掌握challenge,course,impress/impression,college,state,cite,illustrate/illustration,describe/description,comment,importance,express/expression,option,explain/explanation,suppose,contact,advertise/advertisement,handle,develop/development,graduate,elaborate,give an account of,recommend/recommendation,change,transport/transportation,volunteer,reason等作文提示词汇。

2 写作步骤

一篇四级作文至少应该分为三段,分别为开头、主体和结尾。无论什么题材的作文都可运用三段式,总—分—总完成。第一段开门见山,引出话题;可以由It is universally acknowledged that...;It is well-known to us that...;Recently there is a growing concern over...等引出,且在第一段结尾处表明个人观点或写作意图,承上启下,为第二段做铺垫。第一段一般不宜过长,3-4句即可。第二段是主体,可分三层来写,用in the first place;in the second place及last but not the least分别表述,层次分明,结构清晰。此段的内容可以举例、引用、假设等方法进一步论证个人观点。最后一段以to sum up...;from what has been discussed above...;only when we take immediate and effective measures to solve the present problem can we...等开头,三个句子左右总结上面内容并升华主题。

3 写作技巧


and as well;what is more,together with for example take sth for example/for instance important of great importance/essential however/but nevertheless many a great number of much a multitude of in order to for the purpose of/with the intent to because in that so hence,therefore,thus about in regard to use make use of

good satisfying/marvelous/pleasing bad defective/imperfect now at present/at the moment recently in recent days/to date believe hold a firm belief I think...asfarasIamconcerned/asIseeit/frommypointofview like take delight in people human beings/individuals have possess/contain meet come across need In need of can be capable of help give assistance to make create in fact as a matter of fact

其次,英语是形合语言,指的是靠形式联合。比如英语中的句子必须使用连词或者关系词来连接,从而表达句子间的逻辑关系。运用连词或者关系词也变简单句为复合句。例如:I like Baotou.It has beautiful weather and tasty food.(两个简单句)可转换为:I like Baotou and it has beautiful weather and tasty food.或I like Baotou because it has beautiful weather and tasty food.或者As Baotou has beautiful weather and tasty food,I like Baotou.

再次,句式多样复杂可通过变化主语及使用从句实现。灵活变化主语可用动名词,动词不定式,形式主语,主语从句等。例如整段句子的主语都是他。He has difficulty in learning English well.这句话可表述为以下几种:Learning English well is difficult for him.To Learn English well is difficult for him.It is difficult for him to learn English well.What is difficult for him is learning English well.同时,通过使用不同从句使句子复杂化。例如:I like Baotou because it has beautiful weather and tasty food.可转换为Baotou,which has beautiful weather and tasty food,is liked by me.

最后,在写作中,主题句是概括段落主要思想的句子。通常是段落中的第一句话,有时也放到句末。它组织整个段落,也被认为主要思想,即作者对该主题的立场。英文写作中每一段要有主题句。以2014年6月份的四级写作题目为例:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown,what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?这个题目的第二段可写选择参观某地的原因,因此可写There are several reasons why I want him/her to see this place为主题句,接着分别写出具体原因。


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