
2022-08-29 09:35:18彭冬根
高校化学工程学报 2022年4期

彭冬根, 曹 卓

彭冬根, 曹 卓

(南昌大学 工程建设学院, 江西 南昌 330031)

1 前言







1) 由于除湿/再生过程水分迁移率和溶液流率相比较小,假设溶液流量不变;

2) 忽略除湿/再生介质与环境之间散热损失,假设除湿/再生器为绝热;

3) 不考虑除湿/再生器内可能存在的局部积液及局部涡流现象,假设溶液与空气在填料表面均匀分布;

4) 不考虑溶液和空气沿与其流动垂直方向的热湿传递,假设顺逆流除湿/再生过程为一维模型;

5) 由于除湿/再生温湿度变化较窄,假设溶液和空气物性参数为常数;

6) 只考虑溶液与空气的热质交换最终处于稳态的结果,假设除湿/再生过程为稳态。














图2 除湿/再生器中焓耗散数Eh*与焓效率eh的关系








图3 除湿/再生器中焓耗散数Eh*与传热单元数NTU的关系








1) 当溶液与空气之间的温度不存在交叉时,联立方程(28)、(29)与(31)可以得到方程(33):

2) 当溶液与空气之间的温度存在交叉时,联立方程(30)和(31)得


5 解析模型验证


5.1 数值模型验证


表1 除湿/再生器基准工况

图5 再生工况下解析模型与数值模型结果对比


5.2 实验验证

文献[32]中实验得到的除湿与再生工况数据可被用于验证逆流除湿/再生器解析模型,实验分别采用聚丙烯RauschertHiflow环和LiCl水溶液作为填料和除湿剂,填料塔为圆柱体直径为25.4 cm、高为60 cm、比表面积为210 m2×m-3,实验工况见表2。

表2 文献[32]中除湿/再生器实验工况

图6 解析模型与实验结果对比

6 解析模型预测结果分析


图7 不同工况下除湿/再生过程焓耗散数Eh*对湿效率ew的影响

Fig.7 Effects of the enthalpy entransy dissipation number Eh* on humidity efficiency ew under varying conditions

7 结论

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An analytical model for predicting the performance of adiabatic dehumidifier/regenerator based on enthalpy entransy dissipation numbers

PENG Dong-gen, CAO Zhuo

(School of Infrastructure Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China)

In order to study the irreversibility of coupled heat and mass transfer processes of parallel/counter flow solution dehumidification/regeneration, a concept of enthalpy entransyEwas proposed,and the enthalpy entransy dissipation numberE*of solution dehumidification/regeneration was deduced. Its relationship with the equivalent heat capacity ratio*, the number of heat transfer unit (NTU) and the enthalpy efficiencywere obtained, respectively. Moreover, an analytical model of dehumidifier/regenerator based onE*was established, and the effect of the enthalpy entransy dissipation numberE*on the performance of dehumidifier/regenerator was analyzed. The results show that theE* shows negative linearity relationship with the,and it increases with the decrease of* and decreases to a stable value with the increase of NTU. The degree of heat and mass transfer processes taking place between the solution and air is deeper whenE* is smaller, while their processes tend to stop whenE* approaches 1.0. At constantE*, the solution inlet temperature and the flow-rate ratio have more significant effects on the performance of the device.

dehumidification / regeneration; enthalpy entransy; analytical model; irreversibility; heat and mass transfer










彭冬根, 曹卓. 基于焓火积 耗散数的绝热型溶液除湿/再生器性能预测解析模型[J]. 高校化学工程学报, 2022, 36(4): 543-553.

:PENG Dong-gen, CAO Zhuo. An analytical model for predicting the performance of adiabatic dehumidifier/regenerator based on enthalpy entransy dissipation numbers [J]. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, 2022, 36(4): 543-553.

玫瑰花茶饮 可缓解胃食道逆流
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