Logistics in the Ecommerce Era

2022-07-30 09:06By
英语世界 2022年7期


Plans of business expansions and holiday vacations have been shattered and ruined by the pandemic.Memories of Christmas dinner and going to the local store without precautions are engrained in our minds.The world’s behavior has shifted to adapt to the consequences of a pandemic.


2 Many people are experiencing losses in business,losing employment and many other effects.The global ecommerce has over 3.5 billion registered users in 2020,providing many companies to grow in a new business concept without the brickand-mortar store,and additional office workers.Ecommerce business has allowed supporting businesses to grow,in particular,the logistics industry.

2 很多人生意亏损,失去工作,还受到诸多其他方面的影响。2020年全球电商拥有超过35 亿的注册用户,这使许多公司以全新运营理念发展,不用开设实体店,也没有额外的办公人员。电商的兴起促使其配套行业发展壮大,尤其是物流业。

3 As one of the oldest and largest industries,logistics is predominantly owned and operated by the older generation who has operated businesses with the same routine and procedures.Many logistics companies are still practicing the traditional method of doing business,with back and forth communication to negotiate and coordinate detailed requirements.However,consumers in the ecommerce era are now demanding faster decision-making and transparency.With the right technological solution to handle multiple procedures,many important tasks such as administration,operations coordination,financial background check and verification,etc.can now be handled by complex computation algorithms instead of humans.

3 物流业是年头最久、规模最大的产业之一,主要由上一辈人执掌和打理。他们在企业的管理运营上循规蹈矩。许多物流公司至今仍在沿用传统方法运营,即与客户反复沟通,就具体需求协商解决。然而,电商时代的消费者如今需要的是更快的决策和信息的透明。恰当的技术解决方案能够应对多重程序,从而使复杂的计算算法得以取代人类完成诸如行政管理、运营协调、财务背景核验等重要任务。

4 Companies can reduce miscommunication,mishandling,minimize delinquent accountsand improve customer service levels by creating a logistics technology that can perform job functions,such as Customs Clearance Procedures,Sales-Marketing Cross Promotion,Driver Instruction and Operation Procedures,Warehouse and Airline Operation Procedures,Invoice and Payment Reminder,and others.

4 创建一种能够履行若干工作职能的物流技术,能让物流公司减少信息误传和处理失当,最大程度削减拖欠账款,提升客户服务水平。这些职能包括办理清关手续、实行交叉推广营销、发布驾驶指令及业务流程、执行仓库及航空公司运行程序、提醒出具发票和付款等。

5 The logistics industry involves many various parties in running its operation such as Shipper,Domestic and International Transport,Consignee,Customs officers,Warehouse Personnel,Accounting and others.This is a full operation which needs to be administered and monitored in order to be executed properly.With the help of technology algorithm,multiple information will be able to be distributed and delivered to the right operator’s smartphone device and will speed up notifications,operations,and processes.

5 物流业在运营过程中会与托运人、国内国际运输系统、收货人、海关人员、仓库员工、会计等各方打交道。为了确保一整套操作下来不出纰漏,就需要对其实施管理和监控。在技术算法的协助下,大量信息不仅能够被准确推送到相关业务人员的智能手机上,还将加快信息的告知、业务的运转及工作的进程。

6 Another key feature is the Face/Vehicle identification processes,allowing convenience to Shippers and Transporters to better monitor pick-up and dropoffs of shipments.With integrated technology features,the logistics industry will see improved service levels and the benefits of transparent cost structuresto each transaction.

6 人脸识别及交通工具识别是物流业的另一大特点,该技术为托运人及承运人提供了便利,使他们能够更好地监控货品的装卸。利用集成技术功能,物流业既能够提升服务水平,还能够受益于每笔交易清晰的成本构成。

7 The pandemic has accelerated the pace of logistics digital transformation.Many new changes are seen as a result of the world crisis,including an increase in ecommerce businesses,remote work,online mobile orders and deliveries,and other changes.In order to survive as a business that has shifted away from traditional concepts,it is important to minimize costs and make smart decisions.

7 疫情加速了物流的数字化转型。这场全球危机被视为很多新变化的源头。这些变化包括电商队伍的壮大、远程办公人数的增加、在线移动端订单量和商品递送量的增多等。摆脱了传统观念的企业要想生存,最大程度降低成本、做出明智的抉择很重要。

8 For the logistics industry,most infrastructure job functions and operation administration tasks can be performed through a smart algorithm platform.Logistics in technology platforms will allow better communication,organization,transparency,and companies will benefit by being more cost-efficient,connected,and productive.■

8 对物流业而言,其大多数基础架构工作及运营管理均可通过智能算法平台完成。物流借助各个技术平台实施,沟通会更加顺畅,组织更加严密,信息更加透明。物流公司也会因成本效益的提高、联系的加强、效率的提升而获益。 □
