——共商共建共享 推动构建全球安全治理新格局

2022-07-17 05:37
现代世界警察 2022年6期

“维和需要团队协作,中国警官不仅做好他们的日常工作,还向同事提供强有力的支持,我感到非常满意。”5月5 日,联合国驻塞浦路斯维和部队维和警察负责人莎图·科伊武在向包括2 名中国维和警察在内的20 名维和警察授予联合国维和勋章时表示。



扩大“朋友圈” 织密防护网



“要坚持合作安全的实现路径,开诚布公、平等相待,求同存异、增进互信,以合作谋安全、促和平。要坚持可持续安全的目标导向,坚持安全与发展并重,以可持续发展促进可持续安全。”国务委员、公安部部长赵克志4 月1 日在出席巴基斯坦第二届“伊斯兰堡安全对话”高级别闭门会时强调。



目前,公安部已与110 余个国家建立了密切务实的双边执法合作机制关系和联络热线,签署政府间、部门间执法合作文件400 余份,通过国际刑警组织与各成员国执法部门保持常态化联系和办案协作,构筑起全方位、立体化、多层次的国际执法安全合作网络,为国际安全织密防护网——






2020 年3 月,蒙古国警察和内卫军全体人员向奋战在抗击疫情一线的中国公安民警捐赠善款,两国执法部门间的友好合作关系和深厚友谊进一步彰显。

打好“治理拳” 织密执法网

2021 年10 月4 日,上海合作组织成员国主管机关“帕比-反恐-2021”联合反恐演习精彩上演,在联合参演力量默契配合下,“战斗”在3 分钟内结束,“击毙”7 人,“击伤”抓获1 人,无一漏网。


4 月29 日,参与中老缅泰湄公河联合巡逻执法行动的3 艘中方执法艇顺利返航。从2011 年到2022 年,从第1 次到第116 次,近4000 个日夜,6.6 万余公里,中老缅泰四国以联合巡逻执法为抓手,不断深化拓展区域国际执法安全合作,有力遏制了跨国犯罪猖獗态势。



治赌!推动开展联合打击整治跨境赌博违法犯罪,加强多边双边执法合作,严惩对我吸赌的跨境赌博集团,完善支持赌博集团的境外机构和个人“黑名单”。2020 年以来,全国公安机关共侦办跨境赌博及相关违法犯罪案件4.2 万余起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人20 余万名。

扫毒!连续6 年开展中老缅泰平安航道联合扫毒行动,组织开展中泰、中越联合扫毒,有效减少了区域内毒品危害。

解救!2021 年,中国公安机关克服疫情困难,会同柬方解救了一批被绑架人员,缉捕遣返了一批在柬重点在逃人员,侦破了一系列国内外高度关注的大案要案,打掉一批组织我公民偷渡赴柬的团伙;促成柬方关闭赌博网站79 家。

敢于涉险滩 织密守护网


2019 年12 月16 日,中国第八支赴南苏丹维和警队队员、重庆市公安局大渡口区分局出入境管理支队副支队长文越岭再次抵达南苏丹首都朱巴时,眼前的场景依然让他震惊。




在利比里亚、在塞浦路斯、在南苏丹……作为和平的使者,22 年来,2600 余名中国维和警察在11 个联合国维和任务区,像一面面流动的五星红旗、一张张闪亮的中国名片,向世界展现了中国为维护国际和平积极作为的大国担当。


他们是海外华人华侨的“境外110”,是分布在48个国家的55 个驻外使领馆的97 名驻外警务联络官。

为更好地维护中国公民和企业在外的人身安全与正当合法权益,我驻外警务联络官加强同有关国家海外利益保护合作机制建设,签署相关合作文件,建立联络热线、明确合作程序;加强情报信息交流,协调开展联合办案、联合行动,有效打击海外针对中国人的违法犯罪活动;参与处置、有效应对境外一系列涉我重大突发事件,依法保障我在外安全利益。江苏为境外企业和项目配备231 名警务联络员,担起服务“走出去”企业和广大海外侨商、侨胞的重要桥梁和纽带,为“走出去”的企业和人员提供安全保障和便捷服务。




International Cooperation Departments of China’s Public Security Organs :Empowering the Building of a New Pattern for Global Security Governance Through Extensive Consultation,Joint Contribution and Shared Beneflts

"Peacekeeping is team work. I would like to add, not only by doing their daily work, but also I have noticed that the Chinese police officers are supporting strongly other UN police colleagues here, also other mission components personnel," said Satu Koivu, Senior Police Adviser and the head of UNPOL when granting UN Peacekeeping Medal for twenty officers serving with the United Nations police force,including two from China, on May 5.

This is a vivid representation of China's efforts in advocating the peaceful development, contributing a peaceful world, empowering the global development, and maintaining the international security and order.

Over the past five years, with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding ideology, police officers of public security organs throughout China have proactively accelerated the building of a community with a shared future for mankind of lasting peace and have made active contributions to the world peace and common development in accordance with principles of"Cooperation, Innovation, Rule of Law and Win-win Results"by keeping the top priorities of the country in mind. Their dedicated efforts supported by practical cooperation on law enforcement bring the world the image and responsibility of China as a trustworthy and responsible great power.

Expanding Cooperation for Better Protection

Joint efforts make nothing impossible, while solidarity yields twice the result.

Facing challenges, China has always called for building a community with a shared future for mankind to mitigate the common risks exposed to all mankind through concerted endeavors.

"We should uphold the path for attainment of cooperative security, follow the principle of trustworthiness, equity,inclusiveness and mutual trust, and seek security and peace through efficient cooperation. We should seek lasting security and attach equal importance to both security and development,thus empowering lasting security with sustainable development," emphasized by Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi at the second high-level closed-door meeting of 2022 Islamabad Security Dialogue on April 1.

Security and stability are what people long for, while the pursuit of cooperation for mutual benefit represents a surging trend.

"Building a Peaceful China on a higher level" is not only the solemn commitment of Chinese public security organs to Chinese people, but also a guarantee for global security and stability," said Wang Xiaohong, Executive Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, at the meeting titled "Ambassadors Face to Face with the Ministry of Public Security".

To date, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) has established close and practical bilateral law enforcement cooperation mechanisms and liaisons with over 110 countries,and signed more than 400 inter-governmental and inter-departmental law enforcement cooperation instruments.Moreover, the MPS has also established normalized contact and cooperation with INTERPOL and law enforcement departments of member states, and formed an all-round,three-dimensional and multi-level international law enforcement security cooperation network that empowers the international security.

With such a philosophy in mind, the MPS keeps expanding cooperation, with fruitful results made, typically,China-Russia Law-Enforcement Cooperation Mechanism,China-Vietnam Public Security Ministerial Meeting on Crime-Fighting Cooperation, China-Myanmar Ministerial Meeting on Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation,China-Malaysia Joint Working Group Meeting of Public Security and Internal Affairs Departments, China-India High-level Security and Anti-terrorism Meeting of Public Security and Internal Affairs Departments, China-Germany Vice - Ministerial Annual Meeting of Public Security and Internal Affairs Departments, etc.

Efforts have been made to deepen the multilateral cooperation in an all-round way under the framework of such international organizations as the United Nations, INTERPOL,SCO and ASEAN, and share China's experience in building the "Rule of Law in China" and practicing the "Peaceful China Initiative", as well as China's ideas and propositions of law enforcement cooperation.

Chinese and local police officers conducted joint patrols in tourist attractions in China, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, etc.,creating safer environment for deepening the economic and trade cooperation under the "Belt and Road" Initiative, as well as the personnel exchange.

We live on the same planet.

In the face of COVID-19 pandemic that rages across the globe, Chinese public security authorities have proactively fulfilled their responsibilities as a part of a responsible great power, put in place the policing diplomatic policies, shared with foreign counterparts the experience in fighting against the pandemic and maintaining the stability, and provided pandemic prevention materials for each other, thus making joint efforts to tide over the difficulties.

In March 2020, all members of the Mongolian police and the Internal Guard donated to the Chinese public security police officers on the front line of the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, further highlighting the friendly cooperative relations and deep friendship between the law enforcement departments of the two countries.

Strengthening Governance for Better Law Enforcement

On October 4, 2021, competent authorities of SCOs member states held the joint anti-terrorism exercise"Pabbi-Antiterror-2021". With the tacit cooperation of the joint forces, the "battle" ended in three minutes, with seven people "killed", 1 "injured and captured", and no one escaped.

No important things can be achieved by individual strength. Common security of all is the essence of a community with a shared future for mankind, and international cooperation is an effective path to crack down on transnational crimes.

On April 29, three Chinese law enforcement vessels participating in the 116th Joint Patrol on Mekong River returned successfully. From the 1st to the 116th patrol from 2011 to 2022, China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have kept deepening the regional and international cooperation on law enforcement security through about 4,000-day and 66,000-km patrols, effectively curbing the rampant transnational crimes.

Over the past five years, Chinese public security organs have proactively participated in and advocated the international law enforcement cooperation and global security governance, and vigorously facilitated the practical law enforcement cooperation with other countries. Efforts have also been made to coordinate bilateral and multi-lateral case handling and operations, severely strike terrorist crimes, telecommunication frauds, gun smuggling and other transnational organized crimes and new cybercrimes, and deepen the international cooperation on evasion pursuit and booties recovery, effectively maintaining the social stability in China.

Anti-Trafficking: Efforts were made to promote the cooperation with countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion on anti-trafficking, assist in destroying trafficking criminal gangs in and out of China, and rescue trafficked victims through such mechanisms as the Coordinated Mekong

Ministerial Initiative against Trafficking (COMMIT).

Crackdown on gambling: Chinese public security organs have launched joint crackdown on cross-border gambling,strengthened bilateral and multi-lateral law enforcement cooperation, severely punished cross-border gambling groups luring Chinese gamblers, and optimized the blacklist of overseas agencies and individuals who leverage support to gambling groups. Since 2020, Chinese public security organs have investigated and handled over 42,000 cross-gambling and related cases, arresting over 200,000 suspects.

Crackdown on drug trafficking: China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have organized the joint anti-drug campaign on Mekong River for six consecutive years. China-Thailand and China-Vietnam joint anti-drug campaigns have also been launched to effectively mitigate the drug-related harm in the region.

Personnel rescue: In 2021, in the face of the raging COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese public security organs,joining hands with Cambodia, rescued a batch of kidnapped persons, arrested and repatriated key fugitives in Cambodia,investigated and uncovered numerous key and important cases that attract great concern in and out China, destroyed some groups organizing Chinese citizens to steal into Cambodia,and helped Cambodia crack down 79 gambling websites.

Stepping into Dangerous Areas for More Efficient Protection

Armored vehicles drove away amid the floating dusts on a broiling hot day. Scrapped vehicles aside the road are covered by bullet holes, and gunfire could be heard in the distance …

Wen Yueling, a member of the eighth Chinese peacekeeping police forces in South Sudan and deputy detachment leader of the Exit-Entry Administration Detachment of Dadukou District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, was astonished by the scene in front when he arrived in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, on December 16,2019.

As noted by a famous Chinese writer Ba Jin, peace is not an ideal or a dream, but the wish of innumerable people. It is not only the aspiration of the Chinese, but also the desire of people worldwide.

Chinese public security organs have always upheld the moral principles, stayed true to their mission, and safeguarded the peace to empower the world peace and development.

"It is a glorious mission and broader responsibility to showcase the demeanor of Chinese police in peacekeeping."This is not only the solemn oath of Wen, but also the spirit and image of Chinese peacekeeping officers.

Over the past 22 years, the Chinese police have contributed more than 2,600 service members to peacekeeping missions in UN headquarters and 11 mission areas including Liberia, South Sudan, and Cyprus. They are China's national flag and name card that showcase the world China's unremitting efforts in safeguarding international peace as a great power.

They have never stopped their pace in safeguarding the national security and social stability, cracking down on transnational crimes, and safeguarding China's interests overseas.

They are guards for overseas Chinese and the 97 police liaison officers stationed in 55 embassies and consulates in 48 countries.

To safeguard the personal safety and legitimate interests of overseas Chinese citizens and enterprises, Chinese police liaison officers stationed overseas have strengthened the cooperation mechanisms for protection of overseas interests with the relevant countries, signed the relevant cooperation instruments, set up hotlines and clarified the cooperation procedures. Moreover, they have strengthened the exchange of intelligence and information, coordinated the joint handling of cases and joint actions, and effectively cracked down on overseas criminal activities against Chinese people. Efforts have also been made in attending and effectively responding to a series of overseas major emergencies involving China, and to protect the security interests of overseas Chinese enterprises and individuals according to law. Jiangsu has assigned 231 police liaison officers for overseas enterprises and projects,being an important bridge and tie for enterprises going global,overseas Chinese citizens and businessmen, ensuring their security and providing them with efficient yet convenient services.

Moreover, the MPS has further enhanced the cooperation on law enforcement capacity building, organized training and workshops for global law enforcement officers, and shared China’s experience in law enforcement to improve the ability and level in safeguarding the security of foreign institutions and individuals.

Joint efforts and solidarity empower common development. Chinese public security organs are now joining hands with global law enforcement departments for lasting peace and sustainable development of the human society by upholding the principles of peace, development,cooperation and mutual benefit, seeking and grasping opportunities via innovation and cooperation.■

Five Hundred Times五百遍