
2022-06-27 11:35:40一带一路报道雷露
一带一路报道 2022年3期

文/图:《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 雷露

每年三月,汉源梨花生态旅游节如约而至The Hanyuan Pear Blossom Ecotourism Festival kicks off in every March




从成都出发,经雨城雅安,沿雅西高速一路向南,穿越泥巴山隧道后,进入汉源县境内。此时,河谷山腰、房前屋后,20 万亩梨花竞相开放,清风拂过,片片梨花迎风摇曳,散发出淡淡花香。

汉源县位于四川雅安南部,地处攀西阳光之旅的门户地带,是南丝绸之路(茶马古道)上的重要经由地,更是中国古代交通贸易的重要通道。3 月16 日,2022 四川花卉(果类)生态旅游节暨汉源县第九届“阳光康养城·宜居新汉源”赏花旅游月在汉源九襄正式拉开帷幕。

汉源梨花花期近一个月,赏花旅游会持续整月。本届赏花月包含主题投资推介会、乡村振兴峰会、特色美食月、主题摄影大赛等10 个系列活动,并精心推出了“花海汉源”“动感汉源”“果香汉源”“阳光汉源”四季乡村精品旅游线路。

据了解,从2012 年首届阳光汉源梨花生态旅游节,到如今持续整月的赏花旅游活动,赏花已经成为助推汉源乡村振兴发展的重要引擎。全县近13 万人融入旅游产业链,2021 年全县共接待游客617.6 万人次,实现旅游综合收入55.3 亿元。提及乡村振兴,“依托独特的光热资源和花果资源,汉源持续在‘一片花、一湖水、一缕阳光’上做文章。”汉源县委副书记、县政府县长覃建生介绍道。



Located in southern Ya’an, Sichuan Province, Hanyuan County is the gateway to Panzhihua-Xichang area(a sunny place where the climate is temperate), an important passageway of the Southern Silk Road (the Ancient Teahorse Road), and a vital traffic and trade route in ancient China. On March 16, the 2022 Sichuan Eco-tourism Festival for Flowers and Plants (Fruits) & the 9th Flora Sightseeing and Tourism Month Themed with “a Healthcare City and a Livable Hanyuan” was held in Jiuxiang Town,Hanyuan County.

The flowering period of Hanyuan’s pear blossoms lasts for nearly one month,and the flora sightseeing and tourism month for a whole month. This flora sightseeing month includes 10 events such as the themed investment promotion conference, rural revitalization summit,food festival, and themed photography competition. In addition, tourist routes including “flower-decorated Hanyuan”,“dynamic Hanyuan”, “fruity Hanyuan”and “sunny Hanyuan” have also been launched.

From the first Sunny Hanyuan Pear Blossom Festival Featuring Ecotourism, which was held in 2012, to this year’s flora sightseeing and tourism events, viewing flowers has become an important engine for Hanyuan’s rural revitalization and development.Almost 130,000 county residents have engaged in the tourism industrial chain.In 2021, Hanyuan received 6.176 million visitors, registering 5.53 billion yuan in comprehensive tourism revenue.Speaking of rural revitalization, “Based on its unique resources of sunlight, heat,flowers and fruits, Hanyuan continues to develop its strength.” Said Qin Jiansheng, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Hanyuan County and Head of the People’s Government of Hanyuan County.

梨花节上的美景与美食Fine view and delicacy at the Hanyuan Pear Blossom Ecotourism Festival


来到九襄老街,一定要去看看历经岁月风霜的石牌坊。石牌坊位于紧靠老街的南方丝绸之路官道上,自古便有“成都出南门第一坊”的美称。牌坊高11 米,宽10 米,共计4层,制作精巧,被称为“4 层多脊檐”,2013 年被列为第七批全国重点文物保护单位。为了更好地保护历史文物,传承经典文化,当地政府以石牌坊为中心,在周围建立了一个占地15 亩的石牌坊公园。