文:《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 李卉嫔
蒙彼利埃的悠闲时光Leisurely life in Montpellier
4 月18 日,由四川省外事办公室、成都市人民政府外事办公室、四川日报报业集团、四川省人民对外友好协会、四川省新闻中心指导,四川一带一路报道出版有限公司主办,中国外文局西欧与非洲传播中心(今日中国杂志社)、东中西部区域发展和改革研究院、《高速铁路技术》、成都蒙彼利埃之家、成都蒙彼利埃小学协办的“友城之约 美美与共——成都与蒙彼利埃缔结友好城市40 周年”图片展在中国-欧洲中心正式开展,展览为期1 个月,免费向公众开放。
1981 年,成都与蒙彼利埃缔结四川省第一对国际友好城市。40 年来,双方在经济、文化、教育、卫生等领域互动频繁,合作成果丰硕,创造了中法交流史上的多个“第一”:建立中法第一对友好城市,首次互办以对方城市名命名的学校,设立蒙彼利埃市在境外唯一一个办事处——成都蒙彼利埃之家……两座城市成了国际友城交往的璀璨明星。
从成蒙缔结第一对国际友好城市开始,四川的国际“朋友圈”不断扩大。截至2021 年12 月,四川已缔结国际友城关系114 对、国际友好合作关系304 对。作为对外开放的重要平台、城市外交的重要载体、民间外交的重要内容,国际友城活动乘着“一带一路”的东风,从政府到企业、从官方到民间,合作的广度和深度不断拓展,为增进人民友谊、造福当地社会、发展国家关系作出了积极贡献。
上图:中国-欧洲中心Above: Business &Innovation Centre for China-Europe Cooperation
下图:“成都与蒙彼利埃缔结友好城市40周年”图片展现场Below: Photo Exhibition of “The 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Friend ship City Relationship between Chengdu and Montpellier”(向雯 摄)
蓉城四月,桃红柳绿,遍地芬芳。“友城之约 美美与共成都与蒙彼利埃缔结友好城市40 周年”图片展在国家级对欧开放合作平台、成都地标性摩天楼中国-欧洲中心拉开帷幕。展览通过“线上+线下”的形式进行,让中法两国人民对成蒙两市40 年交往合作有一个全面、直观的了解,也让成都市民不出国门,就可以感受到万里之遥的友城蒙彼利埃的万种风情。
展览分为“携手合作 共谋发展”“天涯比邻 交流互鉴”“跨越时空 同赴未来”3 个部分,共展出摄影作品、儿童绘画作品百余幅。每一幅作品都是成蒙两市交流合作的高光时刻,也是两市人民深厚友谊的重要见证,更是两市携手同行、互利共赢、共建人类命运共同体的守诺信物。
在“携手合作 共谋发展”部分,展出了40 年间成蒙两市从经贸到文化,从医疗到教育多领域、多层次密切合作的图片。其中一组医疗合作的图片,生动地展现了成蒙两市互派人员交流学习、医疗技术互学互鉴、中西医碰撞后的多元化合作。国际友城的守望相助,在后疫情时代更为珍贵。
转角来到FISE 极限运动组图前,每个炫酷而充满激情的画面都令人血脉贲张。FISE 起源于蒙彼利埃,是国际极限运动嘉年华的法文缩写。随着成蒙两市交流合作的日益密切,成都在2014 年引进该项赛事,并于当年举办了第一届FISE 世界极限运动巡回赛。截至目前,成都已成功举办6届巡回赛。每届比赛都吸引了全球顶尖极限运动员齐聚成都,极大地推动了成都打造国际体育赛事名城的进程。
儿童是未来,是希望。在参展作品中,有30 余幅儿童绘画作品,均由成都蒙彼利埃小学学生绘制。成都蒙彼利埃小学作为中法教育合作的典范,2016 年被中法两国外交部联合授予“中法地方政府合作奖”特别奖,并于2018 年被纳入《中法高层人文交流机制备忘录》 。
The Chinese often say, “Distance cannot separate true friends who remain close even when thousands of miles apart.”
The activity of “Partnership for Shared Prosperity —Photo Exhibition on the 40th Anniversary of the Sister Cities of Chengdu and Montpellier” was held in the Business &Innovation Center for China-Europe Cooperation (CCEC)on April 18. The event was guided by the Foreign Affairs Office of Sichuan Province, Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, Sichuan Daily Press Group,Sichuan Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Sichuan Press Center, sponsored by Sichuan Belt and Road Reports Publishing Co., Ltd., and coorganized by Western Europe and Africa Communication Center of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration(China Today Magazine), China Region Development &Reform Institute, High Speed Railway Technology, Maison de Montpellier à Chengdu, and École primaire Montpellier à Chengdu. The exhibition will last for one month and is open to the public for free.
As an old Chinese saying goes, “Friendship, which derives from close contact between the peoples, holds the key to thriving state-to-state relations.” Sister cities play an increasingly significant role in promoting China’s relations,communication, and cooperation with foreign countries.President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the China International Friendship Conference that energetic efforts on promoting international sister cities should be made to boost exchanges between Chinese and foreign local governments and enable the sharing of resources, complementary advantages,and win-win cooperation.
In 1981, Chengdu and Montpellier became international sister cities as the first pair in Sichuan Province. Over the past four decades, the two cities have embraced close cooperation in economy, culture, education, and health, creating many“firsts” in the history of China-France exchanges: they are the first pair of sister cities between the two countries; they are the first two cities founding schools named after the other;Montpellier opened its only overseas office in Chengdu—Maison de Montpellier à Chengdu... Two cities have become a resounding success for the exchanges between international cities.
Since the establishment of relations between Chengdu and Montpellier, Sichuan has expanded its international circle of friends. As of December 2021, Sichuan had established 114 pairs of international sister cities and 304 pairs of international friendly and cooperative cities. Under the driving force of the Belt and Road, sister city activities function as an important platform for opening up to the outside world, an important carrier of city diplomacy, and important content of people-topeople diplomacy to facilitate intensive government and nongovernment cooperation and make positive contributions to enhancing the friendship between two sides, benefiting local society and developing state-to-state relations.
上图:蒙彼利埃远眺凯旋门Above: View of the Arc de Triomphe from Montpellier
下图:蒙彼利埃街头艺术涂鸦Below: Street art graffiti of Montpellier
In April, Chengdu is imbued with a flowery urban landscape. The Photo Exhibition kicked off in CCEC, a landmark skyscraper in Chengdu positioned as a national platform for the opening up and cooperation with Europe.The one-month exhibition held both online and offline aims to allow people in the two countries to gain a comprehensive and intuitive understanding of the 40-year exchanges and cooperation between Chengdu and Montpellier. Through this activity, Chengdu citizens can also appreciate the charm of Montpellier far apart without traveling overseas.
The exhibition is tripartite: Work Together and Seek Common Development, Exchanges and Mutual Learning Between Distant Friends, and Cross Time and Space Toward the Future Together. It has displayed more than 100 photographic works and children’s paintings, each of which marks the highlights of exchanges and cooperation between the two cities, the important evidence of the profound friendship between the two cities, and the token of commitments of the two cities to making joint efforts to pursue mutual benefit and win-win results and build a community with a shared future for mankind.
The section of Work Together and Seek Common Development exhibits photos of close cooperation in such fields as economy, trade, culture, healthcare, and education.Among the showpieces, a group of pictures of medical cooperation vividly show the exchange and learning of personnel between the two cities, the mutual learning of medical technology, and the diversified cooperation based on the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The mutual assistance of international sister cities is particularly precious in the post-pandemic era.
Around the corner is a group of photos of FISE. Each photo looks cool and is bursting with passion. FISE, which originated in Montpellier, is the French acronym for International Extreme Sports Festival. With increasingly close exchange and cooperation between the two cities, Chengdu introduced the event in 2014 and held the first FISE World Series the same year. As of 2019, Chengdu had held six sessions of the event. Each session attracted the world’s top extreme athletes to gather in Chengdu, greatly promoting the process of building Chengdu into a famous city for international sports events.
上图:蒙彼利埃时光小巷Above: Alley of Time in Montpellier
左下:蒙彼利埃有轨电车Bottom left: Tram of Montpellier
右下:儿童画《我心中的友城·梦幻彩虹》Bottom right: Children’s painting Sister City in My Heart• Fantasy Rainbow
上图:2017 年,成都蒙彼利埃小学学生与寄宿家庭周末在户外活动Above: Students at Chengdu Montpellier Primary School spend a weekend outdoors with their host families in 2017
中图:蒙彼利埃喜剧广场Middle: Comedy Square in Montpellier
下图:风筝冲浪Below: Coastline of Montpellier
2019 年10 月31 日至11 月3 日,起源于蒙彼利埃的FISE世界极限运动巡回赛连续第6 年在成都举办The FISE World Series,which originated in Montpellier, is held in Chengdu for the sixth consecutive year from October 31 to November 3, 2019
These photo are like windows that allow Chengdu people to get an impression of exotic and living scenes: boys and girls on bicycles, bookstalls and fruit stalls in the streets, open-air cafes everywhere...Montpellier is known as the sun-kissed city. People there embrace the relaxed pace of life as Chengdu citizens do. The similar slow lifestyle and the optimistic and open-minded character narrow the distance between the cultures and peoples in the two cities.
Maison de Montpellier à Chengdu, as a bridge of cooperation and exchange between Chengdu and Montpellier, regularly holds various cultural exchange activities such as “Dialogue between Chinese and French Literature and Art”, “Red Wine Tasting”, and “Film Salon”.Responsible person Li Xiaoyu said at the exhibition site that Maison de Montpellier à Chengdu will provide more cultural exchange platforms for Chengdu citizens and French nationals in Chengdu to deepen mutual trust and friendship between the peoples of the two cities.
儿童画《我心中的友诚·春季相约》Children’s painting Sister City in My Heart ·Meeting in the Spring
Children are the future and hope. Among the exhibits, there are more than 30 children’s paintings, all of which were made by the students of École primaire Montpellier à Chengdu. The school is a model of educational cooperation between China and France. It was jointly granted the “Award of Cooperation between Chinese and French Local Governments” by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in 2016 and was included in the Memorandum on China-France High-level People-to-people and Cultural Exchange Mechanism in 2018.
Lin Cunfen, a teacher from the school, said on the exhibition site that the school carried out extensive interaction with the Montpellier academic community,even during the pandemic. The pictures of “Sister City in My Heart” drawn by children with their wild imaginations are the finishing touch of the exhibition of friendship between Chengdu and Montpellier.
The rapport between the two cities builds a broad platform for international cooperation, functions as the ties of close exchanges and mutual learning,and gathers the great strength of mutual trust and friendship. Let’s co-create a prosperous and promising future.