
2022-06-27 11:35:40一带一路报道秦粟风
一带一路报道 2022年3期

文:《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 秦粟风

纯电动汽车、氢燃料汽车保障成都大运会交通服务保障Battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will act as the main transport means of the Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games

4 月22 日是“世界地球日”,一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日。在这个特殊的日子,成都市生态环境局、成都大运会执委会召开大运会绿色低碳办赛通气会,介绍成都大运会在绿色低碳办赛方面的探索和实践。





成都大运会秉持“能改的不建、能修的不换、能租的不买、能借的不租”,49 个赛事场馆中仅13 个为新建场馆,均达到绿色建筑二星级标准。超过70%场馆为既有建筑改造升级,改造过程中大力推广绿色节能措施,优先采购使用绿色建材产品,场馆竞赛器材以赞助、租赁为主,所有场馆均能实现赛后长期可持续使用。




成都在满足国际大体联基本要求和保证活动艺术效果的前提下,合理压缩开闭幕式时长、演员人数、流程环节,整合优化火炬传递、倒计时等重要节点活动安排。大运村以“建改结合”的方式全面融入成都大学,运动员房间配备了家庭装绿色环保洗化用品和低值易耗品。绿色低碳理念也融入到食品供应链各环节中。大运村本地当季蔬菜类食材签约供应占比72.8%,省内食材运输100%使用新能源车辆;建立智慧中央厨房,配备炒菜智能机器人8台、咖啡机器人3 台,实现整体产能提升30%,提高食材出成率10%,用工减少60%,降低碳排放30%,减少垃圾量50%;推行科学精准配餐,采用环保材质餐桌餐椅,餐盘餐具餐盒均使用可降解、可回收材料。


4 月8 日,“低碳大运”微信小程序正式上线,登录后,每位用户都可以领到一棵“小树”,采取步行、骑行、乘地铁、坐公交等低碳出行方式,可以获得对应的碳积分,不仅能兑换实实在在的大运会纪念品,还能为大运会捐赠树苗。与此同时,启动“大运有我”市民低碳行动、“环保达人·生态大运”城市志愿服务等活动,积极营造“我为大运做贡献”的社会氛围。


“目前,我们已委托具有联合国指定经营实体资质的第三方核查机构,对大运会筹办、举办、赛后三个阶段碳排放量进行评估,计入期从2019 年3 月1 日成都正式获得举办权算起,直到2022 年12 月31 日。”杨斌平说。

目前经初步核算,成都大运会落实可再生电力替代、绿色低碳建筑、新能源汽车使用等源头管控措施,将实现减少碳排放2.3 万余吨。预计成都大运会筹办、举办、赛后全过程碳排放总量约30 万吨,将通过龙泉山城市森林公园提供的林业碳汇、“碳惠天府”机制碳减排量和国家核证碳减排量的方式进行抵消,推动实现成都大运会赛事“碳中和”目标。

凤凰山体育公园 Phoenix Hill Sports Park

April 22, 2022, marks the 53rd observance of Earth Day,an annual event intended to demonstrate support for environmental protection in the world. On this special day, Chengdu Ecology and Environment Bureau and the Executive Committee of Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games (2021 FISU WUG) held a briefing on hosting the Games in a low-carbon way to introduce the related exploration and practice of 2021 FISU WUG.

Chengdu has decided to follow a path of source emission reduction, process assessment and carbon neutrality, and taken more active measures around low-carbon energy, low-carbon venues,low-carbon transportation, low-carbon operation and low-carbon participation, so as to achieve the Games’ goal of carbon neutrality.

Using renewable energy:

According to local conditions, 2021 FISU WUG promotes the integrated application of photovoltaic and optothermal systems in buildings to ensure that only green power, including hydropower, wind power or photovoltaic power from deep mountains in Ganzi and Liangshan, Sichuan, will be supplied during the Games through the strong power grid and Sichuan electric power trading platform.

Emission reduction in the construction and operation of venues:

2021 FISU WUG adheres to the principle of “what can be renovated won’t be constructed, what can be repaired won’t be changed, what can be rented won’t be bought, and what can be borrowed won’t be rented”. Out of the 49 venues, only 13 were newly constructed. All of the newly built ones have reached the two-star standard for green buildings. More than 70% of the venues result from upgrading existing buildings, in the process of which,green and energy-saving measures are widely implemented, and priority is given to purchasing and using green building materials.Most of the competition equipment is sponsored and rented. All venues will remain in service for a long term after the Games.Lowcarbon travel: During 2021 FISU WUG, battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will become the main force to guarantee the transportation service. The application of brand-new battery technology helps greatly enhance the range and charging efficiency of the new energy buses.

Low-carbon competition services:

On the premise of meeting the basic requirements of FISU and ensuring the artistic effect of the event, Chengdu has appropriately shortened the duration of the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the number of actors and procedures, and integrated and improved the arrangements for important nodes, such as the torch relay and the countdown.Through the combination of construction and renovation, the Athletes’ Village has been fully integrated into Chengdu University.In the athletes’ rooms, there are green cleaning products and lowvalue consumables in family pack. The washing frequency of towels and linen should be reduced to once every 2 and 3 days respectively.The low-carbon concept is also reflected in all links of the food supply chain. In the Athletes’ Village, the contracted supply of local seasonal vegetables accounts for 72.8% of the total,and all the food ingredients within the province will be transported in new energy vehicles. A smart central kitchen, equipped with 8 intelligent cooking robots and 3 coffee robots, will increase the overall production capacity and the yield of food ingredients by 30% and 10% respectively, and reduce employment, carbon emissions and garbage by 60%, 30% and 50% respectively. Meals will be delivered in a science-based precise manner, the dining tables and chairs are made of environmentally friendly materials,and the plates, tableware and boxes are made of biodegradable and recyclable materials.

Diverse platforms for public participation:

On April 8,the WeChat mini program “Ditan Dayun” (lit. low-carbon 2021 FISU WUG) was officially launched. After logging in, each user is given a “small tree”. By walking, cycling, subway, bus and other low-carbon travel ways, you can get corresponding carbon credits, which can be exchanged for real souvenirs. You can also donate saplings to the Games.