
2022-06-27 11:35:40房名名何耐江
一带一路报道 2022年3期

文/图:宁夏日报报业集团记者 房名名 何耐江

中卫市沙漠光伏产业园Blue “ocean” comprised of PV panels in the Tengger Desert





中卫市沙漠光伏产业园到中卫市的直线距离约15 公里。今年37 岁的李岩,是国家电投北京公司宁夏京银智慧新能源有限公司中卫恒基伟业光伏电站的一名值长,两年前他从一家工业企业跳槽到光伏电站。





此前,电站充分参考和借鉴中卫麦草方格的方式进行固沙,即把一束束麦草呈1 米见方的方格状铺在沙地上,用铁锹把干草深扎到沙地中,留麦草的1/3 或一半自然竖立在四边,然后再将方格中心的沙子拨向四周麦草根部,使麦草牢牢地竖立在沙地上。麦草方格相对地阻挡了沙子流动,同时将空气中的水分子和降水截留在沙层表面,一定程度上为浅根性植物的生长提供了水分供应。






“按照各方面的生态建设要求,近几年,公司持续加大植绿增绿投入。去年,我们在生产区、生活区、进场道路等场站内外,共栽植红柳等耐旱树种4000 多棵。” 梁利明介绍。





光伏电站绿意盎然Eco-friendly PV power plant


沙漠地区降水量稀少,每年有300 多天都是烈日当头。而今,这些“劣势”正在转为优势。

根据相关研究,每平方米的沙漠每年接收的太阳能约为2000 至3000 千瓦时。如果能把这些太阳能全部转化为电能,足以让1 千瓦的电器使用3000 小时。按照中国家庭年均用电量6 千瓦计算,只要2 平方米沙漠就能满足一个家庭一年的用电量。

国家电投北京公司以“敢叫沙漠换新颜”的气魄,积极推动“三北”地区绿色发展和生态文明建设,在内蒙古建成120 兆瓦沙漠光伏项目,并谋划了千万千瓦级的宁夏腾格里沙漠光伏项目,为中国西北区域治沙固沙、生态保护、经济发展探索出一条“治黄治沙”的新道路。

“中卫的光照资源充足,可研利用年均日照时间为1500 小时,是国家1 类太阳能资源地区。此外,空气质量好,没有污染,光伏板使用寿命相应也能更长一些。”梁利明介绍,光伏板一般一年需要清洁4 次,但在这里一年清洁1 次就够了。


庆阳光伏电站同样高度重视生态保护及改善,在电站外围20 米以内开展植绿增绿工作,走出了具有特色的光伏发电场区同风沙防护区造林种草相结合的绿化路子。


据介绍,庆阳光伏电站占地3180亩,项目生产区有96 个光伏方阵,装机容量为100 万兆瓦。“这个项目与其他传统火力发电方式相比,年均上网电量15099 万千瓦时。按照火电煤耗平均350 克标煤/千瓦时,每年可节约标准煤5.28 万吨,减少了二氧化碳排放量约15 万吨。”邢猛给出了庆阳光伏电站的减碳“账单”。


2009 年以来,中卫市探索在沙漠地区发展沙漠光伏产业。目前已形成了占地6.5 万亩、装机容量为1030 兆瓦规模的光伏产业园,实现了沙漠生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的有机融合。

“腾格里沙漠东南部6 吉瓦光伏基地建设,为中卫市能源转型升级高质量发展提供了重大机遇。”中卫市发改委主任张俊华介绍,中卫市规划集中连片发展沙漠光伏产业,规划占地面积约26万亩。


光伏发电区实际可容纳装机1200兆瓦,截至目前已进驻企业11 家,建成光伏电站容量达1030 兆瓦。

“项目全部建成后,对改善区域生态环境,促进节能减排等均具有十分重要的意义。预计可新增上网电量84 亿千瓦时,减排二氧化碳750 万吨。” 张俊华说。





“截至目前,全市新能源装机容量达822 万千瓦,占全市发电装机总量83%,占全区新能源装机总量的29%。新能源装机量位居全区第二,其中光伏440 万千瓦,占全区光伏装机32%。” 张俊华介绍。

记者了解到,依托中卫、中宁工业园区一体化发展,目前中卫市初步形成了“工业硅-(单、多)晶硅-太阳能电池组件-光伏电站开发”为一体的光伏产业链,有序发展硅材料产业,单晶产能达5 吉瓦。

“2022 年,中卫市将持续推进产业结构调整优化,力争新能源装机总量突破1000 万千瓦。”

下一步,中卫市将进一步推进 “两园两基地”光伏产业建设,在实施“绿电园区”试点项目的同时,推进沙漠光伏产业园提质增效,提升光伏发电及土地利用效率。

“力争到2025 年,新能源装机规模达到1800 万千瓦,年发电量超过252 亿千瓦时,年减少二氧化碳排放量2200万吨以上。”



腾格里沙漠的光伏板形成了一片蓝色的“海洋”Blue “ocean” comprised of PV panels in the Tengger Desert

Deserts are just land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it for most people.

However, the Photovoltaic Industrial Park on the east side of the Tengger Desert, Zhongwei City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, where Li Yan works is a ”fairyland” in his mind.

Rows of shining photovoltaic panels line up in an orderly manner in the golden desert. It seems that there is no boundary for the panels as they are stretching out in the desert, forming an impressive scene.

Possibilities in deserts

There is a straight-line distance of 15km from the Zhongwei Desert Photovoltaic Industrial Park to the urban area of Zhongwei City. Li Yan, a 37-year-old head of Zhongwei Hengji Weiye Photovoltaic Power Station,Ningxia Jingyin Intelligence New Energy Co., Ltd. of SPIC Beijing Electric Power Co., Ltd. hopped to this position two years ago from an industrial enterprise.

Compared to the noisy workshops and bustling city, the quietness in the desert was the first difference he got to feel and enjoy.

In addition to the tranquil environment, he, as a participant,witnessed the great changes in this dry land that help it become dynamic. When the ecological environment becomes better and better, he felt happy and was proud of his work.

“There was few grass when I first came here,” said Li Yan.Li guided reporters in the industrial park, trying to find a piece of land not covered by plants to prove his words. In fact, it was hard to find such land without plants. “Well, it is not that easy to find a land that no plants are growing on nowadays,” said Li.

“Row upon row of photovoltaic panel modules help change the environment,” Liang Liming, head of the photovoltaic power station could not wait to tell reporters about the importance of the panels.

Previously, the photovoltaic power station adopted the straw checkerboards to control windblown sand. The method is to install 1×1m straw grids deeply into the ground by spades and leave just one third or half of the straw out of the ground and move sand to cover the root of the straw, thus ensuring straw grids can be fixed on the ground. Straw checkerboards are helpful to fix the sand and retain water molecules in the air and rainfalls to the surface, which can provide water for shallow-rooted plants to grow.

“Then we will spread grass seeds in the center and wait for the rainfalls to help them grow naturally,” Liang said. When the seeds are growing, rows of panel modules serve as sand barriers for them.

“The included angle between panel modules and the ground is about 32° to 37°. The shadow formed by the panel modules can cover most area of the industrial park, which can effectively avoid direct sunlight and reduce 20% to 30% of water evaporation of the covered areas so as to preserve the soil moisture.” The water used to clean the panels, dew and rainfalls will foster the growth of some plants, such as Hedysarum scoparium, Caragana korshinskii and Alhagi sparsifolia.

“These plants can slow down the wind speed near the surface to further control flowing sand and stop dunes from expanding,” Liang Liming, head of the power station and also an amateur sand fixation fighter told reporters.

As a positive result, these plants protect photovoltaic panel modules from being blown down and eroded by the wind and sand. “Our panel modules are rooted 1.5m deep in the land with their screw piles. They will be exposed to the ground if the sand is flowing around. Then, the modules cannot stand still.” Therefore, staff will patrol the park every day to check whether screw piles are fixed. The growing plants are essential for sand consolidation and protecting screw piles. In addition,they can also reduce sand and dust storms to improve the efficiency of power generation.

As China's centrally-administered state-owned enterprise(central SOE), improving the ecological environment and protecting our planet is the social responsibility we shall bear.Meanwhile, CPC Zhongwei Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government have launched a greening campaign and also encourage enterprises, industrial parks and other organizations to shoulder responsibility for making the land greener in the jurisdictions.

“To fulfill the requirements of the ecological development,we have invested more into the greening plan in recent years.Last year, we planted more than 4,000 drought-resistant trees,like rose willows in the manufacturing area, living area, roads towards the power station and some areas outside of the station,” said Liang.

The living area is situated northeast of the station. Birds are frequently heard twittering around. “There are many birds and I even don’t know their names,” Li Yan was familiar with these"friends" though he couldn’t figure out their names.

“Besides, I find many pheasants and hares. Sometimes, I even see foxes,” Liang told us. Every night on the way back to the dormitory, he would encounter these “neighbors” in the industrial park.

Based on various ecological improvement measures, the industrial park has established a stable environment protection system and achieved ecological restoration in some areas,forming a positive cycle of development to some extent.

“You see that grass grows tall and various animals come back,” said Liang. Liang Liming grew up in a village in Shanxi Province and he was happy to see these old friends he was familiar with in his childhood.

Protecting ecological environment is to promote sustainable development

It hardly rains in deserts and nearly 300 days in deserts are in extreme heat throughout the year. At present, the hot weather is no longer a disadvantage of deserts.

According to corresponding research, the solar energy received per square meter of deserts can reach 2,000 to 3,000kWh annually. Such an amount of energy can ensure a 1kW equipment to use 3,000 hours if the energy can be converted into electricity. The average annual household power consumption in China is about 6kW and only 2square meters of deserts can supply sufficient power for one family to use in a year.

With the ambition to make deserts greener, SPIC Beijing Electric Power Co., td. strives to promote greening and ecological conservation in Northeast China, the north part of North China and Northwest China in an active manner. The company has constructed a 120MW desert photovoltaic project in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and planned 10 million kW desert photovoltaic bases such as Ningxia Tengger Desert Photovoltaic Project to explore a brand new way for sand control and fixation, environment protection and economic development in Northwest China.

"Zhongwei City has adequate light resources. The feasibility study shows that the average annual sunshine duration that can be applied is 1,500 hours, making it one of the national class 1 solar energy zone. Besides, the photovoltaic panels can work longer here because of the good air quality and less pollution in local areas," Liang explained to reporters. Normally, they need to clean photovoltaic panels four times a year but in Zhongwei, one time for a year will be fine.

Similar to the Hengji Weiye Photovoltaic Power Station in the Zhongwei Desert Photovoltaic Industrial Park,Ningxia Qingyang New Energy Co., Ltd. also benefits from environmental protection.

Qingyang Photovoltaic Power Station also attaches great importance to ecological protection and improvement. Plants were planted in the area 20m outside the station, reflecting the enterprise's unique measures in environmental protection,namely the integration of the power station development and afforestation for sand fixing.

“We work happily in a better natural environment,” said Xing Meng, representative of Qingyang Photovoltaic Power Station.

The Qingyang Photovoltaic Power Station covers an area of around 212 hectares. There are 96 photovoltaic panel arrays,with an installed capacity of 100MW in its manufacturing area.“Compared with other traditional thermal power generation methods, the average annual on-grid power of our project can achieve 150.99 million kWh. Normally, the coal consumption of thermal power generation is 350g standard coal/kWh.Thus, we can save 52,800 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 150,000 tons,” Xing Meng showed the achievements Qingyang Photovoltaic Power Station made in carbon reduction.

Zhongwei City has a big and long-term plan for carbon reduction.

光伏电站的日常巡检Regular inspection of PV power plant

It started exploring the possibilities of the desert photovoltaic industry in 2009. At present, a photovoltaic industrial park that covers an area of 4333.3 hectares and has an installed capacity of 1030MW is ready to integrate ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits into the city.

“The construction of the 6GW photovoltaic base at the southeast of the Tengger Desert has provided significant opportunities for the energy transformation and upgrading and highquality development of Zhongwei,”told Zhang Junhua, Director of Development and Reform Commission of Zhongwei. The city has planned to develop the desert photovoltaic industry in a concentrating and connecting area and the planning area is about 17333.3 hectares.

Zhongwei Desert Photovoltaic Industrial Park consists of photovoltaic manufacturing areas, photovoltaic power generation areas and sightseeing areas.It serves as a model of desert ecological system restoration and also focuses on ecological sightseeing in deserts.Based on sand control, sand fixation and utilization, the industrial park has boldly explored new and effective methods to maximize the ecological and economic benefits of the industry in deserts.

The actual installed capacity of the photovoltaic power generation areas is 1200MW. Up to now, 11 enterprises have settled in the industrial park and the station capacity of constructed stations has reached 1030MW.

“When the construction is completed,it will have a great impact on improving the regional ecological environment and promoting energy saving. 8.4 billion kWh on-grid power is expected to be generated and 7.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced,” said Zhang.

Ph otovolt aic in d u s try in Zhongwei helps achieve dual carbon goals

On his visit to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave an important task and emphasized that Ningxia should “strive to build a leading area for ecological protection and highquality development of the Yellow River Basin.”

In recent years, Zhongwei has firmly fulfilled the requirements of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee and the government to develop a national comprehensive demonstration area in high efficiency and earnestly followed the development strategy of enhancing a green energy, green industries and green development. The city strives to strengthen the quality development of the whole new energy industrial chain, accelerate the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin, and build itself a leading city with high efficiency in development and a beautiful natural environment.

Zhongwei is ready to explore green energy in local areas and promote green hydrogen energy manufacturing and environmentally friendly development. Based on clean energy bases in the zigzag area of the Yellow River, the city will optimize its new energy industry layout, put its focus on building “two parks and two bases” and set a batch of “photovoltaic industry+ecology” vertically integrated demonstration projects, including a combination of agriculture and photovoltaic industry, forests, hills and photovoltaic industry and the rooftop photovoltaic system to build Ningxia a clean energy powerhouse.

“So far, the total installed capacity of new energy in the city has reached 8.22 million kWh, accounting for 83% of the total power generating capacity in the city and 29% of the total installed capacity of new energy in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The installed capacity of new energy ranks second in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,including 4.4 million kWh photovoltaic power which accounts for 32% of the total installed capacity of it in Ningxia,” Zhang introduced to us.

Depending on the integrated development of industrial parks in Zhongwei City and Zhongning County, Zhongwei has initially formed an integrated photovoltaic industrial chain targeted to the development of industrial silicon,monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon, solar cell components and photovoltaic power stations. The development of the silicon industry is smooth, with monocrystalline silicon production capacity reaching 5GW.

“In 2022, Zhongwei will continue to foster its industrial restructuring and strive to exceed 10 million kWh in new energy installed capacity.”

In the near future, Zhongwei will advance the photovoltaic industry in the “two parks and two bases”. The city will ensure the quality and efficiency of the photovoltaic industrial park and improve the efficiency of both photovoltaic power generation and land utilization while carrying out the pilot project of building green power industrial parks.

“We aim to achieve 18 million kWh new energy installed capacity, over 25.2 billion kWh annual power generation and reduce at least 22 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions by 2025.”

At present, Zhongwei speeds up the implementation of the

Carrying Out Good Layout of Large


scale Wind Power and Photovoltaic Bases in Desert


Gobi and Wilderness

issued by the National Development and Reform Commission.Meanwhile, the city also strives to fulfill the task, launched by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee and the government to accelerate the Ningxia-Hunan Ultra-High-Voltage Direct Current (UHVDC) Project and build a modern energy system in a more effective way.