
2022-06-27 11:35:40科技日报付丽丽
一带一路报道 2022年3期

文:《科技日报》 付丽丽

白鹤滩水电站 Baihetan Hydropower Station

白鹤滩水电站投入使用后,每年平均发电量约为624.43 亿千瓦时,一天的发电量可满足50 万人一年的生活用电。每年可节约标准煤约2500 万吨,减排约6500 万吨二氧化碳、60 万吨二氧化硫,相当于少建近6 座年产400万吨的大型煤矿。

截至2 月17 日,白鹤滩水电站累计安全生产绿色电能200 亿千瓦时,相当于减少标准煤消耗624 万吨,减少二氧化碳排放1602 万吨。前不久,白鹤滩水电站交出亮丽的成绩单。

国产机组单机容量100 万千瓦,世界第一;总装机容量1600 万千瓦,仅次于三峡水电站,位居世界第二。2021 年6 月28 日,白鹤滩水电站首批机组正式投产发电。




坝高289 米,相当于100 层楼高,整体浇筑低热混凝土803 万立方米,体积超过3 个胡夫金字塔——从外形看,白鹤滩水电站绝对是个大块头。

2021 年5 月29 日,白鹤滩水电站大坝最后一仓溢流面混凝土浇筑完成,这标志着大坝表孔已具备过流条件。

白鹤滩水电站处于V 型河谷,两岸悬崖峭壁,复杂的地质条件决定其只能采用混凝土双曲拱坝,以使受力更科学,同时节省坝体材料,提高安全性。



自开浇以来,白鹤滩水电站大坝没有出现一条温度裂缝。2019 年,在钻孔取芯质量检查过程中,技术人员从大坝取出25.7 米混凝土长芯,混凝土芯样光滑密实、骨料分布均匀、气泡少。这样一份高质量混凝土浇筑施工成绩单的背后,是建设者对大国重器质量细节的精准把控。

鸟瞰白鹤滩水电站Aerial view of Baihetan Hydropower Station


从长江到金沙江,三峡集团组织创新“300 米级溪洛渡拱坝智能化建设关键技术”,开创了中国智能高拱坝建设的先河。



“大坝施工中,混凝土温度控制的主要手段是冷却通水。按照规范,至少每4 个小时就要对所有仓号进行一次测温,需要投入大量的人员手工操作,对大坝温度情况掌握也比较滞后。”






工人在焊接施工A worker is carrying out welding


100 万千瓦巨型水轮发电机组,是世界水电行业的“珠穆朗玛峰”。白鹤滩水电站机组是全球单机容量最大的水电机组,也是中国自主设计制造的完全国产化百万千瓦机组,研制与安装难度远大于世界在建和已投运的任何机组。

在白鹤滩建水电站的设想始于20 世纪五十年代。当时,在研讨白鹤滩水电站机组单机容量的时候,为稳妥起见,有专家提出采用两台100 万千瓦机组,其余机组采用80 万千瓦的方案。最终决定16 台机组全部用国产百万千瓦水轮发电机组,是在2006 年。

对于选择100 万千瓦机组,白鹤滩工程建设部主任汪志林是这样解释的,其一是具备建设能力,其二是客观要求。白鹤滩两岸均为雄厚山体,复杂地质条件已带来一系列世界级难题。在枢纽建筑工程布置上,单机容量越大,机组台数就越少,地下洞室群、地下厂房的规模将更趋合理,稳定性安全性也会更好。其三是资源禀赋,金沙江干流落差大,水流湍急,白鹤滩水电站是高坝大库,水头高达200 多米,从水能利用率来看,可以满足1600 万千瓦的总装机容量。而最重要的一条是,中国现代化经济社会发展需要与之相适应的大规模清洁电能的支撑,白鹤滩水电站是国家重大工程,是西电东送骨干电源点,远景发展电力的需要为其提出更高要求。



After being put into operation, the Baihetan Hydropower Station will generate an average of 62.443 billion kWh of electricity per year, and the electricity it generates per day can meet the annual consumption demands of 500,000 people. It can save about 25 million tons of standard coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 65 million tons and sulfur dioxide emissions by 600,000 tons every year, which is equivalent to reducing nearly six large coal mines with an annual output of 4 million tons.

A total of 20 billion kWh of green electricity has been safely produced till Feb.17 by Baihetan Hydropower Station, equivalent to reducing standard coal consumption by 6.24 million tons and carbon dioxide emissions by 16.02 million tons. Not long ago, the Baihetan Hydropower Station set multiple world records.

Using domestically produced generating units with a unit capacity of 1 million kW, it ranks first in the world.With a total installed capacity of 16 million kW, it ranks second only to the Three Gorges Hydropower Station in the world. On June 28, 2021, the first units of Baihetan Hydropower Station were put into operation.

On the Jinsha River at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, Baihetan has established the world’s largest clean energy corridor, together with upstream Wudongde and downstream Xiluodu,Xiangjiaba, Three Gorges and Gezhouba hydropower stations.

As a pillar of a great nation, the Baihetan Hydropower Station has set multiple world records, including the world’s first and largest million-kWclass hydro-generator unit, the world’s largest underground plant, and the world’s “smartest” intelligent dam.These outcomes should be credited to the decades of unremitting exploration of Chinese builders. Step by step, they have developed cutting-edge hydropower equipment, propelling China into a leading position.

白鹤滩水电站单机容量位居世界第一The Baihetan Hydropower Station has the world’s largest unit capacity

Special cement solves the problem of “no dam without cracks”

The dam is 289 meters high,equivalent to a 100-story building.With a total volume of 8.03 million cubic meters of low-heat concrete, the Baihetan Hydropower Station is more than three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

On May 29, 2021, concreting of the overflow surface was completed, which indicated that the surface outlets of the dam were ready for flood discharge.

The Baihetan Hydropower Station is located in a V-shaped river valley with cliffs on both sides. Due to the complex geological conditions, it can only use a double-curvature arch dam made of concrete to scientifically disperse the stress, save building materials and improve safety.

As the saying goes, “there is no dam without cracks.” Dam cracking is a universal problem in the construction of hydropower stations. This is especially true of the Baihetan Hydropower Station. The large scale and asymmetric structure of the dam, coupled with the continuous dry heat and strong winds,made temperature control extremely difficult.

To address this problem, researchers developed a special cement — low-heat Portland cement, also known as lowheat cement. It has the advantages of low hydration heat, low heat release rate, low alkali content and high growth rate of later strength, which provides a better technical approach to solving the cracking problem of mass concrete. Moreover, in the concrete poured in each place,several temperature sensors and circulating cooling water pipes are embedded to monitor the temperature rise inside the concrete in real time and conduct targeted cooling.

Not a single temperature crack has appeared in the dam since concreting. In 2019, a 25.7-meter-long concrete core sample was taken out of the dam during the quality inspection of core drilling. The core sample was smooth and dense,with uniform aggregate distribution and few air bubbles.Such a high-quality concreting construction is a result of the builders’ solid efforts in quality control.

“Superbrain” improves project efficiency

From the Yangtze River to the Jinsha River, the China Three Gorges Corporation has made innovations in “key technologies for the intelligent construction of the 300-meterhigh Xiluodu arch dam” to build the first intelligent high arch dam in China.

The Baihetan Hydropower Station has further taken a big step towards intelligent construction management with the help of such technologies as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data.

According to Zhou Mengxia, Deputy Director of the Technical Management Office of Baihetan Project Construction Department, the intelligent water supply system and the intelligent monitoring system for the construction process installed in his phone are his best “working partners”.

“During the construction of the dam, cooling water is the main approach to controlling the concrete temperature.According to the regulations, temperature measurements should be carried out at least every four hours at all warehouses,which requires a large number of manual operations and has the problem of slow information transfer of dam temperatures.”

Nowadays, the intelligent water supply system can not only sense the temperature in real time, but also analyze the temperature change trend and adjust the temperature automatically according to the preset control algorithm. In addition to reducing manual operations, the project efficiency and temperature control accuracy are greatly improved.

“This ‘Superbrain’ can also accumulate project practice data,improve preset empirical algorithms through big data analysis,conduct autonomous decision-making to some extent, and achieve rapid on-site response. This frees engineers from a load of daily management work. They only need to make corrections when there is a data anomaly. In this way, the management efficiency is improved.” Zhou Mengxia introduced.

This “Superbrain” efficiently integrates material flow and data flow, creating more space for lean construction.

“Taking concrete vibrating as an example, the parameters about how many times to vibrate, how to choose the type of vibrating rod, how long it takes for initial vibration, and how long for re-vibration will be included in a standardized process manual used for training employees.” Liu Chunfeng, Engineer of the Dam Project Office of the Baihetan Project Construction Department, introduced.

Now, these standards are “translated” into codes and entered into the intelligent system. The intelligent system can analyze in real time whether the coverage of the vibrator, the insertion depth,vibrating duration and other data “meet the standards”, so that the construction quality is no longer judged by manual observation and experience, but the real data.

Conquering the “Mount Everest” in the hydropower industry

The 1-million-kW capacity hydro-generator unit is dubbed as the “Mount Everest” in the hydropower industry. The Baihetan Hydropower Station has the world’s first and largest million-kW-class hydro-generator unit, which is designed and manufactured by China. The development and installation of such a generator unit is much more difficult than any other generator units under construction or in operation in the world.

The idea of building a hydropower station in Baihetan was put forward in the 1950s. When discussing the unit capacity of Baihetan Hydropower Station, for the sake of safety, some experts proposed to use two 1 million-kW generator units and some 800,000-kW generator units. The final decision was made in 2006 to use 16 homemade million-kW-class hydro-generator units.

Wang Zhilin, Director of the Baihetan Project Construction Department, explained that the decision on the 1 million-kW hydro-generator unit is based on the construction ability and objective demands. The complex and mountainous geological conditions on both riversides of Baihetan have brought a series of bugbears to the project. In the layout of major buildings, the large unit capacity will contribute to a smaller number of units, a more appropriate size of underground caverns and plants,and stronger stability and safety. In terms of resource endowment, the main stream of the Jinsha River has a large drop and rapid water flow. The Baihetan Hydropower Station has a high dam and a huge reservoir, with a water head of more than 200 meters. From the perspective of hydro-energy utilization efficiency, it has a total installed capacity of 16 million kW.

Most importantly, China’s modern economic and social development requires the support of large-scale clean electricity generation projects that are compatible with it. The nationalclass project of Baihetan Hydropower Station serves as a key power source of the West-to-East Power Transmission Project, and meets the high demands of long-term electricity development.

“Hydropower is an integral part of clean energy. The Baihetan Hydropower Station will soon join the main force of developing clean energy in China, and it has garnered much attention.” Qian Qihu,an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the construction of the power station represents an effort to protect our environment and to realize the sustainable development.