
2022-06-27 11:35:40当代广西王海波
一带一路报道 2022年3期

文:《当代广西》记者 王海波

3 月的广西,草长莺飞,万物萌生。


2017 年2 月,西部陆海新通道(时称“南向通道”)首次被提出,当年9月实现常态化运行。5 年来,随着一趟趟铁海联运班列的开行,这条北联“一带”南接“一路”、有新时代“国际灵渠”之称的大通道,已成为广西服务和融入新发展格局,加快融入共建“一带一路”的关键大动脉。


3 月3 日,一列满载2250 吨来自东盟的高岭土、聚酯切片、建筑陶瓷等货物的铁海联运班列,从广西钦州港开出驶往重庆团结村。

今年以来,乘RCEP 生效实施的东风,西部陆海新通道运输保持强劲增长势头,货物集聚效应更加凸显。前两个月,西部陆海新通道铁海联运班列发运货物10.78 万标箱,同比增幅64.8%。


自2016 年调到钦州港东站工作以来,特别是首趟西部陆海新通道上行班列开行以来,黄光辉见证了钦州港东站从一片滩涂荒地变成智能化铁海联运站点的历程。



此后,从中国西部地区汇聚到钦州港东站的货物越来越多。在热火朝天的货场,看着一趟趟“钢铁巨龙”驶进驶出,黄光辉自豪地介绍,这个曾经一年开不出几趟列车的渔港小站,如今每天到发的铁海联运班列已达20 列左右。

2019 年8 月,经国务院批复,国家发展改革委印发《西部陆海新通道总体规划》,西部陆海新通道建设上升为国家战略,这条大动脉的吸引力越来越强。

目前,西部陆海新通道“朋友圈”发展至14 省(区、市)54 市99 个站点,运输货品达640 多个品类,连通全球107 个国家和地区的315 个港口,成为横跨中国西部的物流大通道,形成“一带一路”经中国西部地区的完整环线。


数据显示,2021 年,西部陆海新通道沿线14 省(区、市)经广西口岸进出口货物总值达4939.8 亿元,同比增长35.3%,增速创历年新高。

防城港码头Fangchenggang port(卢雨萱 摄)



5 年来,广西把共建西部陆海新通道作为高水平开放发展的牵引工程,全力推进新通道软硬件设施建设。

“近年来,随着业务量不断攀升,出现了大型船舶压港、堵港的状况,最多的时候一天在锚地候卸的船只就有六七十艘。”站在防城港渔港区的401 号泊位展板前,北部湾港防城港码头有限公司业务部副经理吴家指着对面海域的锚地告诉记者,20 万吨级401 号泊位的建成使港区大型船舶压港、堵港的问题基本解决。

2021 年底新建成并投入运营的401 号泊位,与同为20 万吨级的400、402 号泊位码头形成连片生产运营模式,极大缓解了港口大型船舶集疏港的压力,共同释放港口生产能量,为港口经济注入了发展新动能。

401 号泊位是西部陆海新通道的重点工程之一,也是广西加快推进西部陆海新通道基础设施建设的缩影。早在2018 年,广西就制定出台了《2018年度中新互联互通南向通道广西重点基础设施项目计划》,涉及铁路、公路、港口、机场、多式联运基地、内陆无水港、其他物流基础设施等项目建设。


停靠在钦州港集装箱码头等待吊装的货轮A freighter waiting for hoisting at the container terminal of Qinzhou Port(王海波 摄)


3 月25 日,走进南宁国际铁路港海关监管作业场所,堆场里的集装箱堆放整齐,不时有旋转卸货机穿梭其间搬运货物。

南宁国际铁路港开发运营有限公司副总经理陈志杰介绍,过去业主在这里装车后还要在凭祥市报关出境,增加了时间成本和企业负担。2021 年5 月,南宁国际铁路港海关监管作业场所正式封关运营,实现了一次申报、一次查验、一次放行,在海关通关时效层面实现“零等待”。

广西丰豪新通道供应链有限公司产品经理李通告诉记者,现在公司的货物就地完成所有通关手续,货物仅1 天便可抵达越南,相比以往节省了3天时间,且每个货柜可节省300 元到400 元的人力和物流成本。

降低港口中介服务收费、推行国际贸易“单一窗口”、 集装箱货物“船边直提、抵港直装”、压缩通关时间、“一企一策”……广西一系列大刀阔斧的改革,让西部陆海新通道更顺更畅。

随着西部陆海新通道软硬件日臻完善,营商环境不断优化,通道运营日益成熟,新通道铁海联运班列年开行量从2017 年的178 列增长到2021 年的6117 列,增长33.4 倍。与这条大动脉同频共振的北部湾国际门户港,也在涛声激越的时代浪潮中阔步前行。2021 年,北部湾港货物吞吐量完成3.6 亿吨,集装箱吞吐量完成601 万标箱,增速排名全国沿海主要港口第一,北部湾港也跻身全国十大港口行列。



5 年来,这条交通动脉对广西加快构建国内国际双循环重要节点枢纽,助力中国西部地区乃至全国开放发展的作用日益凸显。




随着今年1 月1 日RCEP 生效实施,广西迎来新一轮开放发展新机遇。在顶层设计上,广西已明确,将通过深入推进扩能优服、大能力运输通道建设、通道物流提升、通道产业融合发展四大行动,高水平建设西部陆海新通道。


值得一提的是,3 月17 日,广西壮族自治区发展改革委正式批复平陆运河建设项目,这是中国自京杭大运河后的第二条运河。作为融入西部陆海新通道的重大牵引工程,平陆运河将为广西及中国西南地区、中南部分地区开辟出一条路程最短、更经济便捷的出海大通道。对广西而言,这无疑又是开放发展进程中一件具有里程碑意义的大事。

In March, the land in Guangxi Province comes to life with plants growing and birds flying.

In the Beibu Gulf Port facing southeast Asia, where water is azure green, large cranes were loading and unloading goods,while container trucks were busy shuttling back and forth and cargo ships were approaching docks and leaving for their destinations. At the border ports between China and Vietnam,heavy trucks fully loaded with goods were running between the two sides, people were on the wing engaging in mutual border markets and merchants did their best to promote their products. Based on the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, business and trading were gradually recovering from the impact of the pandemic.

In February 2017, New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (previously known as the Southern Transport Corridor) was first put forward and put into regular operation in September of the same year. Over the past five years, this corridor, serving as a connecting point in the Belt and Road Initiative and an international channel, has promoted Guangxi to contribute to and integrate with the new development pattern and accelerate the construction of a main channel of the Belt and Road Initiative through its rail-sea freight trains.

Witness: New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor expands international trade partnership

On March 3, a rail-sea freight train fully loaded with 2,250t of kaolin, polyester chips, architectural ceramics and other goods from ASEAN countries left for Chongqing Tuanjiecun Village Station from Port of Qinzhou Port in Guangxi.

Since 2022, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has caught the opportunities brought by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), keeping its developing trend and demonstrating more advantages of the agglomeration effect. In the first two months, the goods delivered by the rail-sea freight trains via New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor have reached 107,800 TEUs, with a year-on-year increase of 64.8%.

After the Spring Festival, Huang Guanghui, deputy section chief of the Qinzhou section, Guangxi Coastal Railway Company was extremely busy. He devoted himself to the work of receiving, inspecting, transshipping and allocating trains. We met Huang at the container service station and his skin was tanned. “I’m much busier than before,” said Huang Guanghui frequently since the operation of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. Although he was quite busy,he always smiled from his heart and felt proud of his work.

Since transferring to Qinzhou Port East Station in 2016 and the first train of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor running past here on September 28, 2017, he witnessed the great changes in Qinzhou Port East Station, the intelligent rail-sea freight train station that once was a piece of wasteland.

In his memory, freight trains from Chongqing first passed the Qinzhou Port East Station. At that time, the goods they loaded were fewer. Sometimes, the freight train just ran once a week but he still worked here with expectations.

After the first run of the freight trains from Beibu Gulf Port to Chongqing, the governments of Chongqing, Guangxi,Guizhou and Gansu signed agreements to jointly promote the development of the New International Land-sea Trade Corridor. Later, a “one mainstay with multiple routes” system was established.

Since then, the volume of goods gathered in the Qinzhou Port East Station from the western regions was increasing.Seeing the bustling freight yard and freight trains coming in and out, Huang was so proud and told us that nearly 20 rail-sea freight trains would pass here every day and the Qinzhou Port East Station was no longer a small station with just a few trains running through.

In August 2019, the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC), with the approval of the State Council, issued the

Master Plan for New International Land


Sea Trade Corridor

to make the construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor a national strategy and attract more participants.

At present, the service of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has covered 14 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), 54 cities and 99 stations, which can deliver more than 640 categories of goods and connect 315 ports in 107 countries and regions.The New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has served as a logistics channel crossing the western regions of China and completed the west section of the Belt and Road Initiative in China.

“The influence of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor is expanding. More domestic and international goods are gathered in Qinzhou and merchants at home and abroad are willing to carry out their international business through the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. Besides,the freight train of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has extended its route to India and delivered goods from the United Arab Emirates for the first time and also achieved regular connection with the China-Europe Railway Express,” said Huang Guanghui. He was quite familiar with the achievements of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.

Statistics showed that in 2021, the total value of the imported and exported goods, passing ports in Guangxi of 14 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) along the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, has reached 493.98 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 35.3% and the growth rate has made a new record over the years.

Changes: New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor becomes fresh driving force in Guangxi

As the only province in China that connects with ASEAN countries by both land and sea, Guangxi serves as the frontline and window of the openness and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries. Therefore, the joint construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor is quite essential for the high-quality openness and development of Guangxi.

In the past five years, Guangxi has spared no efforts to improve and upgrade the software and hardware facilities to promote the joint construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, regarding it a driving force for quality development.

“In recent years, large cargo ships may face the problem of port congestion or blockage. Sometimes, the number of large cargo ships waiting for unloading could reach 60 to 70,” said Wu jiahuan, deputy manager of the Business Department of Beibu Gulf Port Fangcheng Port Co., Ltd. Standing in front of the display board of the No. 401 berth in Yugang Economic Zone, deputy manager Wu pointed at the near sea area and told reporters that the construction of the No. 401 berth, a 200,000 DWT berth now can handle the port congestion or blockage problem.

The No. 401 berth, constructed and put into operation at the end of 2021, cooperates with No. 400 and No. 402 berths,the berths with the same capacities, to form a coordinated operation model and relieve the stress of mooring and departure of large cargo ships. Meanwhile, it also improves the efficiency of port operation, giving new impetus to the economic development of the port.

The No. 401 berth is one of the major projects in the construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and is also an epitome of the accelerated infrastructure construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. In 2018, Guangxi issued

Project Planning of Major Infrastructure Construction for the Southern Transport Corridor of China


Singapore Connectivity 2018


Project Planning

contains various infrastructure construction, including railways, highways, ports, airports, multimodal transport bases, inland dry ports and corresponding logistics facilities.

With continuous efforts made in recent years, Qinzhou Railway Container Central Station was completed and put into operation. Phrases I and II of the east channel expansion and adjustment in Port of Qinzhou were accepted. The construction of Nanning International Railway Port and China-Singapore Nanning International Logistics Park ensured its quality and efficiency. The completion of batches of major projects and core constructions lays a solid foundation for the development of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.

While striving to strengthen the infrastructure, the local government also focuses on improving the business environment.

On March 25, when entering the custody area of the Customs in Nanning International Railway Port, people found containers were piled up neatly and portmobile unloaders were shuttling back and forth between them.

2019 年6 月30 日,从钦州铁路集装箱中心站首发驶向德国杜伊斯堡的中欧班列The first China-Europe container train departs from Qinzhou Railway Container Central Station to Duisburg, Germany on June 30, 2019(钦州市委宣传部 供图)

According to Chen Zhijie,deputy general manager of Nanning International Railway Port Development and Operation Co., Ltd. container owners had to apply for customs declaration in Pingxiang County-level City in the past,which would cost more time and create burdens on the enterprises. In May 2021, the custody area of the Customs in Nanning International Railway Port was officially put into use, making it possible to apply for declaration, inspection and release at one time to save enterprises’ time for customs clearance.

Li Tong, product manager of Guangxi Fenghao New Corridor Supply Chain Co., Ltd. told the reporter that they could finish all clearance procedures at the port and their goods could be sent to Vietnam within one day, saving three days and 300 to 400 yuan labor and logistics costs for each container.

A series of policies were issued by the government in Guangxi, such as cutting down the intermediary service cost of the port, promoting the application of the China International Trade Single Window, containers direct unloading and loading,shortening clearance time and “one policy for one enterprise”customized services. These proactive and bold reform measures have provided a more efficient environment for the development of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.

With the establishment and completion of the software and hardware, a better business environment and smoother operation, the number of rail-sea freight trains in the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has increased from 178 in 2017 to 6,117 in 2021, with an increase of 33.4 times. At the same time, the Beibu Gulf Port also catches the development trend and strives ahead confidently regardless of any difficulty.In 2021, the cargo throughput in Beibu Gulf Port reached 360 million tons and the container throughput achieved 6.01 million TEUs, ranking first in major coastal ports in China and making itself top ten ports nationwide.

Expectations: New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor is more than a logistics channel

At present, more affordable but high-quality fruits, such as pitaya from Vietnam, longan from Thailand and durian from Malaysia, can be found in supermarkets in western regions of China. Meanwhile, electronic equipment, auto parts, ceramics,potatoes and some other products from Chengdu, Chongqing and Lanzhou enter markets in the ASEAN, Africa and other countries and regions in the world.

From 2017 to 2022, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has been playing an increasingly important role in implementing the domestic and international dual circulation and fostering the openness and development of both the western regions and other areas of China.

航拍南宁国际铁路港Aerial view of Nanning International Railway Port(刘峥 摄)

For many experts and scholars, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has helped to form a complementary development pattern for both the ASEAN and west parts of China and also established an interconnected land-sea and domestic-international development paradigm. It is not just a simple logistics channel but an economic corridor for the world.

Li Yanqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co., Ltd. said, “In recent years, I am glad to witness the great changes and development of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor as a participant. I sincerely hope that it can be smoother, stronger and bring more convenience for all of us.I do hope that it can be an economic artery that connects the north and south, lands and seas and promotes cooperation for countries and regions on it.”

The New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor promotes the development of the logistics industry and the latter enhances

trading. Finally, various industries can benefit from prosperous

trading. According to Lin Kunyong, associate professor of the School of Marine Sciences at Guangxi University, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has connected markets in the ASEAN countries and western China and increased the

trading volume while making different industries booming. The development pattern of the economy has already formed. In addition to accelerating infrastructure construction of the logistics industry to improve its transportation capacity and development efficiency, Guangxi and other provinces connected by the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor should put their focus on in-depth industrial integration and cross-region industrial chains and supply chains coordination.

With the implementation of the RCEP on January 1, 2022, Guangxi has got new chances for opening up and development. In terms of the toplevel design, Guangxi will carry out high-quality construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor by deeply improving the capacity and services, building transportation channels with high efficiency, optimizing the logistics industry and encouraging industrial integration.

To achieve this, Li Yanqiang suggested that the cooperation between China and the ASEAN countries should be strengthened and broadened in a constant manner.We should give a full play to the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in the economic development and gather strength to upgrade industrial chains and supply chains.