2022-06-25 02:13:34ShaoqiangSHANG商绍强

Shaoqiang SHANG (商绍强)

College of Mathematical Sciences,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China

Abstract In this paper,we prove that if X is an almost convex and 2-strictly convex space,linear operator T:X→Y is bounded,N (T) is an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace of X and R (T) is a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane,then there exists a homogeneous selection Tσ of T∂ such that continuous points of Tσ and T∂ are dense on Y.

Key words Continuous selection;3-Chebyshev hyperplane;set-valued metric generalized inverses;2-strictly convex space

1 Introduction

LetXdenote a real Banach space with unit ballB(X) and unit sphereS(X).LetX*denote the dual space of Banach spaceXand letAf={x∈S(X):f(x)=1=‖f‖}.Let int (A) denote the interior ofAand diam (A) denote the diameter ofA,whereAis a subset ofX.LetTdenote a linear bounded operator fromXintoY.LetN(T) andR(T) denote the null space and the range ofT,respectively.LetHbe a subspace ofX.Then the metric projection operatorPH:X→His defined by

LetπHdenote a selection forPH.It is well known thatHis said to be proximinal ifPH(x)Ø wheneverx∈X.Moreover,subspace spaceHis said to be a Chebyshev subspace ifPH(x) is a singleton wheneverx∈X.Lety0∈Yandx0∈X.If

then the pointx0is said to be a best approximative solution of the equationTx=y0(see[5]).Define the set

Then the set-valued mappingT∂:D(T∂)→2Xis said to be the set-valued metric generalized inverse ofT(see[5]),where

In 1974,Nashed and Votruba gave the definition of the set-valued metric generalized inverse and further pointed out that the continuous selection of the set-valued metric generalized inverse is worth studying (see[5]).In 2019,Shaoqiang Shang and Yunan Cui proved the following theorem:

Theorem 1.1(See[8]) Let Banach spaceXandYbe approximatively compact,letT:X→Ybe bounded,letN(T) be Chebyshev and letR(T) be 2-Chebyshev.Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1) the pointy0is a continuous point ofT∂;

(2) for everyz∈T∂(y0),there exists a selectionTσofT∂such thatTσ(y0)=zandy0is a continuous point ofTσ;

(3) the functiong∂is continuous at pointy0andTT∂is lower semicontinuous at pointy0,where

The continuous selection of the set-valued metric generalized inverse has great depth and breadth,hence continuous selection has attracted the attention of a large number of mathematicians.However,since the continuous selection of generalized inverses is a very difficult problem,the research results have relatively few in this field.One of the difficulties in the study of the set-valued metric generalized inverse is that the development of geometric theory in Banach space is incomplete,and this affects the study of the set-valued metric generalized inverse.In order to further study the generalized inverse,Shaoqiang Shang and Yunan Cui gave the definition of almost convex space.

Definition 1.2(See[1]) A Banach spaceXis said to be almost convex iffn∈S(X*),‖xn‖→1,fn(xn)→1 and the diameter ofAfnis greater than zero for alln∈N,so dist (xn,Afn)→0 asn→∞.

Using almost convex space,Shaoqiang Shang and Yunan Cui studied continuous selection of the generalized inverses and gave the following theorem:

Theorem 1.3(See[1]) LetXbe an almost convex and 2-strictly convex space,letT:X→Ybe a bounded linear operator,letN(T) be an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofXand letR(T) be a 2-Chebyshev hyperplane.Then there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσandT∂are dense onY.

In Theorem 1.2,we require thatR(T) is a 2-Chebyshev hyperplane ofY.It is well known that 2-Chebyshev space is an extension of the Chebyshev space.Furthermore,we have the concept ofk-Chebyshev space.

Definition 1.4(See[11]) A subspaceHis called ak-Chebyshev subspace ofXifPH(x)Ø and dim (span{x-PH(x)})≤kwheneverx∈X.Moreover,ifk-Chebyshev subspaceHis a hyperplane ofX,thenHis called ak-Chebyshev hyperplane ofX.

It is well known thatMis a 1-Chebyshev subspace ofXif and only ifMis a Chebyshev subspace ofX.Moreover,it is well known that

and (k+1)-Chebyshev subspace is not necessarilyk-Chebyshev subspace.Moreover,ifR(T) is a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane,then the method of proof of Theorem 1.3 is completely invalid.Naturally,therefore,we have to ask:ifR(T) is 3-Chebyshev,is Theorem 1.3 true?In this paper,we prove that ifXis an almost convex and 2-strictly convex space,linear operatorT:X→Yis bounded,N(T) is an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofXandR(T) is a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane,then there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσandT∂are dense onY.Moreover,ifR(T) is a 2-Chebyshev hyperplane ofY,then (1) continuous points ofT∂are dense onwhereG0={y∈Y:diamT∂(y)=0}andT∂are continuous on(2) there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσare dense onand are continuous onOther results of generalized inverses are shown in[2–4]and[6–8].We next give some definitions that we will use later.

Definition 1.5(See[9]) A pointx0is called a continuous point ofG:X→2Yifx0is an upper semicontinuous point and is a lower semicontinuous point ofG.

Definition 1.6(See[11]) A closed subspaceMofXis called approximatively compact if⊂Mhas a subsequence of convergence wheneverx∈Xand ‖x-yn‖→dist (x,M).

Definition 1.7(See[12]) A Banach spaceXis called 2-strictly convex ifx1,x2,x3are linearly dependent whenever{x1,x2,x3}⊂S(X) and ‖x1+x2+x3‖=3.

2 Main Theorems

Theorem 2.1LetXbe an almost convex and 2-strictly convex space,letT:X→Ybe a bounded linear operator,letN(T) be an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofXand letR(T) be a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane.Then there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσandT∂are dense onY.

In order to get the theorem,we give some lemmas.

Lemma 2.2Suppose thatXis a Banach space,thatAis a convex subset ofX,that[x1,x2]⊂Aand that[x1,x2]∩intAØ.Then (x1,x2)⊂intA,where (x1,x2)={tx1+(1-t)x2:t∈(0,1)}and[x1,x2]={tx1+(1-t)x2:t∈[0,1]}.

ProofIt is easy to see that the Lemma is true,which completes the proof. □

Lemma 2.3Suppose thatXis 2-strictly convex,thatT:X→Yis a bounded linear operator,that subspaceN(T) ofXis a proximinal and thatR(T) is ak-Chebyshev subspace ofY.Then for anyy∈Y,T∂(y) is a line segment.

ProofSinceR(T) is ak-Chebyshev subspace ofY,we get thatPR (T)(y) is compact for everyy∈Y.Define the linear operatorwhere[x]∈X/N(T) andx∈X.SinceR(T) is ak-Chebyshev subspace ofY,we obtain thatR(T) is closed.SinceTis a bounded linear operator,by the definition ofwe obtain thatis bounded.Therefore,by the inverse operator Theorem,we get thatis bounded.Let⊂PR (T)(y) such that

SincePR (T)(y) is compact,we can assume thatzn→z0asn→∞.Then there exists a pointu0∈Xsuch thatTu0=z0.Hence we get thatu0-PN (T)(u0)⊂T∂(y).This implies thatT∂(y)Ø for everyy∈Y.Suppose that there exists a pointy0∈Ysuch thatT∂(y0) is not a line segment.Then there exists a set{x1,x2,x3}⊂T∂(y0) such that co{x1,x2,x3}is not a line segment.Moreover,we may assume thatT∂(y0)⊂S(X).Therefore,by the convexity ofT∂(y0),we get that

Therefore,by the Hahn-Banach Theorem and the above formula,there exists a functional∈S(X*) such that

This implies that ‖x1+x2+x3‖=‖x1‖+‖x2‖+‖x3‖=3 andSinceXis 2-strictly convex,we get thatx1,x2,x3are linearly dependent.Hence we may assume thatx3=t1x1+t2x2.Then.This implies thatt1+t2=1.Hence we havex3∈{λx1+(1-λ)x2:λ∈R},which contradicts the fact co{x1,x2,x3}is not a line segment.Hence we get thatT∂(y) is a line segment for anyy∈Y,which completes the proof. □

We next will prove Theorem 2.1.

ProofSinceN(T) is an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofX,we get thatN(T) is proximinal.SinceXis a 2-strictly convex space andR(T) is a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane,by Lemma 2.3,we get that for everyy∈Y,T∂(y) is a line segment.We divide the proof into five steps.

Step 1Let us first prove thatT∂is upper semicontinuous onY.Suppose thatT∂is not upper semicontinuous at pointy0.Then there exists an open setW⊃T∂(y0) and two sequences,xn∈T∂(yn) and ‖yn-y0‖→0 asn→∞.Define the bounded linear operatorwhere[x]∈X/N(T) andx∈X.Then we obtain thatis a bounded linear operator.SinceT∂(y) is a line segment for everyy∈Y,letT∂(yn)=[x(1,n),x(2,n)]for everyn∈N.SinceN(T) is an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofX,by the proof of Theorem 5 of[1],we get the following formulas:

Moreover,by the proof of Theorem 5 of[1],we get a contradiction.Hence we get thatT∂is upper semicontinuous onY.

Step 2SinceR(T) is a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane ofY,we get thatR(T) is proximinal.Therefore,by the proof of Theorem 5 of[1],there exists a functionalf∈S(X*) such that

for ally∈Y.Pick a pointy0/∈R(T).Then we get thatf(y0)0.SinceR(T) is a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane ofY,by the formulaPR (T)(y)=y-f(y)Af,we have

Hence,if dim (spanAf)=1,then the setT∂(y) is a singleton for everyy∈Y.SinceT∂is upper semicontinuous onY,we get thatT∂is continuous onY.Moreover,if dim (spanAf)=2,thenR(T) is a 2-Chebyshev hyperplane ofY.Therefore,by Theorem 5 of[1],we get that there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσandT∂are dense onY.Hence we may assume,without loss of generality,that dim (spanAf)=3.Since dim (spanAf)=3,there exists a set{z1,z2,z3}⊂Afsuch thatz1,z2,z3are linearly independent.Therefore,by the formula dim (spanAf)=3,we get thatHf={t1z1+t2z2+t3z3∈X:t1+t2+t3=1}⊃Afis a hyperplane of three-dimensional spaceX0=span{z1,z2,z3}.Pick a point

Then,byAf⊂Hf,we haveAf-z0⊂Hf-z0.SinceHfis a hyperplane of three-dimensional space,we obtain thatHf-z0=span{Af-z0}is a two-dimensional space.Sincez1,z2,z3are linearly independent,we get thatAf-z0is a convex subset ofHf-z0and that int (Af-z0)Ø.

Step 3DefineG0={y∈Y:diamT∂(y)=0}.Letv0∈YG0.Then there exists a real numberr∈(0,+∞) such thatB(v0,r)⊂YG0,whereB(v0,r)={z∈X:‖z-v0‖≤r}.Define the set

We claim thatGkis closed for everyk∈N.In fact,let⊂Gkand ‖yi-z0‖→0 asi→∞.LetT∂(yi)=[u(1,i),u(2,i)]for everyi∈N.Then,from the proof of Step 1,we may assume that dist(Tu(1,i),TT∂(z0))→0 asi→∞.Hence we may assume that there exists a pointu(1,0)∈T∂(z0) such thatTu(1,i)→Tu(1,0)∈TT∂(z0).Sinceis a bounded linear operator,there exists a sequence⊂N(T) such that ‖u(1,i)+zi-u(1,0)‖→0 asi→∞.Sinceis a bounded linear operator,byu(1,i)∈T∂(zi) andu(1,0)∈T∂(z0),we get that ‖u(1,i)‖→‖u(1,0)‖ asi→∞.Therefore,by the formulau(1,0)∈T∂(z0),we have

SinceN(T) is an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofX,by the formula ‖u(1,i)+zi-u(1,0)‖→0,we may assume thatis a Cauchy sequence.Hence we obtain thatis a Cauchy sequence.Let ‖u(1,i)-u0(1,0)‖→0 asi→∞.Then,by the formula ‖u(1,i)‖→‖u(1,0)‖,we get that ‖u(1,0)‖=‖u0(1,0)‖.Moreover,byTu(1,i)→Tu(1,0)∈TT∂(z0) and ‖u(1,i)-u0(1,0)‖→0,we haveTu0(1,0)=Tu(1,0)∈TT∂(z0).Therefore,byu(1,0)∈T∂(z0) and ‖u(1,0)‖=‖u0(1,0)‖,we haveu0(1,0)∈T∂(z0).Similarly,we get thatu(2,i)→u0(2,0)∈T∂(z0) asi→∞.This implies that

Thenz0∈Gk.This implies thatGkis closed for allk∈N.Hence we get thatGk∩B(v0,r) is closed for allk∈N.Since closed ballB(v0,r) is a complete metric space,by the Baire Theorem of categories,there exists a natural numberk0such thatGk0∩B(v0,r) has an interior point ofGk0∩B(v0,r).Hence there exists a pointy0∈Gk0∩B(v0,r) and a real numberδ∈(0,+∞) such that the pointy0is an interior point ofGk0∩B(v0,r) andB(y0,δ)∩R(T)=Ø.Letε>0.Sincey0is an interior point ofGk0∩B(v0,r),there existsd∈(0,min{ε,δ/2}) such that

Moreover,sinceB(y0,δ)∩R(T)=Ø andd∈(0,min{ε,δ/2}),we get thatB(y0,d)∩R(T)=Ø.

Step 4We will prove that continuous points ofT∂are dense onY.In fact,sinceT∂is upper semicontinuous onY,we obtain thatT∂is continuous at every point ofG0={y∈Y:diamT∂(y)=0}.Therefore,by the proof shown in Step 3,we just need to prove thatT∂has a lower semicontinuous point onB(y0,d).Moreover,by the proof shown in Step 2,we know that there exists a functionalf∈S(X*) such that

SincePR (T)(y)=y-f(y)Affor everyy∈Y,we obtain that ifπR (T)(y)∈PR (T)(y),then there exists a unique pointz∈Afsuch thatπR (T)(y)=y-f(y)zwhenevery∈YR(T).SinceT∂(y) is a line segment for everyy∈Y,we obtain thatTT∂(y) is a line segment for everyy∈Y.Hence we define a set-valued mappingF:YR(T)→2Ysuch thatF(y)=[z1,z2]⊂Af,where

for everyy∈YR(T).For clarity,we will next divide the proof into two cases.

Case IFor anyr>0 there exists a pointy∈B(y0,r) such that (F(y)-z0)∩int (Af-z0)Ø,where the definition ofz0see formula (2.1).Hence we can assume that

Moreover,from the proof shown in Step 3,we know that there exists a natural numberk0∈Nand a real numberd>0 such that

Let ‖yn-y0‖→0 asn→∞.Then we may assume,without loss of generality,thatB(y0,d/2).LetT∂(y0)=[x(1,0),x(2,0)]andT∂(yn)=[x(1,n),x(2,n)]for everyn∈N.Then ‖x(1,0)-x(2,0)‖≥1/k0and ‖x(1,n)-x(2,n)‖≥1/k0for alln∈N.Moreover,from the proof shown in Step 1,we can assume,without loss of generality,that

Pick a pointx0∈T∂(y0).We next will prove that there exists a pointxn∈T∂(yn) such that ‖xn-x0‖→0 asn→∞.SinceT∂is upper semicontinuous onY,we can assume,without loss of generality,thatx(1,n)→u(1,0)∈T∂(y0) andx(2,n)→u(2,0)∈T∂(y0) asn→∞.Then we get thatu(1,0)u(2,0).We claim thatTu(1,0)-Tu(2,0)0.Otherwise,we would haveu(2,0)-u(1,0)∈N(T).Hence 0∈PN (T)(u(1,0)) andu(1,0)-u(2,0)∈PN (T)(u(1,0)).SinceN(T) is an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofX,we get thatu(2,0)-u(1,0)=0,which is a contradiction.Therefore,by the formulasT∂(y0)=[x(1,0),x(2,0)]andTu(1,0)-Tu(2,0)0,we get thatTx(1,0)-Tx(2,0)0.Moreover,by the formulaPR (T)(y)=y-f(y)Af,there exist two pointsz(1,0)∈Afandz(2,0)∈Afsuch that

Moreover,there exist two pointsz(1,n)∈Afandz(2,n)∈Afsuch that

for alln∈N.SinceTx(1,n)→Tu(1,0) andTx(2,n)→Tu(2,0),by formulas (2.2) and (2.3),we obtain that ‖z(1,n)-z(1,0)‖→0 and ‖z(2,n)-z(2,0)‖→0 asn→∞.Moreover,by the formulasT∂(y0)=[x(1,0),x(2,0)]andu(1,0)-u(2,0)0,we get that

SinceTu(1,0)-Tu(2,0)0,byTx(1,n)→Tu(1,0) andTx(2,n)→Tu(2,0),we can assume thatandx0∈[x(1,0),x(2,0)],by formula (2.4),we get that

Moreover,by the formulasPR (T)(y0)=y0-f(y0)AfandTx0∈PR (T)(y0),there exists a pointv0∈Afsuch thatTx0=y0-f(y0)v0.Therefore,by formulas (2.2) and (2.5),we have

Moreover,by the definition ofF,we havev0∈F(y0).Hence there existst0∈Rsuch that

Therefore,by the formulas ‖z(1,n)-z(1,0)‖→0 and ‖z(2,n)-z(2,0)‖→0,we obtain that ‖vn-v0‖→0 asn→∞,where

Then we get thatvn-z0∈span{Af-z0}.Sincez(1,0)-z0∈Af-z0,z(2,0)-z0∈Af-z0,z(1,n)-z0∈Af-z0andz(2,n)-z0∈Af-z0,by the convexity ofAf-z0,we have the formulas

for alln∈N.Since (F(y0)-z0)∩int (Af-z0)Ø,by Lemma 2.2,we get thath0is an interior point ofAf-z0in two dimensional space span{Af-z0}.Hence there exists a real numberη∈(0,+∞) such that

Moreover,since ‖z(1,n)-z(1,0)‖→0 and ‖z(2,n)-z(2,0)‖→0,by the above formula,we can assume that

This implies thathnis an interior point ofAf-z0in two dimensional Banach space span{Afz0}.Hence the origin point is an interior point ofAf-z0-hnin two dimensional Banach space span{Af-z0}.Hence,for anyn∈N,we define the Minkowski functional

in two dimensional Banach space span{Af-z0}.Therefore,by formula (2.7) and the definition ofμKn,we have the formula

whenevery∈span{Af-z0}.Letm=1/η.Then we get that|μKn(y)|≤m‖y‖ for everyn∈N.Therefore,byv0-z0∈Af-z0,we obtain thatv0-z0-hn∈Af-z0-hn.This implies thatμKn(v0-z0-hn)≤1 for alln∈N.Sincevn-z0∈span{Af-z0}andhn∈span{Af-z0},we obtain thatvn-z0-hn∈span{Af-z0}.Therefore,by the formulas|μKn(y)|≤m‖y‖ andvn-z0-hn∈span{Af-z0},we have the inequalities

for alln∈N.Therefore,by the formulasμKn(v0-z0-hn)≤1 and ‖vn-v0‖→0,we have

Therefore,by the above inequality,there exists a sequence⊂[0,1]such that

Moreover,it is easy to see that

for alln∈N.Sinceun∈Af-z0-hn,by the above formula,we have the formula

for alln∈N.Sincevn-z0=t0(z(1,n)-z0)+(1-t0)(z(2,n)-z0) andhn=(z(1,n)-z0)/2+(z(2,n)-z0)/2,by the above formula,we have the formula

for alln∈N.Therefore,by the above formula,we have the formula

for alln∈N.Therefore,by the formulasλn→1 and ‖vn-v0‖→0,we get that ‖wn-v0‖→0 asn→∞.Therefore,by the formulas ‖yn-y0‖→0 and ‖wn-v0‖→0,we have

Moreover,by the formulaPR (T)(yn)=yn-f(yn)Af,we obtain thatyn-f(yn)wn∈PR (T)(yn) for alln∈N.Therefore,by formulas (2.3) and (2.8),we have

for alln∈N.SinceT∂(yn)=[x(1,n),x(2,n)]for alln∈N,it is easy to see that (x(1,n)+x(2,n))/2∈T∂(yn) for alln∈N.Therefore,by the formulasx(1,n)∈T∂(yn) andx(2,n)∈T∂(yn),we have the formula

for alln∈N.Therefore,by the Hahn-Banach Theorem,there exists a functionalfn∈S(X*) such that

for alln∈N.Therefore,by the formulasx(1,n)→u(1,0)∈T∂(y0) andx(2,n)→u(2,0)∈T∂(y0),we have the following formula:

Therefore,by the above formula,we have the formula

Moreover,we can assume thatT∂(y0)⊂S(X).Therefore,by the formulasu(1,0)-u(2,0)0 andx0∈{tu(1,0)+(1-t)u(2,0):t∈R},we get thatfn(x0)→1 asn→∞.Moreover,by the formulaT∂(y0)⊂S(X),we get that ‖x(1,n)‖→‖u(1,0)‖=1 asn→∞.SinceXis an almost convex and 2-strictly convex space,we get that

Therefore,by the formula ‖x(1,n)‖Afn⊂{tx(1,n)+(1-t)x(2,n):t∈R},there exists a point

such thatxn→x0and ‖xn‖=‖x(1,n)‖ for everyn∈N.Hence,ifTxn∈PR (T)(yn) for everyn∈N,we obtain thatxn∈T∂(yn).Otherwise,we can assume thatTxnPR (T)(yn) for everyn∈N.Then,by formula (2.10) and the definition ofyn-f(yn)wn,there exist two sequences⊂Rsuch thatxn=λnx(1,n)+(1-λn)x(2,n) and

for everyn∈N.Therefore,by the formula ‖xn-x0‖→0,we get that ‖Txn-Tx0‖→0 asn→∞.Therefore,by formula (2.9) and ‖yn-f(yn)wn-Tx0‖→0,we get that

Therefore,by formula liminfn→∞‖Tx(1,n)-Tx(2,n)‖>0,we haveλn-tn→0 asn→∞.Moreover,by the formulasTxnPR (T)(yn) andyn-f(yn)wn∈PR (T)(yn),we may assume thatyn-f(yn)wn∈[Txn,Tx(1,n)]for everyn∈N.Define the sequence{en}∞n=1⊂X,whereen=tnx(1,n)+(1-tn)x(2,n) for alln∈N.Then,by the formulasλn-tn→0 andxn=λnx(1,n)+(1-λn)x(2,n),we have ‖en-xn‖→0 asn→∞.This implies that ‖en-x0‖→0 asn→∞.Therefore,byTen=yn-f(yn)wn∈PR (T)(yn) andyn-f(yn)wn∈[Txn,Tx(1,n)],we get thaten∈[xn,x(1,n)]for alln∈N.Then,byTen∈PR (T)(yn),we haveen∈T∂(yn) for alln∈N.

Case IIThere exists a real numberr>0 such that (F(y)-z0)∩int (Af-z0)=Ø for anyy∈B(y0,r).Pick a pointx0∈T∂(y0) and letT∂(yn)=[x(1,n),x(2,n)]and ‖yn-y0‖→0 asn→∞.Then,from the previous proof,we have that

Moreover,by Step 1,we get thatT∂is upper semicontinuous onY.Hence we may assume,without loss of generality,thatx(1,n)→u(1,0)∈T∂(y0) andx(2,n)→u(2,0)∈T∂(y0).Moreover,by the previous proof,we obtain thatTu(1,0)Tu(2,0).Therefore,by the formulaPR (T)(y)=y-f(y)Af,there exist two pointsz(1,0)∈Afandz(2,0)∈Afsuch that

Moreover,there exist two pointsz(1,n)∈Afandz(2,n)∈Afsuch that

for everyn∈N.Hencez(1,n)→z(1,0) andz(2,n)→z(2,0) asn→∞.Thenz(1,n)-z0→z(1,0)-z0andz(2,n)-z0→z(2,0)-z0asn→∞.Since there exists a real numberr>0 such that (F(y)-z0)∩int (Af-z0)=Ø for anyy∈B(y0,r),by Lemma 2.2,we get that

Sincez(1,n)-z0∈Af-z0andz(2,n)-z0∈Af-z0,we get thatu(n)∈Af-z0andw(n)∈Af-z0.Therefore,by formula (2.14),we get thatu(n)int (Af-z0) andw(n)int (Af-z0) for everyn∈N.Pick a pointv(0)∈int (Af-z0).Then,by the formulau(0)int (Af-z0),we get thatv(1)=2u(0)-v(0)Af-z0.In fact,suppose thatv(1)=2u(0)-v(0)∈Af-z0.Then,by Lemma 2.2,we have that

which is a contradiction.Since span{Af-z0}is a two dimensional space,it is easy to see thatu(0) andw(0) are two interior points ofG,where

Therefore,by formulas ‖u(n)-u(0)‖→0 and ‖w(n)-w(0)‖→0,we can assume thatu(n)∈Gandw(n)∈G.Sincev(0)∈int (Af-z0) andv(1)=2u(0)-v(0)Af-z0,by formula (2.13),we have the following formula:

Sinceu(n)∈Af-z0,u(n)∈G,w(n)∈Af-z0andw(n)∈G,by the definition ofGand the above formula,it is easy to see that

for alln∈N.Moreover,sincev(0)∈int (Af-z0),by Lemma 2.2 and formula (2.13),we have

Therefore,by the formulasu(n)int (Af-z0) andw(n)int (Af-z0),we have

for alln∈N.Moreover,sinceTu(1,0)Tu(2,0),by the definitions ofu(0) andw(0),we get that ‖u(0)-w(0)‖>0.Therefore,by the formulas ‖u(n)-u(0)‖→0 and ‖w(n)-w(0)‖→0,we can assume that 2‖u(n)-w(n)‖>‖u(0)-w(0)‖>0 for alln∈N.Therefore,by formula (2.15),we have the equation

for alln∈N.Therefore,by the above equation,we get that

for alln∈N.SinceTu(1,0)-Tu(2,0)0,by the formulasTx0∈TT∂(y0)⊂PR (T)(y0) and ‖yn-y0‖→0,there exists a pointw0∈Afsuch that

Therefore,by the above formula and formula (2.11),there existst0∈Rsuch that

Therefore,by the formulay0/∈R(T)=N(f),we havew0=t0z(1,0)+(1-t0)z(2,0).Therefore,by formula (2.16),there exists a sequence⊂Rsuch thatw0=tnz(1,n)+(1-tn)z(2,n).Therefore,by formula (2.12),we have the formula

for everyn∈N.Repeating the proof used in Case I,by formulas (2.11)-(2.12) and (2.16),there exists a pointxn∈T∂(yn) such that ‖xn-x0‖→0 asn→∞.

Therefore,by Cases I and II,we get that lower-semicontinuous points ofT∂are dense onY.SinceT∂is upper semicontinuous onY,we get that continuous points ofT∂are dense onY.

Step 5LetT∂(y)=[x(y,1),x(y,2)]for ally∈Y.Then we define a mappingTσ:Y→X,where

Therefore,by the proof of Theorem 5 of[1],we get that continuous points ofTσare dense onY.We next will prove thatTσ:Y→Xis homogeneous.In fact,letv∈Yandλ∈R.Pick a pointu∈T∂(v).Then

SincePR (T)(λv)=λPR (T)(v),by the above formula,we get that

HenceλT∂(v)⊂T∂(λv).Similarly,we get thatT∂(λv)⊂λT∂(v).Hence we get thatλT∂(y)=T∂(λy) for everyλ∈Randy∈Y.Therefore,by the definition ofTσandλT∂(y)=T∂(λy),we get thatTσ:Y→Xis a homogeneous mapping,which completes the proof. □

Under the conditions of Theorem 2.1,it is easy to see that the setG0={y∈Y:diamT∂(y)=0}is nonempty.In general,the setG={y∈Y:diamT∂(y)>0}is nonempty.To illustrate this problem,we give an example.

Example 2.4LetX=(R2,‖·‖0) andY=(R3,‖·‖1),where ‖(x,y)‖0=max{|x|,|y|}and ‖(x,y,z)‖1=max{|x|,|y|,|z|}.LetT:X→Ybe a bounded linear operator,whereT(x,y)=(x,y,0).ThenXis 2-strictly convex.Moreover,by Theorem 4 of[1],we get thatXis an almost convex space.It is easy to see thatR(T) is a 3-Chebyshev hyperplane ofY.Pick a point (0,3,1)∈Y.Then it is easy to see that

Then diamT∂(0,3,1)>0.Moreover,it is easy to see that there exists a neighbourhoodUof point (0,3,1) such that diamT∂(x,y,z)>0 whenevery∈U.

Definition 2.5(See[11]) A Banach spaceXis said to be uniformly convex if ‖xn-yn‖→0 wheneverand ‖xn+yn‖→2.

Corollary 2.6LetXibe a product space of uniformly convex spaces,letT:X→Ybe bounded,letN(T) be Chebyshev and let hyperplaneR(T) be 3-Chebyshev.Then there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσandT∂are dense onY,where ‖(x1,x2)‖=‖x1‖+‖x2‖.

ProofBy Theorem 3 of[1],we obtain thatXis an almost convex and 2-strictly convex space.Moreover,sinceX1andX2are uniformly convex,we get that every closed subspace ofXis approximatively compact.Therefore,by Theorem 2.1,we get that there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσandT∂are dense onY.This completes the proof. □

Theorem 2.7LetXbe an almost convex and 2-strictly convex space,letT:X→Ybe a bounded linear operator,letN(T) be an approximative compact Chebyshev subspace ofXand letR(T) be a 2-Chebyshev hyperplane.Then,

(1) continuous points ofT∂are dense onandT∂is continuous onwhereG0={y∈Y:diamT∂(y)=0};

(2) there exists a homogeneous selectionTσofT∂such that continuous points ofTσare dense onandTσis continuous on

ProofBy Theorem 2.1,we know thatT∂is upper semicontinuous onY.SinceG0={y∈Y:diamT∂(y)=0},we get that continuous points ofT∂are dense onDefine the bounded linear operatorwhere[x]∈X/N(T) andx∈X.Pick a pointy0∈Then there exists a real numberr∈(0,+∞) such thatis not a singleton for everyy∈B(y0,r).Therefore,by the proof of Theorem 5 of[1],we get thatT∂is continuous at pointy0.This implies thatT∂are continuous onLetT∂(y)=[x(y,1),x(y,2)]for ally∈Y.Pick a selectionTσofT∂such that

ThenTσis homogeneous.Moreover,by the proof of Theorem 5 of[1],we obtain that continuous points ofTσare dense onandTσis continuous onThis completes the proof. □