
2022-06-21 01:04张浪
园林 2022年6期



本期分为“风景园林促进乡村振兴”和“上海绿化‘四化’建设”两个专题。其中,专题1内容涵盖(1)历史文化名村植物景观原真性保护,揭示乡村植物景观与历史文化保护之间的学理关系;(2)中国乡村景观实践发展历程(1949 - 2022年);(3)植物景观感知研究,提供了一种乡村植物景观特色塑造“落地”生效的评价与设计工具;(4)常州55个村落中275个标准样地内植物群落的植物资源科属种、生活型、物种来源组成等的调查研究,展示了乡村植物群落特征的专业观察、描述与评价方法;(5)基于多源数据构建景中村评价模型,探究了景中村景观游憩吸引力生成的规律性。专题2内容主要涵盖城市空间植物景观的评价、配置模式以及提升策略研究。两个专题展示了生态园林理论体系在城乡园林绿化中的适用共性,也体现了乡村生态主导空间和城市人工主导空间在植物景观营造、保护以及提升方面的本质差异性。




Landscape Architecture Promotes Rural Revitalization

Since March 2022, Shanghai has experienced a severe COVID-19. It is obvious that the central urban area is more serious than the suburbs; there are a large number of people are clustered in a relatively narrow space, which is completely different from ecological rural society. This reminds us of an old Chinese saying, “Great epidemics end in the wild”. Ecological villages are the symbiosis of man and nature, the sharing of spatial ecological resources, and an important carrier of crisis soft landing. Mr. Cheng Xuke, a famous landscape architecture expert who passed away on April 21, put forward the “Ecological landscape architecture theory system” for the city as early as the last century, emphasizing the need to break the “urban wall” and firmly take the road of integrating urban and rural greening. In addition, it is necessary to follow the principles of ecology, vigorously carry out the research on low-carbon, carbon sink and other plant communities, and build a multi-level, multi-structural, multi-functional and scientific plant communities. Under the guidance of economics, it emphasizes both direct and indirect economic benefits, and applies system engineering to develop the landscape architecture, so as to make ecological,social and economic benefits develop simultaneously. The integration of urban and rural greening is not to blindly urbanize the natural ecosystem in the countryside, but to adapt measures to local conditions and protect the appearance of natural countryside.

Only by accelerating the construction of ecological civilization and promoting the ecological transformation of human civilization can we realize the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that the construction of ecological civilization and green development are the fundamental plans related to the sustainable development of the nation. In October 2021, the Opinions on Promoting Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction pointed out that urban and rural construction is an important carrier for promoting green development and building a beautiful China, and beautiful countryside is the ecological basis for green development.The 14th Five-Year Plan requires us to speed up the construction of ecological landscape architecture, coordinate urban and rural development, and implement the strategy of rural revitalization based on the discipline of landscape architecture, so as to promote the high-quality development of urban and rural landscaping and meet the needs of the people for a better life and high-quality ecological products.

This issue is divided into two topics: “Landscape Architecture Promotes Rural Revitalization” and “Shanghai Greening ‘Four Modernizations’ Construction”. Among them, topic 1 covers (1) The protection of the authenticity of plant landscapes in historical and cultural villages; (2) The development process of rural landscape practice in China (1949-2022);(3) Research on plant landscape perception; (4) Research on the characteristics of plant communities in 275 standard plots of 55 villages in Changzhou; (5) Building an evaluation model for village based on multi-source data. Topic 2 mainly covers the evaluation of urban spatial plant landscape, the configuration mode and the research on improvement strategies. The two topics show the commonalities of the application of ecological landscape architecture theory system in urban and rural landscaping, and also reflect the essential differences between rural ecologically dominated space and urban art ificial dominated space in the construction, protection and enhancement of plant landscapes.

Of course, rural revitalization is also the ballast stone for China to cope with the challenges of globalization. There are still many problems to be studied and explored on how to effectively promote rural revitalization. For example, how to activate the assets in ecological rural revitalization and realize the value market of rural ecological products. The problems that Landscape Architecture can solve may be only one aspect, but we should actively update the knowledge system, and use the latest technical means and interdisciplinary integration to help achieve the goal of building a beautiful China in 2035. Only by forming a green mode of production and lifestyle can people see the mountains and the water, remember their homesickness and dress up beautiful China with beautiful villages.


May 3th, 2022

成都市第十八中学校 建民族共同体 促生态化发展
精雕细琢筑品质 生态绿都入画来——郑州市创建国家生态园林城市纪实