2022-06-17 05:14

“China has established a new development philosophy and advanced ecological conservation with the vision that clean waters and green mountains are just as valuable as gold and silver.With solid and persistent efforts,China has achieved the historic transition from deserts displacing human settlements to green oases replacing deserts,and has become one of the first countries to realize Land Degradation Neutrality.Meanwhile,China has taken an active part in international cooperation.We have built,together with the UN,the lnternational Training Center on Combating Desertification and the lnternational Desertification Control Knowledge Management Center,and have unreservedly shared our experience with the international community.”

– State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi remarked while attending the Leaders’ Meeting on Drought and Sustainable Land Governance in Beijing via video link on May 9,2022.

“No country should build its security at the cost of others or choose a path that only serves itself but makes things difficult for others.Humanity has long been a community of indivisible security.As such,we must uphold the vision of common,comprehensive,cooperative,and sustainable security,reject zero-sum games,competition and confrontation,take seriously the security of others,and safeguard the common security of all.Only by doing so can one achieve his own security.”

– Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng pointed out when attending “Seeking Peace and Promoting Development:An Online Dialogue of Global Think Tanks of 20 Countries” on May 6,2022.

President Xi Holds Virtual Meeting with German Chancellor

Chinese President Xi Jinping had a virtual meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on May 9,emphasizing the particular importance for the two countries to better harness the stabilizing,constructive,and guiding role of their relationship.This not only serves the interests of the Chinese and German peoples but will also contribute significantly to world peace and tranquility,said Xi.

Xi stressed that China-Germany relations have seen high-quality development over the past five decades,during which the two sides have developed together and contributed to each other’s success through deepening practical cooperation.This is essentially attributable to a commitment to mutual respect and winwin cooperation,a valuable piece of experience and important principle that should be upheld all along.

It is important that the two sides stick to the keynote of dialogue and cooperation,make good use of bilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanisms,and conduct dialogue in such areas as climate change,macroeconomic policy,financial stability,energy security,food security,and the stability of industrial and supply chains so as to further enrich this bilateral relationship,noted Xi.

Xi expressed his hope for Germany’s active support for and participation in the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative with a view to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Xi underscored that the two sides have considerably greater common interests than differences.China supports the strategic autonomy of the EU.The China-Europe relationship is not targeted at,subjugated to,or controlled by any third party.This is a strategic consensus that both sides must follow in the long run.Xi expressed his hope for Germany to play a positive role in the steady and sound development of China-EU relations.

Scholz noted the very good development of Germany-China relations in recent years,and called on the two sides to keep up the sound momentum of bilateral relations.Germany will work with China on the celebration of the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties,maintain close communication and exchanges at all levels,ensure the success of the next round of inter-governmental consultation,have dialogue on maintaining stable global supply chains,macroeconomic policy coordination,and other important topics,and step up cooperation in a wide range of areas including trade and investment,climate change,health and medical care,and education and culture.Germany is prepared to enhance communication and coordination with China on the multilateral front and promote the sound development of Europe-China relations,he added.

China,ROK Agree to Boost Cooperation

Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan,as President Xi Jinping’s special representative,attended the inauguration ceremony of the Republic of Korea’s newly sworn-in President Yoon Suk-yeol.During the meeting with Yoon,Wang conveyed Xi’s cordial greetings and best wishes.The two sides agreed to further bilateral ties and pragmatic cooperation.

China and the Republic of Korea have witnessed all-round and rapid development in bilateral relations with increasing common interests since the establishment of diplomatic ties.

Wang put forth a five-point proposal on the further development of bilateral relations:to enhance strategic communication and high-level exchanges,as well as further invigorate dialogue and exchanges at all levels;to deepen pragmatic cooperation,strengthen the alignment of development strategies of the two countries,and deepen cooperation in key areas and third-party markets;to plan and carry out more activities conducive to enhancing people-to-people friendship;to strengthen communication and coordination in international and regional affairs and promote regional and global development and prosperity;and to jointly boost coordination and cooperation in the Korean Peninsula affairs and properly handle sensitive issues.

Yoon asked Wang to send his best regards to President Xi.He noted that the ROK government,on the basis of mutual respect,is ready to take the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties as an opportunity to promote closer highlevel strategic communication and exchanges at all levels,further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in all areas,and enhance peopleto-people friendship to usher in a new era for bilateral relations.

Wang Yi Attends GDI High-Level Meeting

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended and gave an address at the opening ceremony of the High-Level Virtual Meeting of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative (GDI)in Beijing via video link on May 9,2022.

Last September,President Xi Jinping proposed the GDI at the UN General Assembly.The purpose was to galvanize worldwide attention to development,strengthen global development partnerships,promote international development cooperation,and lend fresh impetus to the realization of the 2030 SDGs,Wang noted.

Wang Yi said that since the very beginning,the GDI has been warmly received by the international community.The GDI is committed to building political consensus on accelerating development,building a common platform for development cooperation,promoting exchanges and mutual learning of development experience,and enhancing international synergy for coordinated development,Wang emphasized.China proposes that all parties work together in four key areas for the GDI to deliver concrete results:re-energizing global cooperation on the 2030 Agenda;creating a favorable environment to accelerate global development;fostering equal and balanced global development partnership;and enabling the UN system to play the central and guiding role.

Wang Yi pointed out that China would take a host of practical measures to implement the GDI,including increasing input in development and further ramping up support for the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund and China-UN Peace and Development Fund,thus making new contribution to the global development cause.

The Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative was launched by China at the United Nations.This High-Level Meeting of the Group of Friends was themed “Deepening Cooperation Under Global Development Initiative for Accelerated Implementation of the 2030 Agenda.”UN Secretary-General António Guterres attended and addressed the opening ceremony.

“The Chinese government has formulated and implemented the dynamic zero-COVlD policy based on China’s national realities and has been adjusting prevention and control protocols based on the changing conditions.The purpose is to protect people’s life and health to the greatest extent possible and underpin sustained,sound,and steady economic and social development.ln China,we have the foundation,the conditions,and the capability to achieve dynamic zero-COVlD.We have every confidence in winning this hard battle and making greater contributions to the united global response.”

– Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on May 11,2022.

“The Executive Board of the lnternational Monetary Fund completed its quinquennial Special Drawing Right valuation review a few days ago.The current composition was maintained with a higher weight for the Chinese renminbi.This is a high recognition from the international community of China’s achievement in reform,opening-up,and socioeconomic will help to further enhance the Chinese renminbi’s status as an international reserve currency and increase the appeal of renminbi assets.”

– Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on May 17,2022.