刘欢 李昊
中图分类号: O159; TP399
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2022)04-0133-09
Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS Method Based on Improved
Score Function and Cumulative Prospect Theory
LIU Huan,LI Hao
(School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China)
Abstract:Aiming at the multi-attribute decision-making problem where the attribute value is represented by the intuitionistic fuzzy number and the attribute weight is unknown. Firstly, an improved score function is proposed, its correctness and superiority are verified by proving its related theorems and comparing numerical examples with existing score functions. It solves the defects that the existing score function requires secondary comparison and is inconsistent with objective facts in some cases. Secondly, the cumulative prospect theory is introduced, and a TOPSIS method for intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making based on improved score function and cumulative prospect theory is proposed. This method uses the positive and negative ideal alternatives as a reference point. The comprehensive prospect value is used to replace the distance measure, which effectively avoids ignoring the correlation between attributes. The order of alternatives is listed by calculating the relative closeness degree of each alternative. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed score function and decision-making method are verified by comparing examples and simulation data with existing decision-making method.
Keywords:intuitionistic fuzzy number; multi-attribute decision making; score function; cumulative prospect theory
1992年,Kahneman和Tversky提出了累積前景理论[13]。累积前景理论相对于前景理论很好地解释了随机占优等现象,因而被广泛应用。TOPSIS法基本原理是通过计算备选方案与正负理想方案的距离来进行优劣排序,最优方案的选取应该是最贴近正理想方案同时离负理想方案又最远,否则不为最佳[14-15]。由于TOPSIS 法中认为决策者是完全理性的,因此,学者们结合前景理论的特征,逐渐将前景理论引入到 TOPSIS 法中。比如,王娟等[16]将前景理论引入到三角犹豫模糊环境下的 TOPSIS 法中,陈六新等[17]将前景理论引入到勾股模糊环境下的TOPSIS法中,以反映决策者心理行为特征对决策的影响。
本文针对属性值由直觉模糊数表示且属性权重未知的多属性决策问题,提出一种基于改进记分函数和累积前景理论的直觉模糊TOPSIS 法。首先,该方法针对现有记分函数存在的一些缺陷提出一种改进的记分函数;接着,综合考虑主客观因素,以属性值总差异最大化且属性权重差异最小化为目标建立优化模型来确定属性权重,即一方面为维护属性权重的公平性,应使属性权重的差异最小,另一方面为有利于方案的排序,应使属性值的总差异最大;然后,引入累积前景理论,将正负理想方案作为参考点,计算各方案相对于参考点的损失值和收益值,并构建前景损失值矩阵和前景收益值矩阵;最后,计算各备选方案的综合前景损失值和综合前景收益值,进而计算各方案的相对贴近度,按相对贴近度以从大到小的顺序对方案进行排序择优。本文通过实例比较和生成50组仿真数据来验证该方法的可行性和有效性。
3基于改进记分函数和累积前景理论的直觉模糊TOPSIS 法
本文针对现有记分函数存在的一些缺陷,提出了一种改进的记分函数,改进的记分函数克服了已知记分函数存在的某些缺陷,即可以通过改进的记分函数来比较两个各自的隶属度与非隶属度相等的直觉模糊数的大小,以及满足人们更愿意选择没有人反对的结果这一客观事实,还满足人们普遍认为精确度和支持度越高的直觉模糊数越优的认知习惯。针对属性值为直觉模糊数的多属性决策问题,提出了一种基于改进记分函数和累积前景理论的直觉模糊TOPSIS 法,该方法采用综合前景损失值和综合前景收益值代替各方案与正负理想方案之间的距离测度,有效地避免了忽略属性间相关性的问题,另外还将该方法应用于实例与已知决策方法进行比较分析,并进行多组仿真数据对比,证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。
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