China will release the sixth list of major foreign invest? ment projects and further expand the 2022 industry catalog of sectors encouraging foreign investment as part of its latest efforts to advance high-level opening-up, a senior govern? ment official said on Monday.
Zhao Chenxin, deputy head of the National Develop? ment and Reform Commission, said at a news conference that the nation will offer policy support at the central government level to foreign investment projects on the upcoming list, in terms of industrial planning, land use, environmental protec? tion assessment and energy consumption.
The industry catalog will be updated to increase support for foreign investment in such fields as advanced manufactur? ing and modern services, as well as in Chinas central, west? ern and northeastern regions, Zhao said.
More policy measures to spur foreign investment qualityand quantity will be released, with a focus on the manufactur?ing sector, he said.
The moves are part of Chinas broader efforts to furtherunleash the potential of foreign investment while upholdingtrue multilateralism and expanding high- level opening- up,analysts said.
“Despite the rising protectionism and anti- globalization sentiment in the world, China is determined to expand high- level opening-up with concrete actions,”said Liu Ying, a re? searcher at Renmin University of Chinas Chongyang Insti? tute for Financial Studies.
“That will facilitate global cross-border business activi ? ty to further consolidate Chinas role as a safe bet for foreign investment and, more importantly, a stabilizer and power? house for global economic recovery, which is suffering from COVID-19, geopolitical issues and interest-rate hikes in de ? veloped economies.”
Pursuing the new dual- circulation development para? digm — which takes the domestic market as the mainstay and lets the domestic and international markets reinforce each other — doesnt mean China will scale back its open? ing- up or seek development behind closed doors, according to the NDRCs Zhao.
“(China) will unwaveringly expand all-around high-lev? el opening-up and push for an economic globalization that is more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all,”Zhao said.
Wei Jianguo, vice- chairman of the China Center for In ? ternational Economic Exchanges, said he expects China to un? dertake greater opening-up in the following years and roll out a flurry of win-win measures that strengthen international co ? operation.
Many business leaders from multinational companies al? so said they feel encouraged by the firm resolve to advance high-level opening-up.
DHL Express China CEO Wu Dongming said China is committed to opening up its market to, and working with, the rest of the world for more open and free global trade.
The company is confident in the Chinese market and will continue to invest to keep its business in China growing, Wu said.
赵辰昕表示,将出台以制造业为重点,促进外 资扩增量、稳存量、提质量的政策措施。
分析人士指出,这将有助于在坚持真正的多边 主义、扩大高水平对外开放的同时,进一步释放外 资潜力。
中国人民大学重阳金融研究院研究员刘英说: “尽管当前保护主义和反全球化情绪抬头,中国仍 决心用实际行动扩大高水平对外开放。”
“这将促进全球跨境商业活动,使中国作为外 商投资安全港,以及全球经济复苏的稳定器和动力 源的地位更加稳固 。 目前全球经济受到新冠疫情、 地缘政治问题和发达经济体加息的影响。”
赵辰昕表示,构建以国内大循环为主体、国内 国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局是开放的国内 国际双循环,不是封闭的国内单循环 。 当今世界, 任何国家都无法关起门来搞建设。
他说:“中国将坚定不移全面扩大开放,推动经 济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的 方向发展。”
中国国际经济交流中心副理事长魏建国表示, 他期待中国在未来几年实施更广泛的对外开放,并 推出一系列加强国际合作的互利共赢举措。
多位跨国公司高管也表示,中国坚持高水平对 外开放的决心令人鼓舞。
中外运敦豪国际航空快件有限公司中国区首 席执行官吴东明表示,中国致力于向世界其他国家 开放市场,并与之合作,以促进更加开放和自由的 全球贸易。
吴东明表示,中外运敦豪对中国市场抱有极大 信心,将继续加大投资,保持其在中国的业务增长。