The Little Prince

2022-04-29 00:44:03AntoinedeSaint-Exupéry
语数外学习·高中版上旬 2022年11期

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



This water was indeed a different thing from ordinary nourishment.

Its sweetness was born of the walk under the stars, thesong of the pulley, the effort of my arms.

It was good for the heart, like a present.

When I was a little boy, the lights of the Christmas tree,the music of the Midnight Mass,the tenderness of smiling fac ?es, used to make up, so, the radiance of the gifts I received.

“The men where you live,”said the little prince,“raisefive thousand roses in the same garden, and they do not findin it what they are looking for.”

“They do not find it,”I replied.

“And yet what they are looking for could be found inone single rose, or in a little water.”

“Yes, that is true,”I said.

And the little prince added:“But the eyes are blind.One must look with the heart...”

I had drunk the water. I breathed easily.

At sunrise the sand is the color of honey.

And that honey color was making me happy, too.

What brought me, then, this sense of grief?

“You must keep your promise,”said the little prince,softly, as he sat down beside me once more.

What promise?

You know a muzzle for my sheep. I am responsible for


它是披星戴月走了许多路才找到的,是在辘轳 的歌声中,经过我双臂的努力得来的。


在我小的时候,圣诞树的灯光,午夜的弥撒的 音乐,甜蜜的微笑,这一切都使圣诞节时我收到的 礼品辉映着幸福的光彩。

“你这里的人在同一个花园中种植着五千朵玫 瑰。”小王子说:“可是,他们却不能从中找到自己所 要寻找的东西……”


“然而,他们所寻找的东西却是可以从一朵玫 瑰花或一点儿水中找到的……”


小王子又加了一句:“眼睛是什么也看不见 的 。应该用心去寻找。”

我喝了水 。我痛快地呼吸着空气。




小王子又重新在我的身边坐下 。他温柔地对 我说:“你应该实践你的诺言。”


你知道给我的小羊一个嘴套子 。我要对我的

this flower.

I took my rough drafts of drawings out of my pocket.

The little prince looked them over, and laughed as he said:“ Your baobabs— they look a little like cabbages.”

“Oh!”I had been so proud of my baobabs!

“Your fox— his ears look a little like horns;and they are too long.”And he laughed again.

“You are not fair, little prince,”I said.

I dont know how to draw anything except boa constric ? tors from the outside and boa constrictors from the inside.

“Oh, that will be all right,”he said,“children under? stand.”

So then I made a pencil sketch of a muzzle. And as I gave it to him my heart was torn.

“You have plans that I do not know about,”I said.

But he did not answer me. He said to me, instead:“You know— my descent to the earth...Tomorrow will be its anniver ? sary.”

Then, after a silence, he went on:“I came down very near here.”

And he flushed.

And once again, without understanding why, I had a queer sense of sorrow.

One question, however, occurred to me:

Then it was not by chance that on the morning when I first met you, a week ago you were strolling along like that, all alone,a thousand miles from any inhabited region?

You were on the your back to the place where you land? ed?

The little prince flushed again.

And I added, with some hesitancy:“Perhaps it was be? cause of the anniversary?”

The little prince flushed once more.

He never answered questions— but when one flushes does that not mean“Yes”?

“Ah,”I said to him,“I am a little frightened...”

But he interrupted me.“Now you must work. You must return to your engine.”

I will be waiting for you here. Come back tomorrow eve ? ning...

But I was not reassured. I remembered the fox.

One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed...



























Beside the well there was the ruin of an old stone wall.

When I came back from my work, the next evening, Isaw from some distance away my little price sitting on top ofa wall, with his feet dangling.

And I heard him say:“Then you dont remember. Thisis not the exact spot.”

Another voice must have answered him, for he replied toit:“Yes, yes! It is the right day, but this is not the place.”

I continued my walk toward the wall. At no time did Isee or hear anyone.

The little prince, however, replied once again,

Exactly. You will see where my track begins, in the sand.

You have nothing to do but wait for me there. I shall bethere tonight.

I was only twenty metres from the wall, and I still sawnothing.

After a silence the little prince spoke again:“You havegood poison? You are sure that it will not make me suffertoo long?”

I stopped in my tracks, my heart torn asunder;but still Idid not understand.

“Now go away,”said the little prince.“I want to getdown from the wall.”

I dropped my eyes, then, to the foot of the wall, and Ileaped into the air.

There before me, facing the little prince, was one ofthose yellow snakes that take just thirty seconds to bring yourlife to an end.

Even as I was digging into my pocked to get out my re ?volver I made a running step back.

But, at the noise I made, the snake let himself flow easi ?ly across the sand like the dying spray of a fountain,

and, in no apparent hurry, disappeared, with a light me ?tallic sound,among the stones.

I reached the wall just in time to catch my little man inmy arms;his face was white as snow.

“What does this mean?”I demanded.“Why are youtalking with snakes?”


第二天晚上我工作回来的时候,我远远地看见 了小王子耷拉着双腿坐在墙上。

我听见他在说话:“你怎么不记得了呢?”他说, “绝不是在这儿。”

大概还有另一个声音在回答他,因为他答着腔 说道:“没错,没错,日子是对的;但地点不是这 里……”

我继续朝墙走去 。我还是看不到,也听不见任 何别人。


那当然 。你会在沙上看到我的脚印是从什么 地方开始的。

你在那里等着我就行了 。今天夜里我去那里。

我离墙约有二十米远,可我依然什么也没有看 见。

小王子沉默了一会又说:“你的毒液管用吗? 你保证不会使我长时间的痛苦吗?”

我焦虑地赶上前去,但我仍然不明白是怎么回 事。

“现在你去吧,我要下来了! …… ”小王子说。 于是,我也朝墙脚下看去,我吓了一跳。

就在那里,一条黄蛇直起身子冲着小王子 。这 种黄蛇半分钟就能结果你的性命。


可是一听到我的脚步声,蛇却像一股干涸了的 水柱一样,慢慢钻进沙里去。

它不慌不忙地在石头的缝隙中钻动着,发出轻 轻的金属般的响声。

我到达墙边的时候,正好把我的这位小王子接 在我的怀抱中 。他的脸色像雪一样惨白。

这是搞的什么名堂! 你怎么竟然和蛇也谈起 心来了!

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