
2022-04-20 13:22:42飞扬李丹
走向世界 2022年4期

文/飞扬 图/李丹

慕尼黑依山傍水,景色秀丽。Munich is situated beside a river at the foot of a mountain,and surrounded by beautiful scenery.





在慕尼黑的大街上,活跃着许多街头艺术家。On the streets of Munich,there are many street artists.

慕尼黑奥林匹克电视塔是当地的标志性建筑,站在塔顶可以俯瞰整个市区。The Munich Olympic TV Tower is a local landmark.Standing on the top of the tower can overlooking the entire city.

当地人穿着巴伐利亚传统服饰去参加重大庆典活动。A local wears traditional Bavarian clothing to a major celebration.


新天鹅堡建于1869年,是迪士尼城堡的原型,也是德国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。The Neuschwanstein Castle,built in 1869,is the prototype of the Disney Castle,and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Germany.

Munich,located by the Isar River,at the northern foot of the Alps in southern Germany,is not only situated beside a river at the foot of a mountain and surrounded by beautiful scenery,but also o n e o f G e r m a n y’s e c o n o m i c,cultural,sci-tech and transport centers.Moreover,it retains the primitive simplicity of the former capital of the Kingdom of Bavaria.Thus,it is known as a “Village of a Million Citizens”.

As a city with a major place in German history and culture,Munich is home to Germany’s oldest university,Europe’s largest publishing center,more than 3,000 galleries,more than 50 museums,four opera houses,three world’s top symphony orchestras and numerous libraries.It is a glamorous art palace and spiritual home for artists around the world.

The Munich Oktoberfest held every October is an image icon of Munich and even Germany.One of the most impressive items involved is beer in big casks,with the addition of bands playing their music merrily,girls wearing dirndls,holding beer mugs,lifting their hemlines,dancing happily to the notes...

Bavaria,where Munich is located,is a “friend” of Shandong.In 1985,Strauss,then-governor of Bavaria,led a large econom-ic and trade delegation to visit Shandong,opening the prelude of friendly exchanges between Shandong and Bavaria.In 1987,Shandong and Bavaria officially signed theon establishing friendly relations in Munich,opening a new chapter of friendly exchanges and cooperation in all respects.Now,this pair of sister provinces/ states maintain frequent high-level reciprocal visits,and active personnel exchanges,with numerous cooperation projects and fruitful cooperation results.This also shows the enduring friendship between the people of Shandong and Bavaria.

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