
2022-03-22 00:49:58卡伦麦克维焦琳审订任东升
英语世界 2022年11期

文/卡伦·麦克维 译/焦琳 审订/任东升

More women in England are making up for the decades when they felt shut out of the game.几十年来,女性都被拒于足球场外,而今有越来越多的英格兰女性在弥补这一缺憾。

It’s Saturday-morning 11-a-side at a football pitch squeezed between a scrubby path running along the River Lee Navigation and a technology campus in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park,Hackney.A dark-haired woman in red defies a gaggle of defenders with a skilled pass to the front.“Yes! Beginner’s debut, right there,” yells coach Julie Leaff at the top of her Mancunian lungs.The player breaks into a grin.



2The camaraderie and joy on the pitch, where women are playing football, some for the first time, is noisy and infectious.This is Clapton Community Football Club’s open access training,one of thousands of grassroots sessions in England that have sprung up as women’s football has advanced.Unlike many targeted at encouraging young women and girls to take up the sport,however, it is for all ages.

3“We wanted it to be open to older women,”said Leaff, 54, co-founder of the training session for women of all ages and abilities.“We wanted mums who watched their kids play, to realise they could step over the line and play themselves.”

4Leaff, who teaches at Grasmere primary school in Stoke Newington,and co-founder Ellie Guedalla, 45, who works in children’s services are part of the “lost generation”, football fans whose gender meant they missed out on the opportunity to play and to develop in the sport when young.


5My own football journey began at CCFC open access after the pandemic hit.In my fifties, I had never kicked a ball, knew nothing about the sport but loved the training.Last year, I was asked to join a spin-off vets team, brazenly named Hot Flush, and now play most weeks in a five-a-side women and non-binary people’s league, Super 5.




6The Football Association barred women’s professional football from its club grounds in 1921, deeming it “quite unsuitable” for females.The ban, only lifted in 1971, set the tone for the sexism that still prevails in football today.Two decades passed before the FA established a women’s committee, with the first women’s FA challenge cup in 1993.

7But since the pandemic, many women in their 30s, 40s and 50s appear to be making up for lost time.According to Sport England’s Active Lives survey, covering 2020-21, a higher percentage of women aged 35 to 54 have participated in the sport at least once in the past year or become a member of a football club than ever before.

8Guedalla, who played for Wanstead Girls as a child, said: “Our generation never got to play in PE, let alone in the park.Me and Julie both played and we got called ‘It’, ‘What’s it’.That was normal in the 70s and 80s.”

9With some football foundation cash from the CCFC, they set up the open access sessions in 2019.From a handful of people back then, the membership has grown to more than 100 today, with players aged between 22 and 60.




10Research shows a significant increase in participation in football among women and girls after the 2019 Women’s World Cup, increasing by almost half a million among the over-25s.


11Guedalla is passionate about the power of football for wellbeing, fitness and a sense of community.

12“When women come together things happen,” said Guedalla.“You put on a shirt and you’re part of something.It’s about fitness, fun and of course, the beautiful game.”

13Women talk about the optimism it has brought to their lives, and of the joy of pulling on a team jersey, of playing with others of all ages, of standing a bit taller1stand tall感到自豪。as part of a team.They talk about the therapeutic benefits of exercise on their bodies, on menopausal symptoms and on the way they feel.

14A few weeks ago, in Lancing, a coastal village near Brighton, Sussex County FA held its annual women’s recreational football festival.There were no scoreboards, tallies or trophies.The emphasis was on fun.But the same collective crescendo2crescendo(音乐的)渐强;逐渐增强的喧闹声。of cheers, recognised all over the world, greeted every goal,cutting through 1970s classics like Bang Bang blasting out of a loudspeaker on the pitch.




14就在几个星期前,在苏塞克斯郡布莱顿附近的一个海滨村庄兰辛,英国足协举办了一年一度的女子休闲足球节。场上没有记分牌,不做数据记录,也不颁发奖杯,就是踢着玩。但有一样全世界都不变,那就是每进一球,全场观众就齐声欢呼,欢呼声一浪高过一浪,穿透了在场上用扬声器播放Bang Bang等1970s经典歌曲的震天响声。

1 5球场的事就先说到这儿,听听5 5岁的卡萝尔·贝茨怎么说。7年前,她创办了克劳利老姑娘俱乐部,克劳利镇足球基金会和英格兰足球联盟信托基金也给予了一点资金支持。贝茨说:“看到足球对一些女性的身心健康带来这么大帮助,我是又惊又喜。我们这儿上6 0的老太太都还满场跑抢球,真是神了。还有个叫苏珊的,都7 6了,来我们这儿上健走足球课。我都能从她们脸上看出那种洋溢的愉悦,真希望我7 6岁的时候也能这么享受踢球。”

15Taking a break from play, Carol Bates, 55, who founded Crawley Old Girls (Cogs) seven years ago, with a bit of funding from Crawley Town Football Foundation and the English Football League Trust, said: “To see what it does for some women’s physical and mental health is amazing.We’ve got women in their sixties running around tackling like legends.We have a 76-yearold, Susan, who comes to our walking football session.I watch these women’s faces and you see that joy, I want to do that when I’m 76.”

16At 66, Viv Moore, a retired teacher from Crawley, is the oldest member of COGs.She began playing three years ago.“It gives you a chance to get in touch with your younger self,” said Moore.“When I score a goal, I’m like a child,I get so excited.It’s such a lovely sense of achievement.”

17Kim Joselyn, 61, a community centre manager, recalls hiding her football kit in a hedge as a child, fearful of the reaction from her mum.She went on to play for Shoreham and Brighton in her 20s, but only recently returned, to play for Cogs.“They are all great girls.They bring you out of yourself.I would be lost without them.” ■


17金·约瑟琳是社区中心主任,今年61岁。她回忆说,自己小时候还把踢足球的行头藏到树篱下,就怕妈妈看见不高兴。20多岁时,她开始为肖勒姆和布莱顿效力,最近才回来在克劳利老姑娘俱乐部踢球。她说:“姑娘们都很棒,能把我最好的状态激发出来。没她们我就蔫了。” □

足球周刊(2016年2期)2016-02-01 12:59:20