文/伊丽莎白·斯坦威 译/丁占罡
The role of Desdemona, the devoted,loving wife murdered by her husband in “Othello,” wasn’t performed by a woman until 1660—about six decades after Shakespeare wrote the play.This is because when Shakespeare was writing for the early modern stage, young men and boys performed all the women’s parts.
2Numerous English theatergoers1theatergoer戏迷,戏院常客。considered seeing women on the public stage for the first time a pivotal moment, including the civil servant and diarist Samuel Pepys2(1633—1703),17世纪英国作家和政治家,英国历史上最伟大的文官之一,其著作《佩皮斯日记》被誉为“17世纪最丰富的生活文献”。.It was just one month after the first female actress played Desdemona that Pepys recorded“the first time that ever [he] saw Women come upon the stage.”
3King Charles subsequently issued a royal proclamation to make it official:“Wee doe … permit and give leave That all the woemens part to be acted in either of the said two Companies for the time to come maie be performed by woemen.”3此句引文中多个单词为早期现代英语的拼写形式,例如Wee在现代英语中拼写为We,其他的也一并列举如下:doe = do,woemen = women,maie = may,playes =plays,sinfull = sinful,lewde = lewd,第8段的baudie = bawdy。这里的we为the royal we的用法,旧时国王或女王自称时,用we替代I。
4I have thought a lot about why men performed women’s roles because I research how pregnancy was represented on the early modern English stage during this period of all-male casts.The restriction has long puzzled scholars, mostly because no clear legal statute prohibited it, and women acted professionally in other countries during this period.
5Also, women could perform in other venues, such as masques4masque假面剧(16至17世纪盛行于英国的一种诗剧,常伴以音乐和舞蹈)。, where dance,music and spectacles were enjoyed by aristocrats in England during the 16th and 17th centuries, and country house5country house(尤指有地位富人家庭的)乡间宅第,别墅。entertainments—short plays that were staged for the queen and performed at country estates.
6It’s possible that women were allowed to perform in these settings because they were more private and associated with an elevated class status.There was something inappropriate,however, about women professionally acting on the public stage.
7These restrictions on women may be related to some of the negative views of acting in general, summarized in Puritan writer William Prynne6(1600—1669),英国律师、作家、辩论家、政治人物,1634年撰写小册子攻击伤风败俗的剧演,批评戏剧、女演员和观众的不雅行为,很快便以诽谤和“寻衅滋事”罪被判监禁并被割去双耳。’s declaration that“popular stage-playes are sinfull,heathenish, lewde, ungodly spectacles,and most pernicious corruptions.”According to many anti-theatricalists,plays were “sinfull” because they promoted pleasure and encouraged people to watch an “ungodly spectacle”rather than working or attending church.For women in particular, it was generally deemed indecent to participate in and make money from such public performances.
8Others commented on the difference between English theater and the theater in continental Europe, where women did act professionally.The writer Thomas Nashe7(1567—1601),英国小册子作家、剧作家、诗人,伊丽莎白时代活跃于伦敦戏剧界的“大学才子”之一。wrote: “Our Players are not as the players beyond sea, a sort of squirting baudie Comedians.”
9Even though many writers condemned the practice of men’s wearing female attire on stage, to them it was still preferable to having women become public spectacles on the professional stage.
10Although women weren’t on stage during Shakespeare’s lifetime,they were involved with theatrical productions in other ways.For example,they made and altered costumes, collected admissions fees, sold food and other goods used in the theater, and even owned playing houses.
11Since Charles’ declaration that women’s parts “maie be performed by woemen,” women have played an increasingly diverse role in Shakespearean theater—including playing lead male roles.
12In 1899, Sarah Bernhardt8(1844—1923),19世纪和20世纪初法国舞台剧和电影女演员,被誉为“世界上最著名的女演员”。performed as Hamlet.More recently, Jessika D.Williams9美国女演员,2020年在美国莎士比亚中心(ASC)推出的莎剧《奥赛罗》中饰演男主角奥赛罗。played the lead in “Othello.”
13These gender reversals are a reminder that much has changed since men and boys played all the women’s parts, and that much more will continue to change as society grapples with10grapple with设法解决(难题),努力应付(困境)。questions about gender, identity and performance.■
13这种角色反转提醒人们:从前是男人和男孩饰演所有的女性角色,如今这一状况已发生了很大变化,而随着社会努力解决性别、身份、表演等相关问题,更多的变化还会到来。 □