
2022-03-22 00:49:56李炫旻张静
英语世界 2022年11期

文/李炫旻 译/张静

Vocational education has great significance for promoting employment and entrepreneurship, boosting economic and social development, and China actively pushes forward the high-quality development of vocational education,and supports exchanges and cooperation in vocational education with other countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a congratulatory letter to the World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference on August 19,the first such event of its kind, which was being held in North China’s Tianjin Municipality.Xi’s words underscored the great emphasis China puts on vocational education, as the world’s largest manufacturing powerhouse—with a technical talent pool gap estimated to reach 30 million by 2025—is thirsty for skilled workers and technical personnel in emerging high-tech sectors ranging from robots and artificial intelligence to new energy, amid pushes for industrial upgrading and technical self-sufficiency,participants said.



2As China is facing labor market strains, vocational education is set to play an outsized role in easing the job market mismatches that partly fuel “structural unemployment,” while also funneling2funnel运送;输送。more opportunities to young job-seekers.Observers said that in the long term, vocational and academic education could achieve synergies, creating a multilayered workforce that fires the world’s second-largest economy on all cylinders3fire on all cylinders开足马力做。.


3According to Wang Weiyuan, the vice president of the Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics and Electricity(TVCME), there has been a “drastic increase” in the need for skilled labor in recent years and such enterprise-level demand is “unprecedented,” particularly in sectors concerning intelligent manufacturing, such as industrial robots, intelligent equipment-making and aviation.



4“Such a shift is in line with China’s position as a strong global manufacturing base and how the Chinese economy will propel itself going forward.Chinese society is in urgent need of highquality professional workers,” Wang explained, adding that the employment rate of the school’s 4,000 graduates has exceeded 90 percent this year, and a host of students even signed employment contracts before graduation.

5The Global Times learned from other vocational colleges in Tianjin that an above-90-percent employment rate is “quite common,” and some new, redhot majors have seen a 100-percent employment rate.

6Enterprises have achieved cooperation with many schools and set up special classes starting with the junior year to nurture targeted talent—a model called “order-form teaching.”

7TVCME has signed model contracts with a number of firms such as Mercedes-Benz’s Beijing plant, and students under the “order-form teaching” model accounted for 70 percent of its graduates this year.

8Other companies on the list of partnerships with Tianjin vocational schools include robotics firm Siasun Robotics,Qilin Software—which develops homegrown operation systems—and big data firm Inspur.

9The hot vocational job market in Tianjin, where manufacturing accounts for about half of the economy, epitomizes how demands for what are traditionally known as “blue-collar” workers have been shooting up in recent years at the national level.






10According to a report jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the gap in skilled workers among China’s 10 major manufacturing sectors has exceeded 19 million, and such vacancies are estimated to reach 30 million in 2025, translating to a gap of 48 percent.

11“We’re not talking about blue-collar workers, or the ‘screws’ in flow line production in traditional terms.What China’s manufacturing upgrade needs is not migrant workers without any entry threshold.To be qualified for new kinds of jobs, you need to be professionally trained, innovation-oriented and hold a lot of certificates,” Qi Yuming, deputy dean of the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Equipment under Tianjin University of Technology and Education,told the Global Times.


12Observers believe that undersupply in the booming vocational job market could alleviate rising pressures on China’s employment, to some extent.


13In July, the surveyed urban unemployment rate dropped to 5.4 percent,falling for a third consecutive month.Yet the youth (aged 15—24) jobless rate hit a record high of 19.9 percent in July as 10.76 million new college graduates entered the workforce, the first time the number exceeded 10 million.

13 7月,城镇调查失业率降至5.4%,连续第3个月下降。然而,随着1076万高校毕业生进入劳动力市场,青年(15—24岁)失业率在7月上升到19.9%,达到新高。这也是高校毕业生规模首次突破1000万人。

14“The jobless rate is partly caused by structural unemployment, meaning there are mismatches among skilled labor, university graduates and market demand.An effective solution is to scale up vocational training, and draw more students to vocational enrollment,” said Cong Yi, a professor at the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics.He added that this calls for both a shift in students’ views on occupational choice and tailored government policy support.


15On May 1, the revised Vocational Education Law came into force, which clearly states that vocational education in China is equally important as general education, and that China encourages the development of a variety of forms of vocational education, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

16Multiple Chinese manufacturing bases have also announced muscular policies encouraging the innovative development of vocational education.

17“With vocational education set to amass a group of skilled labor, China in the long term will develop a multilayered pool of talent from front-line manufacturing to research and development, building ammunition for driving manufacturing prowess,” Qi said.■



17“职业教育将积累大量的技能劳动者,长远来看,中国将发展从生产一线到研究开发的多层次人才储备,为制造业实力提升培养生力军。”祁宇明说。 □

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