
2022-03-22 00:49:56朱瑞旻
英语世界 2022年11期


When you decide to visit the World Cup football tournament in Qatar, it is advisable to delve into the background of the country and the customs and habits that are used.Qatar is an Islamic country and has different traditions than Western society.So read our guide, know what the customs are among the local population, and avoid surprises.Know what to expect when you arrive in Qatar to celebrate the World Cup.

Show respect and be polite




Forget the western directness if you want to ask Qatari something.Say hello and start small talk1small talk没有明确实际目的的闲聊。about general matters.That is important to Arabs.It is experienced as rude if you just fall into the house without saying at least ‘good morning’.Smile and say ‘Salam’ (from Assalaam Alaykum, meaning: “peace be upon you” when you enter a place).“Shukran” is thank you.Talking about family and children is fine, but try to avoid religion, politics and his wife.You can even go to jail for criticizing the Emir.It is also good to know that homosexuality is prohibited in Qatar.

Dress code

Qatar is an Islamic country with a conservative dress code.Qatari men wear traditional white robes, ladies long abaya2某些穆斯林妇女穿的长及地面的衣物,遮盖除头、手、脚之外的身体其他部位。.You don’t have to wear a veil as a female tourist, but don’t go too naked on the street.Preferably no bare (upper) arms, but especially shoulders and knees, should be covered.That also applies to men.Loose pants, skirts below the knee and t-shirts are acceptable for women.Avoid shorts or skirts that are too short, low-cut tops, bare shoulders,and sheer and transparent clothing.



Enjoy your stay the Qatar way



Enjoy sun-filled days and beautiful sunsets.In the many beautiful hotels in Doha, you can relax during the day by the pool or fitness centre.You can shop in incredible great shopping malls like Villaggio.Also, enjoy the evenings in Qatar as it is one of the safest places in the world.During the hot summer and during Ramadan, Doha only comes alive when the sunsets.You see people in the city until the early hours.Don’t expect clubs with alcohol and DJs (although there are), but more beautifully lit boulevards with fountain shows (the Corniche3即Doha Corniche多哈滨海大道,多哈湾旁的月牙形步道,长7公里,系当地著名景点。) and festival-like areas where families gather.

Hydrate and drink enough water

Drink plenty of water in addition to other beverages.Deep yellow urine is a sign of dehydration.At temperatures above 40°C, you should drink at least two litres per day.If you go into the desert on your own, bring plenty of food and drink and make sure you have a spare tire and cables if something happens.Furthermore, it is doable: thin clothes and don’t worry too much.Apply a high factor sunscreen to all exposed skin all year round.Don’t forget to rub your feet if you wear sandals or flip flops.



Be grateful.Accept coffee and tea

During a meeting with a Qatari, tea or coffee is always drunk.The first cup that is offered to you should always be politely accepted.After the first cup, you can indicate that you do not want any more.More than three cups of tea or coffee are often seen by Qatari as eager.



Don’t do’s in Qatar—The real No, No’s




Don’t stare! It is unpolite in Qatar

However fascinating you may find the Qatari’s clothes or pretty faces,don’t stare.This general politeness is fundamental in a society where modesty in dress and behaviour is mandatory.Staring feels like an insult to Qatari.

Don’t just talk to the opposite sex

As a man, do not ask Qatari women for information.Please respect that some Arab women do not want or are not allowed to talk to men.They are more willing to help other women, so let the women do the talking4do the talking负责出面说话,引申为掌控话题、主导局面。! If you do business with an Arab woman, let the woman take the initiative before shaking her hand.Don’t be offended when a woman refuses.

Don’t just take pictures

Use your camera as little as possible.Don’t take pictures of people without asking their permission first.Women and the elderly should not be captured in a sensitive place.Also, be careful when photographing police officers,military personnel and public buildings.

Don’t get drunk

Qatar follows the Shariah Law,which means that you cannot bring alcohol, pornography, pork and drugs into the country.Drinking alcohol is illegal in Qatar.Only five-star hotels have licenses to sell alcohol.You can quickly pay ten to fifteen euros for a beer there.There is a zero-tolerance policy for driving under the influence, drunkenness and violent behaviour.







Show manners and do it the Qatari way

When visiting the World Cup 2022 in Qatar and you are going to visit a Qatari resident, try not to show the soles of your feet or shoes.That could be taken as an insult.You are also not allowed to sit with your back to other guests.If you eat with your fingers, you don’t eat with your left hand.Also, don’t be annoyed if your appointment is late; time is an elastic5elastic灵活的,不固定的。concept in Qatar.One thing is for sure during your visit in Qatar during the World Cup.The schedule with football matches will be right on time and as followed strictly by plan.■


在卡塔尔2022年世界杯观赛期间去拜访卡塔尔居民时,尽量不要把脚底或鞋底露出来。卡塔尔人可能视之为侮辱。并且,不准背对其他客人坐着。徒手进食时,禁止用左手抓取。另外,在卡塔尔没有严格守时的观念;如果别人没有准时赴约,请勿生气。世界杯期间,在卡塔尔有一件事情肯定准时。足球比赛日程表的时刻是确切的,并完全按照计划进行。 □

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