
2022-03-22 23:45樊瑞瑞肖军杰蒋小珊齐元胜焦慧敏
绿色包装 2022年1期

樊瑞瑞 肖军杰 蒋小珊 齐元胜 焦慧敏



中图分类号:TS853+.5;TS805.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1400 (2022) 01-0034-08

Prediction of Maximum Spreading Diameter Factor of Micro Droplets Based on Collings Model

FAN Rui-rui1, XIAO Jun-jie1,2,3,4, JIANG Xiao-shan1,3,4, QI Yuan-sheng1,2, JIAO Hui-min1(1.School of Mechanical and Electrical engineering, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Beijing 102600, China; 2.Intelligent Manufacturing Laboratory, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Beijing 102600, China; 3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Digital Printing Equipment, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Beijing 102600, China; 4.Engineering Research Center of Printing Equipment of Beijing Universities, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Beijing 102600, China)

Abstract: The spreading behavior of the droplets against the flat substrate determines the quality of the printing image, so the study of droplet spreading behavior is beneficial to improve the quality of printed products and is of great significance to the printing industry. In this paper, the Collings model to characterize the spreading behavior of droplets impacting on a plane substrate was investigated. It is deduced from the energy balance expression of Collings model, and the relationship among the maximum spreading diameter factor , the Weber number, and the contact angle is obtained and verified. The application scope of the formula is analyzed and summarized via the comparation between calculation results and the experimental data. Under the conditions of small droplet diameters, slow impact speeds, Weber number from 15 to 115, and Reynolds number much larger than Weber number, the model has a good prediction ability for the maximum spreading diameter factor of droplets; under other conditions, more physical parameters of liquids need to be considered to predict the maximum spreading diameter factor of droplets more accurately.

Key words: Collings model; micro droplet spreading; maximum spreading diameter factor; contact angle

微液滴撞擊固体表面的铺展现象是现实生活中的常见现象,如喷墨打印、荷叶效应、农药喷洒等,涉及多种应用领域。在数字喷墨印刷领域,喷墨网点是构成印刷图像的最小结构单元,即油墨在承印物表面依据图像颜色的深浅形成大小不同或疏密程度不同的印刷墨点;网点在转移过程中的传递特性决定着印品质量,如网点形状、面积、立体形态、分布,在承印物表面的渗透、扩散等属性都会影响印品的质量[1];其深层原因是,微墨滴着陆时发生的铺展行为会引起物理网点的扩大,网点扩大一般发生在网点周边,它决定着沉积成像的质量。此外,在数码印刷中,影响印刷质量的还有其它因素,如温度、纸张性能[2]、油墨性能[3]等。印刷纸张质量的品质直接决定着印品质量的等级。E. W. Collings等人[4]研究了金属液滴撞击平面的铺展特性,进行了流体力学分析,但未推出显式的液滴铺展公式和使用条件。本文在对Colling模型详细推导的基础上,得出了(液滴最大铺展直径因数)与韦伯数、接触角的关系式,而且将计算结果和试验数据进行对比验证,分析了Colling模型的预测能力和应用范围,为精准研究微液滴的最大铺展直径因数奠定了基础,进而提高印品质量。

1 Collings理论模型

Collings模型研究的是金属液滴在平面基底自由下落的溅射淬火凝固过程[4]。金属液滴采用Nitronic 40,衬底材料分别采用铜、氧化铝和熔融石英。在实验中,直径为几毫米的液滴从静止状态下落入一根垂直安装的长管中,管子抽成真空,或者充入各种压力的惰性气体。在真空环境下,用电子束熔炼金属或合金导线的末端,产生液滴。


2 接触角讨论








3 Collings模型的试验数据验证


3.1 Collings模型及其试验数据对比

3.2 液滴撞击水平壁面的最大铺展因数试验数据[8-21]



4 结论



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