
2022-03-19 07:56:08李晓东工作室
世界建筑 2022年3期










深圳国际交流学院的设计通过项目、场地与使用者之间的对话产生不同的设计理念与想法,并以一种整体和有机的方式聚集在一起,形成这座校园建筑独特的身份认同。□ (张思慧 译)

1 概念草图Sketches

To give a clear and solid definition of identity for a school project in the centre of sub-tropical city of Shenzhen is the main focus of the design concept.

The College of International Education (SCIE)was designed to accommodate 2000 students and over 200 teachers on a site of around 20,000 m2in the heart of Shenzhen city. With a plot ratio of almost 5, the great challenge of the project is not only to accommodate a total floor area of over 100,000 m2including all the teaching facilities,dormitories, staff apartments in an efficient way,but also to provide enough sport facilities in a compact compound, at the same time to improve the porosity to allow for cross ventilation and create a space one can breathe feely.

2 外景Exterior view

3 剖透视Section perspective

4 分解模型Decomposition models

The main concept of the design consists of several layers of meaning addressing different aspects of the programme.

(1) Blurred boundary. There are no solid walls surrounding the school. For us, the campus should not be an ivory tower that is isolated,rather, it is open and is interactive with the city.

(2) Platforms. Most of the functional spaces are elevated above the platform level to provide more open space for activities and at the same time reserve courtyards on the ground level to respond to nature.

(3) Vertical greenery. A vertical green system is introduced to provide sun-shading while building a close relationship between human and the natural environment.

(4) Three-dimensional sports space. Due to the lack of space, the sport programmes are divided into 16 different units and incorporated into the building complex on different levels, adding flexibility, playfulness, interaction, efficiency and unique experience to the whole campus.

(5) Sky gardens. In both living quarters and educational buildings, sky gardens are densely distributed to provide enough outdoor space with fresh air.

The design for SCIE integrates different ideas that were generated through constant dialogues with the place, programmes and the people in a holistic and organic manner to give the school a unique identity.□

5 总平面Site plan

6 剖面ASection A

7 剖面BSection B

8 剖面CSection C

9 剖面DSection D

10 标准层平面Typical floor plan

11 跑道层平面Runway floor plan

12 平台层平面Platform floor plan

13 首层平面Ground floor plan

14 地下一层平面B1 floor plan

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