
2022-03-17 00:50江丽
疯狂英语·读写版 2022年2期


外籍记者聂子瑞(Erik Nilsson)在过去的十几年中,跟随《中国日报》走访了中国大陆的每个省份,采访内容不仅包括中国在扶贫、救灾、环境保护等方面的发展,还包括中国经济、社会和文化领域的发展,以帮助世界更好地了解真实的中国。

Erik Nilsson is an American journalist who works at China Daily and is a recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award.

Nilsson first came to China in 2005 for an internship program in China Daily when he was studying journalism at Central Michigan University. A year later, Nilsson returned to Beijing and joined the newspaper. “I love the food, the culture, the history, and above all, the people. I returned to work in China, and I never left,” he said.

Nilssons biggest contribution to China is his devotion to telling its stories. Working for China Daily enables Nilsson to share stories from all over China with Chinese and global audiences alike. His videos, narrated (叙述) in slow, clear English, are subtitled (配字幕) in English and Mandarin.

Nilsson has co?authored 16 books and won multiple journalism awards, and his videos about China have won nearly 300 million views. As he talks about his “life mission”, it is not pride that stands out, but passion for his work and humility(谦逊) towards the stories he gets to tell.

Because of his outstanding journalistic works and long volunteering work, Nilsson was in 2006 awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award, the highest honor that can be given to foreigners who have contributed to Chinas development. Nilsson, who was then aged 33, was the youngest?ever winner of the award. During the Spring Festival reception in 2017, he delivered (发表)a six?minute speech on media development. “China is making greater strides (大步) toward the center of the global stage. The country has such a unique history, culture, and even geography that I think its difficult for many people outside the country to understand,” Nilsson said.

“Many Western readers said that they gained a more balanced and positive understanding of China after reading my articles and books. Many Chinese readers also said they achieved a deeper understanding of their own country. This is what Im happiest about. Theres an extraordinary value in helping the world better understand China,” he said.


1. Why did Nilsson first come to China?

A. To experience life in China.

B. To gain some work experience.

C. To take a business trip.

D. To do research on Chinese culture.

2. What contribution does Nilsson make to China?

A. He helps the world understand China better.

B. He shares culture in his country with the Chinese.

C. He sets a good example to Chinese reporters.

D. He shares his work passion with the Chinese.

3. What can be learned about the award mentioned in paragraph 5?

A. It was set up in 2006.

B. Its youngest winner was Nilsson.

C. It was established to speed Chinas development.

D. Its influence on foreigners has become stronger than before.

4. What do Western readers think of Nilssons articles and books?

A. They are more popular among Chinese readers.

B. They are mainly about the history of China.

C. They are unreal to foreign readers.

D. They are beneficial to readers understanding of China.


Sentence for writing

The country has such a unique history, culture, and even geography that I think its difficult for many people outside the country to understand. 這个国家有着如此独特的历史、文化,甚至是地理,以至于我认为国外的很多人都很难理解。



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