独 具 匠 心

2022-03-07 13:39:06王逢鑫
英语世界 2022年10期


“匠”的第一个意思是“有专门技术或有手艺的人”,即“匠人”或“工匠”。英语一般可以译为craftsman 或artisan。但是不同行业的匠人,英语都有自己的对应词,构成职业名称,有金匠(goldsmith)、银匠(silversmith)、铜匠(coppersmith)、铁匠(smith/blacksmith/ironsmith)、锡匠(tinsmith)、锁匠(locksmith)、造枪匠/修枪匠(gunsmith)、石匠(stonemason/mason)、瓦 匠/ 泥 瓦 匠/ 泥 水 匠(builder/bricklayer/tiler/plasterer)、木 匠(carpenter)、陶匠(potter)、漆匠(lacquerer)、花匠(gardener)、画匠(painter)、鞋匠(shoemaker)、皮匠(cobbler/tanner)、理发匠(barber)等。例如:

1. 根据中国传说,鲁班被木匠尊为木工技术的祖师爷。According to Chinese legends, Lu Ban was honored as the founder of carpentry by the carpenters.

2. 这个铁匠在铁砧上打成了一个马蹄铁。The blacksmith shaped a horseshoe on his anvil.

3. 随着工业革命的到来和机器的广泛应用,在英国像金匠、银匠、铜匠、铁匠、锡匠、造枪匠等匠人的个体作坊越来越少。With the coming of the Industrial Revolution and the wide use of machines, there were fewer and fewer individual workshops of such craftsmen as goldsmiths, silversmiths, coppersmiths,ironsmiths, tinsmiths and gunsmiths in Britain.

4. 过去,男人去理发铺找理发匠剃头。现在,女士进美发厅请美发师或发型师美发。In the past, a man went to a barber shop to have his head shaved by a barber. Now, a lady goes to a beauty salon to have her hair done by a hairdresser or a hair stylist.


5. Mr. Smith is a carpenter whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures. 史密斯先生是个木匠,他的工作是制作和修理木器和木结构。

6. Mr. Carpenter is a smith, whose job is making and repairing things made of iron, especially horseshoes. 卡彭特先生是个铁匠,他的工作是制作和修理铁器,尤其是马蹄铁。

“匠”的第二个意思是“在某方面有突出成就的人”,即“名匠” “宗匠”或“能工巧匠”。特指“有绝活儿的匠人”,英语一般可以译为 skilful craftsman、consummate craftsman、master artisan 等。“巨匠”泛指“其他行业出众的人”,英语一般可以译为 great master,像“文坛巨匠”(great master in literature / literary giant)。例如:

7. 注意细节是能工巧匠的特点。Attention to details is the hallmark of a skilful craftsman.

8. 能工巧匠需要有高超技艺和极大耐心。A master artisan requires superb skill and great patience.

9. 文坛巨匠鲁迅指出“教育根植于爱”。他认为:爱是教育的源泉;没有爱,就没有教育。Lu Xun, the great master in literature, pointed out that education should get rooted in love. He believed that love is the source of education;Without love, there would be no education.

“匠心”的意思是“巧妙的心思”。特指专门技术或手艺,英语可以译为 craftsmanship;泛指其他行业,英语可以译为ingenuity。例如:

10. 这座建于六百多年前的宏伟宫殿是古代工匠的匠心的一座丰碑。The magnificent palace, built over six hundred years ago, is a monument to the ancient artisans’ craftsmanship.

11. 在明清家具展览会上,我们欣赏了古代木匠制作精美家具的高超匠心。At the Ming-Qing Furniture Exhibition, we appreciated the ancient carpenters’superb craftsmanship in making exquisite furniture.

12. 站在雄伟的长城上,游客们惊奇地凝视着这个数千年前的建筑奇迹,它是中国古代劳动人民匠心与智慧的象征。Standing on the splendid Great Wall, the tourists gazed in wonder at the architectural marvel from thousands of years ago, which serves as a symbol of the ingenuity and intelligence of the ancient Chinese labouring people.

“独具匠心”和“别具匠心”的意思是“具有与众不同的巧妙构想”。英语可以译为 to show unusual craftsmanship/ingenuity。例如:

13. 在古代中国,劳动人民独具匠心,建造了从西安一座秦陵出土的那批兵马俑。In ancient China, the labouring people showed unusual craftsmanship in making the terracotta warriors and horses excavated from a Qin Tomb in Xi’an.

14. 中国科学家和技术人员在“探月工程”中别具匠心,成功地利用航天器对月球进行了探测。In their “Lunar Exploration Project”, Chinese scientists and technicians showed unusual ingenuity and made successful explorations on the moon with spacecrafts.

“匠心独运”的意思是“在文学、艺术等方面独创性地运用巧妙心思”。英语可以译为 to give full play to one’s ingenuity。例如:

15. 在这部小说中,这位作家在人物塑造和情节结构方面匠心独运。In this novel, the writer gave full play to his ingenuity in its characterization and plot structure. □

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