1中国烟草总公司四川省公司四川省烟草科学研究所,成都 635000;2中国农业科学院烟草研究所,山东青岛 266101
随着近年来全球卷烟消费的下降和烟叶种植规模减少,烟草的多用途综合利用研究受到进一步重视。据研究报道,烟草种子(烟籽)可用作制造油漆、树脂、润滑剂、肥皂、动物饲料、香料、食用油等的原料[1-10],国外对烟籽用作生物燃料进行了系统研究[7-10]。烟籽含油率为30%~40%[11-13],烟籽油中不饱和脂肪酸所占比例近90%[11-15],亚油酸、植物甾醇等有益成分含量较高,具有显著的抗氧化活性和明显的降低胆固醇作用[12-13],烟籽油具有较好的开发利用价值。烟草种子产量可达到较高水平,研究报道在意大利北部烟籽产量达4.5 t/hm2,烟籽油产率高达1.48 t/hm2[11]。不同品种的烟籽油含量有较大差异[24],种植海拔、营养状况和加工技术对烟籽产量性状有影响[25-29]。有研究报道了烟籽油的提取方法[16]、萃取参数[17-18]、产品工艺[19-21]、基因工程改良技术[22-23]等。但国内未见烟籽的规模化生产应用报道,尚未明确适宜烟籽油生产的烟草类型与品种。本文研究了四川省不同类型与品种烟草的烟籽产量、烟籽油含量与成分差异,以期筛选出适宜烟籽油生产用的烟草品种,为烟草资源多用途综合开发利用提供参考。
试验于2018—2019年在四川省烟草科学研究所科研基地(西昌市大兴乡建新村)开展。参试品种材料共33份,其中烤烟5份,白肋烟18份,晾晒烟10份(表1)。育苗方式为漂浮育苗,田间栽培株行距90 cm×40 cm(27780株/hm2)。各品种田间随机排列种植重复3次,每小区种植60株,每品种共种植180株。试验田土壤为紫色土,pH 5.6,有机质含量9.6 g/kg,速效氮含量66.7 mg/kg,速效磷含量13.6 mg/kg,速效钾含量83.7 mg/kg。各品种施肥量相同,施纯氮90 kg/hm2,N):P2O5):K2O)=6:12:20(烟草复合基肥300 kg/ hm2、烟草追肥300 kg/hm2、硝酸钾266.7 kg/hm2、钙镁磷肥1092.9 kg/hm2)。所有品种材料田间管理一致,未进行打顶、抑芽处理。
表1 参试烟草类型与品种材料
Tab.1 Types and varieties of the tobacco tested
类 型品种名称 烤 烟云烟87、云烟85、K326、K346、SCB0; 白肋烟Va1061、Va1052、Va1048、Va509、TN90、TN86、KY14、KY895、KY907、B21Q、B21F、RHCS、99K521、万杂一号、达所24号、达所26号、双河-5、梅家-5; 晾晒烟晒烟9号,万毛三号(GW-3),青州一号,松阳晒烟,乐山毛烟,铁杆子、泉烟、黑蜜柳烟、笆毛柳烟、雪茄CP2012。
不同类型与品种烟草种子送中国农科院烟草研究所检测种子含油率和脂肪酸成分。通过榨油机榨取油脂,计算种子含油率。参照GB/T 17376—2008《动植物油脂脂肪酸甲酯制备》检测分析烟籽油脂肪酸成分;对烟籽油进行甲酯化,GC/MS(Agilent)测定,仪器条件为:分析柱为CP-Sil88(100 m×250 µm,0.2 µm);载气为氦气,流速1 mL/min,分流比20:1;进样口温度220℃;进样量1 µL。柱升温程序,120℃保持1 min,以20℃/min的速率升温到200℃,保持28 min。电子轰击电离(EI),离子源能量70 eV,离子源温度230℃,四极杆温度150℃。采集模型为全扫描。根据样品NIST谱库检索结果定性,确定脂肪酸的种类。通过样品总离子流图,采用峰面积归一法计算饱和脂肪酸(棕榈酸、硬脂酸)和不饱和脂肪酸(油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸)共5种脂肪酸的相对百分含量。用Office Excel和IBM SPSS Statistics 19软件进行数据整理分析。
参试品种平均单蒴果种子质量为0.182 g,单株烟籽产量为42.75 g,单位规模烟籽产量为1187.5 kg/hm2。同样的肥水条件和管理措施下,不同类型与品种烟草的烟籽产量存在差异(表2)。平均单蒴果烟籽质量表现为晾晒烟>白肋烟>烤烟,且差异达到显著水平。平均单株烟籽产量和单位面积烟籽产量以晾晒烟较高,其次是烤烟,且晾晒烟和烤烟显著高于白肋烟。
表2 不同类型与品种烟草烟籽产量性状比较
Tab.2 Comparison of seed yield of different types and varieties of tobacco
烟草类型品种名称单蒴果种子质量/g单株种子产量/g单位面积种子产量/(kg/hm2) 烤烟K3260.16739.781105.05 K3460.17364.51791.9 云烟850.20964.491791.45 云烟87 0.24653.511486.5 SCB00.09739.61100.1 平均0.165 bA48.75 aA1354.35 aA 变异系数31.0723.7123.71 晾晒烟万毛三号0.22656.321564.5 晒烟9号0.19340.111114.2 松阳晒烟0.17845.161254.45 铁杆子0.23550.911414.35 笆毛柳烟0.14753.111475.4 黑蜜柳烟0.24159.891663.8
烟草类型品种名称单蒴果种子质量/g单株种子产量/g单位面积种子产量/(kg/hm2) 晾晒烟乐山白毛0.21233.25923.55 青州一号0.18155.491541.4 泉烟0.22787.522431.2 CP20120.22459.331648.35 平均0.206 aA54.11 aA1503.15 aA 变异系数14.7326.926.9 白肋烟99K5210.16320.91580.8 B21 F0.26836.091002.6 B21 Q0.19946.71297.2 KY140.14619.9552.75 KY8950.18718.85523.65 KY9070.1521.9608.4 RHCS0.19819.51541.95 TN860.12220.29563.55 TN900.09712.52347.7 Va10480.15838.621072.8 Va10520.16317.9497.4 Va10610.19437.511042.05 Va5090.22420.26562.95 达所24 0.19928.25784.8 达所26 0.17311.52320.1 万杂一号 0.20731.11864.3 梅家-5 0.18540.621128.45 双河-5 0.14314.31397.35 平均0.176 abA25.38 bB705.0 bB 变异系数22.2941.5841.58
同类型内不同品种的烟籽产量性状比较可以看出,烤烟品种中,云烟87单个蒴果烟籽质量较高,其次是云烟85;云烟85和K346的单株烟籽产量和单位面积烟籽产量较高,K326和SCB0较低。晾晒烟品种中,黑蜜柳烟、铁杆子的单个蒴果烟籽质量较高;泉烟的单株烟籽产量和单位面积烟籽产量较高,其次是黑蜜柳烟、CP2012、万毛三号。白肋烟品种中,B21、Va509、万杂一号的单蒴果烟籽质量较高,TN90、TN86较低;白肋烟不同品种单株烟籽产量差异较大(11.52~46.7 g),其中B21较高,其次是梅家-5,达所26、TN90等产量较低,各品种单位面积烟籽产量与单株烟籽产量排序基本一致。
表3 不同类型和品种烟草烟籽油含量和成分比较
Tab.3 Comparison of fatty acid composition and seed oil content of different types and varieties of tobacco
烟草类型品种名称含油率/%脂肪酸组成/% 棕榈酸硬脂酸油酸亚油酸亚麻酸 烤烟K32640.738.042.5910.9277.710.74 K34641.288.032.8711.5277.760.54 云烟85 41.677.903.1111.3877.020.59 云烟87 41.487.992.8810.4277.840.73 SCB041.137.882.5210.3978.420.78 平均41.26 aA 7.97 aA 2.79 bB 10.92 bB 77.75 aA 0.68 aA 变异系数0.870.928.544.810.6415.71 晾晒烟万毛三号39.319.063.1911.8875.440.44 晒烟9号39.348.053.3112.0776.020.55 松阳晒烟43.298.114.0113.2273.870.79 铁杆子40.197.425.0412.9974.080.46 笆毛柳烟39.388.014.3912.3674.520.73 黑蜜柳烟43.748.932.9411.576.290.34 乐山白毛41.958.115.2311.8074.010.50 青州一号39.207.872.6810.5678.330.56 泉烟38.9110.834.0613.2470.940.93 CP201239.759.892.9511.8974.680.59 平均 40.51 aA 8.63 aA 3.78 aA 12.15 aA 74.82 bB 0.59 abAB 变异系数4.4512.2223.956.892.5830.23 白肋烟99K52137.628.372.6811.6276.810.52 B21 F37.728.332.5910.2978.360.43 B21 Q38.838.382.4911.2077.330.60 KY1438.837.622.6610.5778.720.43 KY89534.558.462.6410.2878.160.44 KY90739.428.052.5710.3778.420.51 RHCS35.527.792.779.7978.650.57 TN8639.108.262.689.9278.670.47 TN9036.368.32.6610.4278.120.46 Va104833.848.262.6010.3178.380.45 Va105238.058.442.7110.5677.880.41 Va106133.838.482.7411.6176.680.49 Va50938.669.852.6510.9375.690.52 达所24 36.418.542.5810.2678.160.46 达所26 37.358.342.7510.1878.20.53 万杂一号37.488.102.6410.3278.150.58 梅家-5 33.548.072.5710.2278.60.53 双河-5 平均 36.79 bB 8.37 aA 2.64 bB 10.54 bB 77.89 aA 0.49 bB 变异系数5.355.692.774.931.0713.36
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Comparison of fatty acid content and yield of different varieties and types of tobacco seeds
XIAO Yong1, ZHANG Jianhui1, YU Jiamin1, HOU Xiaodong2, JIANG Hong1, YU Xiangwen1, QU Jiankang1, YANG Xingyou1*
1 Institute of Tobacco Science of Sichuan Tobacco Corporation, Chengdu 610041, China;2 Tobacco Research Institute of Chinese Agriculture Science, Qingdao 266101, China
In order to find out the suitable varieties and types of tobacco for producing tobacco seed oil (TSO), the seed yield, seed oil content, fatty acid composition and proportion of flue-cured tobacco, burley tobacco and air/sun-cured tobacco were comparatively analyzed. The results showed that: The yield per unit area of air/sun-cured tobacco and flue-cured tobacco were significantly higher than that of burley tobacco. For varieties of air/sun-cured tobacco, the seed yield of variety name Quanyan was higher, followed by variety named K346, Yunyan 85, Heimiliu and CP2012. The average oil content of different types of tobacco was different. The oil content of flue-cured tobacco seed and air/sun-cured tobacco seed was higher than that of burley tobacco seed. The variety with the highest oil content was air/sun-cured tobacco variety named Heimiliu, followed by flue-cured tobacco variety named SCB0 having the second highest oil content; the variety with the highest total saturated fatty acid content was yellow sun-cured tobacconamedQuanyan, followed by cigar tobacco variety named CP2012, red sun-cured tobacco variety named Tieganzi and GW-3, etc. Through comparison, it can be known that some varieties of air/sun-cured tobacco and flue-cured tobacco are suitable for the production of tobacco seed oil, including air/sun-cured tobacco varieties named Quanyan, heimiliu,CP2012, GW-3, and flue-cured tobacco varieties named Yunyan85, k346,Yunyan87, etc.
flue-cured tobacco; burley tobacco; air/sun-cured tobacco; seed; tobacco seed oil; fatty acid
Corresponding author. Email:tobaccoboy@163.com
肖勇,张建会,余佳敏,等. 不同类型与品种烟草烟籽油的产量与成分对比研究[J]. 中国烟草学报,2021,28(1). XIAO Yong, ZHANG Jianhui, YU Jiamin, et al. Comparison of fatty acid content and yield of different varieties and types of tobacco seeds[J]. Acta Tabacaria Sinica, 2021, 28 (1). doi: 10.16472/j.chinatobacco.2020.T0028