Due to language barriers for non-native speakers,the authors of both articles in this journal were un⁃aware of using inappropriate words in the English abstracts.The authors and the journal sincerely apologize for the errors made in the original versions.The correct descriptions in the Result section of the two ab⁃stracts should be as follows.
1.2012 年第28 卷第2 期第85 页由郝博等发表的“肠道病毒71 型在脑干脑炎婴幼儿脑干中的分布及感染机制”(doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5619.2012.02.002)文中,英文摘要部分“(1)EV71-VP1 positive cells in the ex⁃perimental group were mainly astrocytes in brainstem with nigger-brown particles,and the control group was negative.(2)ICAM-1 positive cells showed nigger-brown.”现修改为“(1)EV71-VP1 positive cells in the ex⁃perimental group were mainly astrocytes in brainstem with dark-brown particles,and the control group was negative.(2)ICAM-1 positive cells showed dark-brown.”。
2.2013 年第29 卷第3 期第161 页由高迪等发表的“病毒性心肌炎致死者心肌中VCAM-1 和caspase-3 的表达”(doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5619.2013.03.001)文中,英文摘要部分“(1)The vascular endothelial cells ex⁃pressed VCAM-1 with dark nigger-brown colors in the experimental group”现修改为“(1)The vascular endo⁃thelial cells expressed VCAM-1 with dark-brown colors in the experimental group”。