
2022-02-15 01:12程浩淼葛恒军朱腾义冯绍元
农业工程学报 2022年21期

程浩淼,季 书,葛恒军,朱腾义,冯绍元



程浩淼1,2,季 书1,葛恒军3,朱腾义1,冯绍元2※

(1. 扬州大学环境科学与工程学院,扬州 225127; 2. 扬州大学水利科学与工程学院,扬州 225127;3. 扬州市勘测设计研究院有限公司,扬州 225007)



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基于以上背景,本文综述了生态沟渠消减农田面源污染的相关文献,阐明了生态沟渠对N、P及农药的消减机理及影响因子;探索了污染物初始浓度(Initial Concentration,IC)、水力停留时间(Hydraulic Retention Time,HRT)、植物种类(Plant Species,PS)、生物量(Plant Biomass,BM)对N、P及农药的去除率的影响;进而采用多元线性回归方程模型(Multiple Linear Regression Model,MLR),探索了N、P及农药去除率与多重影响因子与之间的定量关系,以期为提高生态沟渠的面源污染去除效果奠定理论基石,同时也为生态沟渠的合理构建和设计提供科学依据。

1 数据来源及处理

1.1 生态沟渠的野外观测试验数据收集

为探明生态沟渠系统对农田面源污染物(N、P及农药)的影响因子及去除效果,本文利用ISI Web of Science 和CNKI数据库,对生态沟渠去除N、P及农药的野外观测试验研究进行了系统地调研。检索标准如下:1)野外观测试验或Field experiment;2)生态沟渠、农田排水沟、Ecological ditch或Drainage ditch;3)农业面源污染或Agricultural non-point source pollution。通过系统性检索,获得有41篇相关文献(其中,SCI文献17篇,中文文献24篇),共计559组生态沟渠试验数据,文献时间跨度2001年1月—2022年4月。

1.2 统计分析方法

基于以上野外观测试验数据,生态沟渠对N、P及农药的去除效果主要影响因子有:IC、HRT、PS、BM。先进行单因子影响分析,具体试验数据分组如下:1)分析生态沟渠中污染物去除率与其对应IC的关系,包括:总氮(Total Nitrogen,TN)(64,为样本数量)[17-29]、NH4+-N(28)[17,27,29-31]、NO3--N(22)[13,17-18,25,29-30,32]、总磷(Total Phosphorus,TP)(40)[13,20-21,26-27]、PO43--P(16)[30,33]、农药(39)[34-39];2)分析污染物去除率与其对应HRT的关系,包括:TN(39)[20-22,24,28,36]、TP(34)[20-21,23,36]、农药(39)[34-39];3)分析污染物去除率与其对应PS的关系,包括:TN(=67)[21-23,27,30,36,40]、TP(=66)[13,19-21,23-27,32]、农药(=39)[34-39];4)分析污染物去除率与其对应BM的关系,包括:TN(36)[20,22-24,40-41]、TP(15)[20,23-24,40-41]、农药(15)[36,42-43]。其他影响因子,如温度、水力负荷、降雨、干湿交替等未在统计范围内。采用Pearson相关进行单因子分析,<0.05认为有显著相关性。




2 结果与分析

2.1 生态沟渠对农业面源污染的消减机理


图1 生态沟渠中营养盐[29,45-46,49,52-53]及农药[42,51,54]的主要环境行为示意图

2.2 影响生态沟渠消减效果的影响因子

2.2.1 初始浓度


图2 初始浓度对营养盐及农药去除率的影响

2.2.2 水力停留时间

如图3a和3b所示,R均随着水力停留时间(HRT)增大而增大(为TN和TP)。当HRT>2 d时,R均集中在50%以上;当HRT>4 d时,R均在90%以上。有研究表明,HRT存在优化区间(TN: 0~5 d,TP: 0~4 d),当HRT≤4 d时,R上升较快,继续延长HRTR增速放缓[40]。

对于TN(图3a),随着HRTTN的延长,TN也随之升高,这是因为较长的HRTTN使得植物根系泌氧量增加,传输到沟渠中的氧气量也随之增加,创造了利于微生物生长繁殖的好氧环境。同时,好氧环境也为硝化反硝化微生物提供了充足的反应底物,从而使硝化反硝化反应进行的更彻底[61]。并且,延长HRTTN可提高TN与基质中硝化微生物接触与反应时间,进一步提高TP[62]。还有研究指出,适当延长HRTTN可增加反应的稳定性[63]。类似地,Hunter等[64]研究称,6 d HRT(RTN=80%)时的RTN显著高于2 d HRT(RTN=53%)。

对于TP(图3b),它随着HRTTP的延长而升高,这是因为TP的去除主要依靠吸附沉淀作用,HRTTP越长,流速越慢,吸附质不易被冲走[65]。此外,延长HRTTP可以促进溶解性有机P转化为溶解性无机P,进而被植物吸收利用[66],并且有研究表明,当HRTTP为2 d时,TP仅为29%,而延长至6 d时,去除率可达到55%[64]。


图3 水力停留时间(HRT)对营养盐及农药去除率的影响

2.2.3 植物种类



注:图中箱体内长实线、三角分别代表中位线、均值;箱体表示25%和75%的四分位数,上、下边缘分别表示第95和第5个百分位数. 单个植物种类n<4不纳入统计。

2.2.4 生物量

生态沟渠内水生植物的BM是影响N、P去除率的关键因子之一。王令等[40]在长为80 m的沟渠研究水生植物的BM对N、P去除效果的影响,结果表明BM增大,TN、TP均有所升高。其中BM为1 453.6 g/m2时,TN为61.2%,TP为72.8%;BM为170.3 g/m2时,TN为51.8%,TP为64.8%。这与张树楠等[41]对5种生物量相差较大的水生植物对N、P的吸收效果的研究结果类似:5种试验植物的N、P吸收量与BM为呈显著的正相关(2=0.93,0.01)。其中,水生美人蕉的BM为3 100 g/m2,含N量为22.2 g/kg,含P量为3.0 g/kg。而灯芯草BM仅为1 300 g/m2,含N量仅为15.3 g/kg,含P量为3.3 g/kg。这表明BM越大,对N、P的吸收量越大。此外,余红兵等[69]指出同一水生植物不同部位对N、P的吸收量存在差异,通常地上部分的N、P吸收量均大于地下部分。并且从不同部位的N、P浓度分布看,同一水生植物地上部分的N、P浓度均明显大于地下部分,地上部分的N、P平均浓度是地下部分的5倍。这表明水生植物对N、P等污染物主要取决于地上部分的BM,植物地上部分可吸收N、P用于自身生长代谢,且BM越大,吸收量越大,而植物地下部分的作用更多在于为根系的微生物提供去除N、P的反应场所及氧气。


2.2.5 其他影响因子


2.2.6 多因子与生态沟渠中面源污染去除率的关联分析






对于TN和TP,MLR结果表明(式2~式3),IC和BM均与R存在显著正相关关系(<0.01)(为TN和TP)。这是由于IC和BM越高,植物吸收量与底泥吸附量越大[80];同时较高的IC促使植物根系发达,创造了好氧环境,进而为底泥中的微生物的生长代谢提供了良好的场所。但也有研究表明[81],IC过高会抑制生态沟渠内的植物生长;此外,底泥吸附的N、P达到饱和后会向水体重新释放,进而导致TN和TP下降。植物地上部分BM越大,对N、P的吸收量越大;如赵原等[82]在7种水生植物对N、P吸收量的研究表明,美人蕉地上部分BM为1.34 kg,其对N、P的吸收量分别为15.02、1.71 g/m2;而地上部分BM最小的菖蒲(0.45 kg),对N、P的吸收量分别为2.88、0.48 g/m2。MLR的标准化系数表明,IC对TN、TP的贡献大于BM。这可能是由于IC的升高既会刺激生态沟渠中植物的吸收作用,又会增强微生物作用,进而提高TN和TP。Geary等[83]研究表明,高浓度的N、P负荷下,N、P的去除主要依靠底泥吸附,而不是植物吸收。故IC较高时,BM对TN、TP的贡献较小。此外,HRT为式(2)~式(3)中的排除变量(>0.05),这是由于HRT与TN、TP可能存在非线性关系的,这也与图3的结果一致。


3 结 论

近年来,生态沟渠已逐渐成为一种消减农田面源污染的重要生态措施,本文综述了当前生态沟渠对N、P及农药的处理效果的研究,并剖析污染物去除率与其对应的影响因子之间的定量关系,包括:初始浓度(Initial Concentration,IC)、水力停留时间(Hydraulic Retention Time,HRT)、生物量(Plant Biomass,BM)和植物种类(Plant Biomass,PS)(为TN 、TP或Pes),主要结论如下:

1)TN和TP的去除率均会随着其对应的IC、HRT、BM的增大而增大,这可能是由于较大的IC与HRT不仅促进了植物与底泥的吸附,同时也为底泥微生物降解提供了良好的生存场所和反应条件;BM越大,植物的养分需求量越大,同时其对水流的阻抗作用也越大,进而增大了HRT,进一步抑制营养盐的再悬浮。此外,多元线性回归模型(Multiple Linear Regression Model,MLR)结果表明,IC和BM与TN和TP的去除率显著正相关,同时IC对其去除率的贡献大于BM。PS与营养盐去除率不存在显著性关系。



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Dissipation mechanisms of ecological ditch on agricultural non-point source pollution and their influencing factors

Cheng Haomiao1,2, Ji Shu1, Ge Hengjun3, Zhu Tengyi1, Feng Shaoyuan2※


Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (ANSP) has posed a great challenge in modern agriculture worldwide, due mainly to the massive application of fertilizers and pesticides in fields. It is of great significance to develop ecological restoration technologies to mitigate the ANSP. Among them, an ecological ditch can function as a farmland drainage ditch and constructed wetland in recent years. Most previous studies have focused on the dissipation mechanisms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). However, it is still lacking in the pesticide removal in the ecological ditch. Meanwhile, it is a high demand for the multiple factors analysis rather than the commonly-used single factor analysis, because the dissipation mechanisms of the ecological ditch were influenced by the interaction of multiple factors. In this review, a literature survey was performed on the field experiments of ecological ditches using the ISI Web of Science and CNKI databases from 2001 to 2022. The dissipation mechanisms of ANSP included sediment sorption and plant resistance, as well as plant/microorganism absorption and degradation. The search criteria involved field experiment, ecological ditch or drainage ditch, and ANSP. A total of 559 groups of field experimental data were analyzed to explore the removal rates of total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, and pesticides. Four influencing factors were taken into account, i.e., the Initial Contaminant Concentration (IC), Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT), Plant Species (PS), and Plant Biomass (BM). Other influencing factors were also discussed, such as the temperature, hydraulic load, rainfall, and alternate wetting and drying. Both single and multiple factors analysis were carried out using correlation analysis and Multiple Linear Regression Model (MLR), respectively. The results indicated that both total nitrogen and total phosphorus increased as the IC, HRT and BM increased (<0.01), while the PShad no significant correlation with total nitrogen and total phosphorus(>0.05). The reason was that the sorption and uptake processes were stimulated by the higherIC, HRT and BM, whereas, the resuspension was inhibited by the higherHRT and BM in the ecological ditchThe MLR analysis demonstrated thatthe coefficient of determination (2) was 0.80 and 0.92 for thetotal nitrogen and total phosphorus, respectively. Both the IC and BM showed a positive correlation with thetotal nitrogen and total phosphorus (<0.05). Therefore, the high IC and BM greatly contributed to the high total nitrogen and total phosphorus.Particularly, the contribution ratio of IC was higher than that of BMin the MLR equations for the total nitrogen and total phosphorus. The high concentration gradient was attributed to the contribution of the ecological ditch. The diffusion of nutrients was promoted from the overlying water to pore water in the sediment. As such, more favorable absorption conditions were provided for the sediment microorganisms and plants. The single-factor analysis indicated that the pesticide declined as the IC raised (<0.05), in terms of pesticides. The toxicity of pesticides might inhibit the pesticide-degradation ability of the microorganisms and plants in high IC condition, further weakening the metabolic activity of microorganisms and the absorption of plants. The pesticides raised significantly, as the HRT increased (<0.05), indicating the longer microbial reaction for the higher pesticide removal rate. Besides, the MLR equation for the pesticides showed reliable statistical parameters in the training set with the2=0.56. The pesticides in the MLR were negatively correlated with the IC (<0.05), but positively correlated with the HRT (<0.05), which were consistent with the single-factor analysis. Therefore, it is very necessary to supplement the experimental research on the interaction of multiple factors in the future. It is also of great significance to investigate the other hydrologic and environmental factors on the removal efficiencies of ecological ditches. Future research can also explore the effects of pesticide structures and microbiological mechanisms on pesticide removal in ecological ditches.

biomass; nitrogen; phosphorus; ecological ditch; removal rate; initial concentration; hydraulic retention time





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Haomiao Cheng, Shu Ji, Hengjun Ge, et al. Dissipation mechanisms of ecological ditch on agricultural non-point source pollution and their influencing factors[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(21): 42-52. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.21.006 http://www.tcsae.org





