
2022-01-22 21:18:48
文化交流 2022年1期

Governors’ New Year Greetings






As we approach the New Year, as the governor of Colonia and on behalf of the people of Colonia, I would like to extend warm greetings to the people of Zhejiang province, and promise to make every endeavor to enhance the affinity between our peoples.

——Carlos Moreira Reisch, Governor of Colonia, Uruguay

日本栃木县知事  福田富一

1993 年我县与浙江省建立了友好关系,并且即将迎来 30 周年。在30 年里,我们经历了灾害等很多困难,特别是2020 年新冠疫情暴发后,我们互赠口罩等救援物资,相互扶助,最终成功克服困难。对此,再次向浙江省表示感谢。多年来,我们开展了青少年等人员的文化交流,加深了友谊,促进了相互发展。据我了解,浙江省是中国最富裕、数字化程度最高的地区之一。我愿意今后继续加强交流,为促进彼此的发展而努力。祝愿浙江的各位朋友,幸福安康!

Tochigi prefecture and Zhejiang province established friendly relations in 1993, and soon we will be celebrating the 30th anniversary. The past 30 years have seen us standing together and dealing with many difficulties such as natural disasters. In 2020, after the outbreak of COVID-19, we immediately sent relief supplies to each other such as medical masks, and together we have successfully handled this difficult situation. I would like to once again express my gratitude to Zhejiang province. For all those years, we have carried out my people-to-people and cultural exchanges, especially exchanges among the youths, through which we have developed closer bonds and promoted development on both sides. Zhejiang, as we know, is among the wealthiest and most digitally advanced regions in China. We are looking forward to more exchanges and win-win cooperation with Zhejiang. I wish all my friends in Zhejiang a very happy and prosperous New Year!

——Tomikazu Fukuda, Governor of Tochigi Prefecture, Japan




We are now beginning the festivities of the New Year season, which for us is a time of gift-giving and spending time with our family and friends. Here in Norway, we have many traditions for this time, which include having lights for the long dark nights, enjoying festive food and drinks, having a cozy time with our loved ones by the fire, and, of course, enjoying the northern lights. This is a time to think about friendship and reflect on friends old and new. Our friendship with the people of Zhejiang has lasted many years and is of great value to us. Although the physical distance between our lands is great, the bond between us is greater. I wish you all happiness, health and prosperity in 2022. Godt nyttår!

——Tomas Norvoll, President of Nordland County Government, Norway

日本静冈县知事  川胜平太

各位浙江朋友,新年快乐! 2022 年是浙江省和静冈县缔结友好省县关系 40 周年。我所尊敬的孔子先生曾说过,“四十而不惑”,我也愿意不为外物所迷惑,继续大力发展我们的友好关系。我还记得2010年,我们和浙江省成为中日两国地方友城交流的典范,并荣幸获得了“对华友好城市交流合作奖”。我对我们多年来建立起的这份友谊充满了信心。去年,我们成功举办了奥运会和残奥会,中国运动员表现也非常出色,恭喜他们。今年,亚运会即将在杭州举行,衷心祝愿亚运会成功举办。今年受新冠疫情影响,我们很难进行面对面交流,但是我们的心是相通的,我会更加相信彼此的友情,并期待“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎”那一刻的到来。2022 年,我在静冈县的富士山脚下衷心祝愿大家2022年幸福安康!谢谢!

Happy New Year to all my friends in Zhejiang! 2022 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the friendly relations between Zhejiang province and Shizuoka prefecture. Confucius, who I admire very much, said: “At 40, I no longer suffer from perplexities.” I will also strive to promote our friendship with no perplexity. I still remember that in 2010, Zhejiang-Shizuoka friendly relations became the model for China-Japan subnational exchanges, and we were granted the Award to Friendship Cities for Exchange and Cooperation with China. I have full confidence in our friendship that has gone through all those years. Last year, Japan successfully held the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Chinese athletes did an excellent job and congratulations to them! This year, the Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou. I sincerely wish it a great success. This year, due to COVID-19, we were not able to have many face-to-face communications, but our hearts are always in the same place. I believe in our friendship, now more than ever. And I will wait for the day when we can finally meet friends from afar. Here at the foot of Mount Fuji in Shizuoka prefecture, I sincerely wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2022! Thank you!

——Heita Kawakatsu, Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan




It is my pleasure to wish our sister state Zhejiang province a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year from the state of Western Australia. We look forward to celebrating our 35th anniversary with you in this auspicious Year of the Tiger. Our relationship as sister states has always been a highlight of Western Australia’s international engagement. Our mutual trust and sincerity in our business, cultural and people-to-people exchanges has been the cornerstone of our relationship. As both our regions work hard to keep people safe during the COVID pandemic, our business, education and cultural communities continue to engage with each other, adapting to the modern communication technology. The successful delivery of the hybrid Western Australia-Zhejiang Eighth Exchange Committee Meeting by both our regions is testimony to that. Zhejiang and Western Australia enjoy strong cooperation in agriculture, education, cultural exchanges, biotechnology and training. We share capabilities in generating sustainable clean energy through solar, wind technology, renewable hydrogen and future batteries. We look forward to continuing to cooperate across our industries, including opportunities in our digital economy. We kept our virtual engagements during 2021 but are pleased to welcome international visitors to Perth in 2022. We are looking forward to face-to-face engagement with you. As we celebrate our 35th Anniversary as sister states, I hope the year ahead will be filled with good fortune and success for you all!

——Roger Cook, Deputy Premier of Western Australia, Australia

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