刘佳鑫 陈锐 任利玲
[中图分类号]R782.2 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)11-0173-03
Research Progress on the Effect of Upper Respiratory Tract Obstruction on the Shape and Function of Oral and Maxillary System in Children
LIU Jia-xin, CHEN Rui, REN Li-ling
(Stomatology School of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China)
Abstract: Craniofacial complex growth is mainly determined by genetic and environmental factors, especially the abnormal function of oral cavity and its surrounding organs is mainly acquired from environmental factors. In recent years, with the increasing number of children with upper respiratory tract obstruction, the change of craniofacial and oral function caused by the obstruction has become an issue of increasing concern to orthodontists and parents of children. In order to provide some reference for the clinical work of orthodontic department and otolaryngology department, this paper reviewed the effect of upper respiratory tract obstruction on cranial and maxillofacial appearance and the function of oral and maxillary system in children.
Key words: upper respiratory tract obstruction; oral and maxillofacial system; craniofacial development; child
1 儿童上呼吸道阻塞對颅颌面部生长发育的影响
但是,也有部分学者认为上呼吸道阻塞与儿童颅颌面部骨骼发育之间是否相关并不肯定。Valera FC等[3]对76名3~6岁上呼吸道阻塞患儿进行研究发现,较正常对照组,气道阻塞患儿面部的肌肉、姿势及颌面功能均出现变化:患儿的唇肌与颊肌出现张力减退,舌体的位置较低,习惯性张嘴呼吸,并且吞咽功能和咀嚼功能受到影响。Valera FC的研究虽然发现上呼吸道阻塞和患儿的肌肉、功能关系密切,但未观测到患儿的骨骼系统出现明显的变化[18]。Feres等[19]对100名年龄4~14周岁的儿童进行颅颌面部参数的测量分析发现,上呼吸道阻塞与非阻塞患儿所有测量数据没有差异,表明颅颌面部形态与上呼吸道阻塞无关。Claudino LV等[20]学者在上呼吸道尺寸与青少年骨骼变量之间也未观察到相关性。他们认为儿童在生长发育阶段均会经历气道狭窄这一阶段,没有上呼吸道阻塞的患者也会表现出相似的面容特征,故不能推测上呼吸道阻塞会对儿童颅颌面部生长发育产生影响。
2 儿童上呼吸道阻塞对口颌系统功能的影响
口颌系统是口腔颌面部各种组织结构,如:牙齿、颞下颌关节、咀嚼肌及神经的总称,是一个相互制约又相互协调的功能整体,研究发现,儿童上呼吸道阻塞不仅会影响颅面生长发育,还会影响整个口颌系统的功能,如:下颌运动、咀嚼功能和言语功能等[21-26]。上呼吸道阻塞所形成的严重错牙合畸形会导致患者颌位不稳定及牙合力不均匀,长时间会造成咀嚼肌功能紊乱以及颞下颌关节疾患[21,27],影响下颌运动,进而加重错牙合畸形,形成一个恶性循环;同时,上呼吸道阻塞还会影响患者的咀嚼功能,使其咀嚼效率下降,一方面,这与上呼吸道阻塞所导致的咀嚼肌力的下降有着十分密切的联系[3,22], 另一方面,当患儿出现长期上呼吸道阻塞时,舌骨的位置会出现变化,同时舌体的位置和下颌的运动方式会受到影响,从而影响患者的咀嚼效率,以及在言语过程中的发声[3,13]。Grippaudo C等[24-26,28]利用ROMA指数对3 017名上气道阻塞的患儿进行横断面研究,发现其与牙列开牙合、反牙合等牙列的错牙合畸型有着密切的联系,这种牙列的错牙合畸型会导致患儿的发音功能受到影响。
3 治疗现状及展望
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