
2021-12-06 15:00
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年9期


智能手机vs 传统课堂

Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅱ. Text-centered sentences


1. He sat there with his eyes closed.

2. Can you go to the library with me?


It is no wonder that she was so upset.Activity B Reading for writing



It talks about the advantages and disadvantages of using smartphones to learn languages, and whether it spells the end of traditional classroom teaching.


1. Attending a real lesson and facing a real teacher, probably force students to be more committed.

2. Students have to endure hours of school lessons or evening classes, with their heads buried in textbooks.

3. It provides a better and more accessible way of learning.

4. Students can have a virtual teacher with them wherever they go.

5. Students can learn some rare language lessons which might not be found in a traditional classroom.

6. Whatever students want to learn, apps allow them to go at their own pace.

7. The apps could be additional resources.

8. Students might not get their heads round the grammar and will lack the peer support they could get in a classroom environment.

9. The apps are very conversational.

10. The apps are not designed for degrees.

11. Motivation can be a problem when they are using an app.


1. D 2. A 3. D


Dear Edward,

You asked me for advice about learning Chinese. Here I'd like to recommend an app called HelloTalk to you and try to give you some suggestions about how to learn Chinese well.

Thanks to this app, there are at least three functions that can be fully used. Firstly, chatting with natives is beneficial to you to practice your spoken Chinese. Secondly, you can share your learning experience with peers. Thirdly, it is Chinese culture that you can learn on this app.

These are my suggestions and I hope they could be useful to you.

Best wishes!


Li Hua


Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅱ. Text-centered sentences


1. Not knowing English, he couldn't understand the film.

2. He earns a living by driving a taxi.

二、宾语从句I don't believe whatever he said just now.Activity B Reading for writing


(一)内容分析It is about the author's experience of learning English, which made her lose confidence gradually.However, by constantly learning English, she gained a more realistic understanding of herself.


1. queen 2. handle 3. Canada 4. solid wall

5. hiding 6. scared 7. myself 8. apologize

9. enjoy 10. perfect


1. A 2. A


Dear John,

How is everything going? I'm sorry to bother you, but I have to ask you to help me with my English.

I am encountering three problems troubling me a lot. To begin with, I have difficulties in memorizing the new words. What's more, I'm not good at English writing. What troubles me most is that my spoken English is so poor that I am ashamed to chat with foreigners.

I really appreciate it if you could do what you can to help me. Looking forwards to your reply.

Best wishes!


Li Hua



Reading Check


Language Study

Ⅱ. Theme-centered writing

Dear Chris,

It is a pity to hear that you have had some difficulties in learning Chinese. It is normal to encounter such kind of trouble. Therefore, you needn't worry about it.

Firstly, what is the most important thing is that you should try to practice speaking Chinese as much as possible. What's more, you can listen to the Chinese songs as well as watch some Chinese films in your spare time. At last, you must have confidence in yourself.

I sincerely hope that my suggestion can be of some help to you. Looking forward to your progress.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Reading Check

1~4 DCBC


Reading Check

1~4 DBCA


Reading Check

1~4 BDCA


Reading Check

1~4 BCDD


Reading Check

1~4 DCAB


Reading Check

1~4 CABC


Reading Check

1~4 ACAB



Paragraph 1:

The next morning, I delivered the paper to her as usual. On the way to her home, so nervous was I that I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.What if she questioned me? But to my surprise, I saw the broken glass had been repaired and she didn't mention it. When I handed her the paper,she still greeted me and gave me some cookies as usual. Holding these cookies in my hand, a feeling of guilt swept over me and I determined that I would save my paper delivery money to make up for the broken window.Paragraph 2:

After three weeks, I earned seven dollars and put them in an envelope which I secretly put through the letter slot in her door. After doing this,I suddenly felt in relief. The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and thanked her for the bag of cookies. When I opened the bag, I was stunned.Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, “I'm proud of you.” She knew it was me. But instead of blaming and punishing me, she chose to forgive me. Even so many years later, she is still deeply engraved in my mind, who taught me a valuable lesson in my life.



How to protect wild animals?

Nowadays wild animals are becoming less and less. Because their habitats are being threatened and they don't have enough food to eat. Therefore, this is my plan to save them.

Firstly, I suggest promoting wildlife conservation and preserving wildlife habitats. Secondly,the government should publish the laws and regulations to prevent illegal animal product trade. Thirdly, we should have a friendly awareness towards the animals.

Please help the poor animals and I am sure that they will survive with your help.



Dear Tom,

How are you doing? When I watched the news on TV, I learned that a terrible earthquake happened in your city. I was really concerned about you and your family.

I'm so sorry to hear about the disaster, which caused six deaths and left more than five hundred persons injured. What's worse, 20 persons were missing and over two hundred houses fell down.

I hope none of your family members was injured. Please don't be worried. Everything will be fine. As one of your best friends, I will do what I can to help you.

Yours sincerely,

Wang Lin


Good morning, everyone!

I'm Li Hua, and I'm very glad to be here to attend the International Senior High Students' Environment Protection Forum to share my opinion on behalf of our school.

Nowadays, all kinds of pollution can be seen everywhere, air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, etc., which are threatening our health.Some strange diseases appear and are hard to cure.Even worse, some rare animals and plants are on the verge of extinction due to severe destruction of the environment.

So it's time for us to take action! Many ways are available for us to adopt, such as saving every drop of water, taking a bus or public transportation instead of driving private cars, recycling plastic bags, refusing to use disposable chopsticks and so on.

Do your part and it can make a big difference!



Ⅰ. 阅读理解

本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了美国鸭票的故事。 由于移民的大量流入,美国人口和住房需求迅速扩张,大量的水禽栖息地被破坏,美国水禽数量骤减。因此,美国发行了鸭票,狩猎者只有购买了鸭票才能狩猎,而销售鸭票的部分收入成为用于购买水禽栖息地的基金,从而保护了水禽。

1~4 ACDA

Ⅱ. 完形填空


1~5 BABDA 6~10 DABCA

11~15 DACBA

Ⅲ. 语法填空


1. What 2. humans 3. undoubtedly 4. hotter

5. astonished 6. was 7. and 8. aching

9. mine 10. a

Ⅳ. 读后续写

Paragraph l:

I knew I had to do something. The white dove and its mate had given me something to look forward to, even in my darkest days. Now I was going to help them in return. I woke up the following morning with a plan. There was only an hour before the doves usually made their visits. I hammered a shelf into the wall next to the rubber tree and covered it with leaves to make it look like a tree. Then Matthew and I stood by the sliding glass door, waiting and hoping.

Paragraph 2:

“It works! The birds are back! ” Matthew announced. There they were—sitting on top of the shelf, adding some twigs to the new nest despite damage from the strong wind. Three weeks later,we watched three chicks break free from their shells. “Chirp, chirp! ” Matthew sang. I held him close and kissed him, feeling more positive and hopeful than I had felt in months. I realized all around me; life went on. And it was filled with wonders and surprises that I couldn't even imagine.


Ⅰ. 阅读理解

这是一篇说明文。 一项研究表明,在全球变暖加速的时代,普通动物的数量也可能会增加或减少,就像稀有物种一样。 文章主要介绍了这项研究的发展过程、发现和研究人员对此的看法。

1~4 DABA

Ⅱ. 补全信息




Ⅲ. 语法填空

这是一篇说明文。 科学家发现,去年海洋水温达到有史以来最高的水平,这一现象加剧了极端天气事件。

1. had occurred 2. that 3. which 4. leads

5. to expand 6. threatening 7. the 8. sharply

9. depths 10. despite

Ⅳ. 读后续写

Paragraph 1:

In time, they found a glimmer of hope when Romeyn got a call from her friend Karen Ritacco,who said that Bella was behind her shop. Romeyn enlisted the help of her husband, their pastor, and Eric Johnson to get Bella. When the team had Bella trapped in the enclosed space, the poor dog began to panic, until Johnson called out to her.Romeyn said, “It was heartbreaking. You could see her stop. There was something so familiar.” Then something clicked, and she recognized Johnson.Bella was home.

Paragraph 2:

Romeyn was happy to play a part in the rescue, and credited the community for their help. “I feel like our whole community had a part in bringing Bella back. I give it all to God. So many things had to come together to make this happen.” Now that Bella is back, the Johnsons are focusing on moving forward and plan to rebuild their property.The tornado may have destroyed all of their possessions, but Johnson is just grateful that their family is together again.


Ⅰ. 阅读理解

本文是一篇说明文。 文章介绍了艺术家Benjamin Von Wong用塑料垃圾制作了一个巨大的雕塑作品,让人们通过这个雕塑重新审视自己与一次性塑料制品的关系,从而唤醒和增强人们的环保意识。

1~4 CACD

Ⅱ. 补全信息



Ⅲ. 完形填空

这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了海龟保护志愿者Chamara Indika和他的组织为保护海龟所做出的努力。

1~5 CBDAC 6~10 BABAC 11~15 ABCCC

Ⅳ. 读后续写

Paragraph 1:With my heartbeat quickening, I grabbed my loaded flare gun and carefully walked sideways a few steps to Charlie. Without taking my eyes off the bear, I led him to the sled and fastened his chain to a rope. The bear was getting closer.Remembering all the Inuit had told me, I fired a warning shot to the bear's left. But on she came.Then, I fired a flare right in front of her. She stopped and looked at me. Then she fixed her eyes on Charlie, who was barking wildly. She looked back at her cubs and waited for them to catch up,and then finally moved away toward my right.

Paragraph 2:

The whole event lasted fifteen minutes but seemed years long. My hands were shaking as I stood still, watching the three slowly move north.But despite the fear, I could feel deep down inside a real satisfaction. I now knew that I could stand up to a bear in the wild and stay calm enough to function and still remember the words from the Inuit. With Charlie's help I had passed my first test.

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