“一带一路” 共赢之路

2021-12-06 03:27一带一路报道雷怡安
一带一路报道 2021年4期

文:《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 雷怡安

6月7日,中国海关总署发布统计数据,中国对“一带一路”沿线国家合计进出口4.36万亿元,增长27.4%。其中,出口2.46 万亿元,增长29.6%;进口1.9 万亿元,增长24.7%。





印尼雅万高铁全线最大跨度连续梁成功合龙(新华社 供图)The largest continuous beam of Indonesia’s Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway closes

Statistics released on June 7 by the General Administration of Customs show that China’s import and export to countries along the Belt and Road routes totaled 4.36 trillion yuan, an increase of 27.4%.China’s export to these countries increased by 29.6% to 2.46 trillion yuan, and its import from these countries increased by 24.7% to 1.9 trillion yuan.

Such data came as exciting news for the global economy hardhit by COVID-19.The notion of“win-win cooperation” is winning widespread approval from other countries.

Geoffrey Harley, senior market analyst at Oanda, said that the data about China’s rapidly-increasing import and export is by any standard “amazing” and represents a recovering global demand.China’s import and export data is “very healthy”, said Jonathan Cavenagh, senior market strategist with Informa Global Markets.As demand on the international market recovers and major developed economies open up their markets,this trend may well last from the end of the second quarter to the third quarter, he added.

In his letter of congratulation to the recently held 2nd China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo, Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his hope that all sides would seize the golden opportunity afforded by the expo and unlock their cooperation potential in a bid to open up a broader cooperation space.

Trade routes intersect with one another on the Belt and Road.The door of trust is opening wider, promising a great future for countries that join hands to promote common development.


CCCC completes the construction of the Daerah Dungun Railway Tunnel on the east coast of Malaysia

4月9日,马来西亚东海岸铁路项目首条隧道贯通On April 9, the first tunnel of East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), Malaysia’s mega rail project, is completed


马东铁项目是中马两国政府合作的重点项目,也是“一带一路”旗舰项目。项目全长640公里,采用设计、采购、施工、联调联试一体化的EPCC 总承包模式实施,按照中国国家一级客货两用电气化铁路标准设计,客运、货运列车设计时速分别为160 公里、80 公里。龙运隧道就位于登嘉楼州龙运县境内,全长871 米。


In June 2021, China Communications Construction Company, Ltd.(“CCCC” )completed the construction of the Dungun Tunnel on the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) of Malaysia.It is the second tunnel to be completed after the Paka Tunnel.

The ECRL is a key cooperation project launched by the Chinese and Malaysian governments as well as a flagship on the Belt and Road.With a total length of 640 kilometers, the project was implemented under the EPCC general contracting model which integrates design, procurement, construction,joint debugging and integration test.It was designed to China’s standards for first-class passenger and freight electrified railways.According to the design, it will have a passenger transporting speed of 160 km/h and a freight transporting speed of 80 km/h.The 871-meter-long Dungun Tunnel is located in Dungun,Terengganu.

As a trunk line connecting the east and west coasts of the Malay Peninsula,the completion of the East Coast Railway Link will contribute to the coordinated common development of the east and west coasts of Malaysia, promote the rapid development of major cities along the project, and benefit the Malaysian people.Research by Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Research Center indicates that during the construction phase alone, the East Coast Railway Link will probably drive Malaysia’s economic growth by 2.7%, and the project’s demand for machinery and transportation equipment will increase commodity import and investment in fixed assets by 3.3% and 2.1%, respectively.


CRRC promotes railway development in Chile


今年2月,首批轨道列车运抵智利。3月,智利交通和电信部长乌特参观停靠在首都圣地亚哥的15 列中国轨道列车时,称赞这批车辆的到来是近年来智利“铁路发展最重要的里程碑之一”。这批技术领先、能效高,有空调、无线网络和无障碍设施的中国轨道列车,将为铁路沿线120 万人提供更安全舒适的出行体验。


In 2018-2019, the consortium formed by CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd.and the Chilian company of Temoiza won in an international bidding.It signed a contract with Chile’s State Railways Company to provide diesel multiple units and electric motor train units for use on three railway lines in southern Chile.It was the first upgrading ever on these three railway lines in 40 years.

The first batch of rail trains arrived in Chile in February 2021.In March, Uth, Chile’s Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, called the 15 Chinese rail trains shipped to Santiago “a milestone in Chile’s railway development” in recent years.These cutting-edge, energy-efficient trains are provided with air conditioning,WIFI and accessibility facilities.They are going to deliver a safe and comfortable travel experience to the 1.2 million people along the railway.

The president of Chile’s State Railways Company praised the work and products of the consortium for the quality, saying that the arrival of these trains in Chile was a “historic milestone”.

3月23日,智利政府官员参观停靠在圣地亚哥的15 列中国轨道列车On March 23, Chilean officials visit the 15 Chinese-made trains stopping at Santiago(本版图片/新华社 供图)

克罗地亚佩列沙茨跨海大桥项目施工稳步推进Construction of the Peljesac Bridge in Croatia progresses steadily


CRBC presses ahead with the construction of the Peljesac Bridge


项目于2018年开工,设计总长2440 米,建成后将横跨亚得里亚海小斯通湾,连接隔海相望的克罗地亚领土。目前该项目的施工进度稳步推进。


The consortium led by CRBC won the bid to construct the Peljesac Bridge, and the project was undertaken by CCCC Second Expressway Construction Bureau.The bridge connects Croatia’s southern and northern territories separated by the sea.It is the largest transportation infrastructure project in Croatia since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Croatia, and it is also a bridge of friendship, unity and people’s livelihood under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Peljesac Bridge project got underway in 2018, with a total designed length of 2,440 meters.After completion, it will cross the Mali Ston Bay of Adriatic Sea and connect the Croatian territory across the sea.Project construction is well underway.

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic looks forward to the completion of the bridge:“This project is a symbol of the friendship and cooperation between Croatia and China.Croatian people have been looking forward to this bridge for many years.With the help of our Chinese friends, their dream will soon come true.”


Energy China hands over housing infrastructure projects in Kuwait


该项目是中国“一带一路”倡议和科威特“2035 国家愿景”对接的重点民生工程之一,于2017年4月开工,占地约30平方公里。此次移交的主要是包含6342套住房的相关地块,约占项目整体移交工程量的30%。


In March 2021, Energy China Gezhouba Group Kuwait Al-Mutlaa Residential City Project Department handed over the second batch of housing infrastructure project to Kuwait.The handover of all the main projects provided assistance for the improvement of the economy and people’s livelihood during the epidemic in Kuwait.

The Al-Mutlaa Residential City Project is one of the key welfare projects connecting China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with Kuwait’s 2035 National Vision.It started in April 2017 and covers an area of about 30 square kilometers.The handover involved land parcels with 6,342 houses, accounting for about 30% of the total project quantity to be handed over.

Ali Sadek, representative of Kuwait and chairman of the Project Receiving Committee, said that the project handed over is of high quality and is very important for improving the housing conditions of the Kuwaiti people.“I hope that the cooperation between China and Kuwait will continue to deepen and the Kuwaiti people will continue to benefit from the technology and knowledge of Chinese enterprises”.

科威特住房基建工程项目实现总体移交Chinese company hands over main works of housing infrastructure project to Kuwait (本版图片/新华社 供图)