
2021-12-03 09:36:08托马斯克拉克李正
风景园林 2021年7期

著:(美)托马斯·A·克拉克 译:李正




1 温室气体、反射率和蓄热


目前大多数知情分析家认为,气候变暖所造成的全球社会成本将会非常高,以至于需要做出重大努力来阻止这种变暖趋势[6]。他们宣称,考虑到潜在破坏的规模,有理由进行大量投资以抑制乃至扭转这一趋势[7]。除了默许之外,我们还有2种可能的行动方案:1)从源头上减排,主要涉及化石燃料的燃烧[8];2)通过在海洋、土壤、湿地和森林等主要碳汇中进行技术性捕获和吸收,减少大气中的温室气体。最近的研究表明,通过机械过程将碳从大气中移除并储存在地下是有一定前景的,但这一工序的可扩展性仍未得到检验。海洋储存了大量的碳,但其吸收能力正因气候变暖和酸化而受到损害,其中酸化会对可吸收CO2的海藻造成伤害。湿地提供了额外的碳捕获场地——特别是沿海湿地,但它们的效果有限且难以人为操控,不过保护湿地仍然是一个高度优先事项。鉴于这些情况,森林是帮助我们捕获CO2(主要的温室气体)和储存碳的最佳途径。被剥离了氧气的碳将会存留在森林、草原和牧场之下以及海洋深处,3.67 t的CO2等于1 t的碳储存。


2 全球变暖的后果



3 碳封存与能源行业去碳化


碳封存有生物、地质和化学作用3种形式。在生物形式中,森林是最重要的,其能力远远超过草原、牧场和湿地。人类可以提高每种区域的吸收能力,树木、草本、藻类等都能通过光合作用从CO2和H2O中获得碳水化合物并释放出O2。伐木、耕作、放牧、燃料采集等人类活动都是改善碳吸收的机会,伐木产生的木材可以在建筑中封存碳,林业和农业生态系统可以培育土壤以提高碳封存[13-14]。太阳能、风能、水能及其他替代性能源可以取代燃料采集,特别是在发展中国家。停止排干湿地,可以提高湿地的碳封存能力。给海洋施肥会产生消耗碳的藻类水华,后者最终将死亡并下沉。虽然海洋是一个巨大的碳汇,但进一步吸收CO2会继续降低海洋的pH值(即增加酸化),这将损害作为海洋中吸收碳的主要媒介的藻类生态系统,削弱其进一步吸收碳的能力。在地质形式中,我们有多种方法可以将碳导入地下,使碳封存具有必要的持久性。最后,还有一些技术性作用的可能性,其大多被归于“直接空气捕获”(Direct Air Capture, DAC)类别下。无机土壤也可以在干旱的沙漠地貌中以钙钛矿(即沉积岩)的形式储存碳元素。在上述形式中,森林的碳封存潜力最大。

联合国环境规划署《2019年排放差距报告》[15]对目前上升进入地球大气层的温室气体净排放量与实现2015年12月《巴黎协定》[16]目标所需的排放水平之间的差距进行了估算,其中2018年全球温室气体排放总量为55.3 GtCO2e①。该报告还注意到,1 t的C相当于3 667 t的CO2,因为气态的CO2一旦被封存并脱去O2就成了C。上述测算主要考虑了地球上的森林、湿地和海洋中的净碳封存。2018年,几乎70%的温室气体排放来自工业和化石燃料的燃烧。正如后来所观察到的,每年净释放的温室气体一部分来源于自然过程,其中一些可能是当森林中的净平衡为负值时被释放的,即未被吸收的剩余物在大气中的释放。为实现2015年《巴黎协定》的目标,2018—2030年间的年温室气体净排放量必须减少25%~50%。虽然没有绝对永久性的碳封存手段,但今天的挑战是如何减少温室气体在大气中的瞬间释放,同时推迟已封存的碳的最终释放,直到可再生能源能够取代化石燃料。此后,化石燃料的替代可能会降低碳封存的紧迫性,尽管自然发生的碳储量释放仍然会引起某种程度的变暖。

迄今为止,已有100多个国家承诺在21世纪中期实现零排放,但如何在各国之间分配这项任务却被证明是有争议的。中国在2018年的化石燃料相关排放总量接近14 GtCO2e,是美国的2倍以上。在新冠肺炎疫情之前,中国的净排放一直在稳步上升,而除印度之外的其他大多数国家都正趋于平稳。然而,虽然在稳步下降,美国的人均二氧化碳排放量是全球最高的,超过了排在第二位的俄罗斯。2018年中国的人均二氧化碳排放量还不到美国的1/2,也低于俄罗斯和日本。值得注意的是,中国在20世纪90年代开始大规模植树造林,并对原有森林进行培育以使其恢复健康。随着中国的森林成熟到了吸收高峰期,上述努力可能已经抵消了该国近40年来超过20%的化石燃料排放量,这一点有待更多文献资料予以证实。




虽然森林砍伐仍在继续,但我们仍有很大机会可以阻止这种衰退趋势。全球森林面积在20世纪90年代每年减少8.3万km2,在随后10年中降为每年减少5.2万km2,证明了小幅改善的存在。每个数字都是自然和人为增加值的总和,说明因耕作、放牧、伐木和其他土地使用而造成的森林破坏正在减少[19]。据估计,地球上可能有多达2 000万km2的土地适合恢复为森林,其中一部分位于山地[20]。

4 作为净碳汇的森林



5 山地森林的碳封存效果


笔者采纳通行的山地定义,即海拔2 500 m以上的地区,加上海拔300~2 500 m的表面崎岖不平的地区[24-25]。在这些山地中,只有约1/4(1 150万km2)是森林[24]。正如瑞士发展与合作署(Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)所指出的:“除了那些常年特别干燥或寒冷的地区,森林在大多数山地都占有相当大的比例。以欧洲为例,森林覆盖了总山地面积的41%,其中森林占比超过1/2的山地有阿尔卑斯山、巴尔干山、喀尔巴阡山、派勒斯山等,其他森林覆盖率特别高的山地包括阿巴拉契亚山脉、澳大利亚阿尔卑斯山、圭亚那高地以及中非、东南亚、婆罗洲和新几内亚的山地。”[26]除此以外,还有北美洲的落基山脉、非洲中部和中国的山地以及中美洲和南美洲的安第斯山脉。但总的来说,山林只占地球陆地森林总面积(4 590万km2)的约1/4。

森林,特别是山地森林,是否适合作为封存碳的选项?首先考虑一下林地的总体规模和范围:地球上的陆地和水面面积之和为5.1亿 km2,其中陆地面积接近30%(1.53亿 km2),陆地面积中大约30%是森林(4 590万 km2),而这些森林中可能有25%生长在山地(1150万km2)。山地森林的确切面积和品质尚不明确,如森林的碳密度肯定会随着海拔的升高而下降。北方森林无疑代表了山地森林的最大份额,如果我们确切知道这种森林的组成及其树下和土壤的碳密度,就有可能明确其碳封存的总体潜力[27],但目前这还不可能。

让我们考虑一下全球碳封存的所有选项,包括发生在湿地、海洋和森林等主要储存地的碳封存。森林和海洋是每年地球上的主要碳吸收者,尽管海洋中储存的碳的累积量远远超过森林生物群落中的。据IPPC[28]估计,森林及湿地每年总共吸收约10 GtCO2,而海洋每年吸收约8 GtCO2[29],这个数字可能正在下降。全球化石燃料的燃烧和水泥生产每年向大气中释放近29 GtCO2,而土壤退化的耕作方式每年又增加了4 GtCO2。近1 500万吨的CO2仍然悬浮在大气中,没有被吸收。每年的二氧化碳总排放量中,几乎有1/2仍漂浮在大气中。

当然,森林对碳的年捕获率和总储存能力有所不同。森林碳密度最高的是北方森林生物群落,热带森林次之,再次是温带森林。由针叶树、桦树和杨树构成的北方森林在北极以南的寒温带地区占主导地位,与主要由针叶树森林和湿地覆盖的泰加林带相邻。湿地生物群落的平均碳密度(700 t/hm2)超过了北方森林(400 t/hm2)[30]。

因此,森林不仅在全球碳捕获工作中占有重要份额,而且是在所有选项中最可能通过人类干预而提高碳捕获作用的一个。事实上,地球表面有20亿hm2(2 000万km2)的土地可能适合用于上述基于森林的环境修复活动。今天,森林可能吸收了1/3的化石燃料燃烧产生的CO2(每年近30亿吨,或33亿短吨)。在所有自然吸收(封存)的手段中,森林似乎拥有最大的潜力,实现方式包括在以前没有森林的地方植树造林、在曾经有森林的地方恢复森林以及扭转森林衰退,恢复性策略是通过施肥、推广韧性树种、保护现有林分免受火灾和虫害来加速林分的建立。

6 估算全球山地森林的净碳封存量

理论上,全球山林最大碳封存潜力的粗略值可以按照总面积与单位面积年吸收能力的乘积进行计算,但并不是所有的山地都有森林,而且目前的记录也不充分。如前所述,地球上有1 150万km2的森林在山地,在全球范围内,树龄大于200年的北方森林每年封存约700 t/km2CO2[31],1 150万km2乘以700 t/km2,得到每年73亿吨(80.5亿短吨)的CO2。


看起来,随着平地森林的增加,山地森林在碳封存方面可能会被认为作用不大。正如联合国粮食及农业组织的全球森林资源评估报告(Forest Resources Assessment, FAO)每5年1次记录的,世界各地的森林都在遭受威胁。在拉丁美洲(亚马孙、大西洋森林、大查科、塞拉多和乔科–达连)、东南亚(大湄公河)、非洲(刚果盆地和东非)和南太平洋(婆罗洲、澳大利亚东部、新几内亚和苏门答腊),森林消失和退化最为迅速。此外,商业化农业继续占用大片较平坦的林地,对热带生物群落中的森林砍伐和退化负有主要责任。在所有大规模的商业化农业中,大豆、棕榈种植以及畜牧是最不适合较平坦的林地的。伐木是森林退化的另一个主要原因。目前人们现在正在研究如何在上述情况下提高森林恢复率。气候变暖是森林退化和衰弱的一个独立原因,同时也是火灾的助燃剂。

7 山地森林的能力:要点重述

回到本研究开始时提到的与山地森林有关的问题。首先,目前世界上的山林在碳捕获方面的能力是什么?回顾之前引用的数据,地球上总共有大约4 590万km2的林地,其中1 150万km2(约25%)位于山地,据称全球森林每年可吸收10 GtCO2。考虑到前面提到的森林碳平衡中的所有综合效应,山地森林的最大额外净碳吸收能力将是2.5 GtCO2。如果全球化石燃料的使用每年产生约29 GtCO2,那么其中约9%的产量将被山林所吸收。这一数字可能偏高,因为在全球总估算量中,热带雨林的作用已被平均化了,虽然其作用相对较大。同时,海洋、山地及湿地一起也未能捕获近10 Gt的CO2,其尚漂浮在大气中的。虽然现在海洋的碳捕获能力受到酸化的限制,但由于极地融化,海洋的容量可能略有增加,但这不足以消除每年10 GtCO2的赤字。

包括山林在内的森林是否可以发挥更大功效,以吸收这一额外量?也许可以。如前所述,地球上可能有2 000万km2的土地被认为适合恢复森林。按照全球平均森林碳净封存率10 Gt CO2每4 590万km2或218 tCO2/km2计算,山地森林可以净封存额外的1.1 GtCO2,这是假设适合开垦的额外山地与全球林地中的山林比例成正比。这一碳封存量将相当于目前每年飘入大气层的二氧化碳量的11%左右。这样的估计必然是初步的,因为所需更为多元的数据尚未被获取。结论则是,山林已经在碳封存中发挥了重要作用,如果适当地培育山林,这种作用可能会扩大。








8 结论性意见







① 该度量单位中的“e”表示所有温室气体成分的等效性,以CO2的重量表示,以千兆吨(Gt)为单位,其中1 Gt为10亿(1×109)t。CO2e一词是指所有温室气体类型的排放总量,以与这些气体等同的二氧化碳当量表示。



The Potential of Mountain Forests in Carbon Capture: A Global Perspective on Local Landscape Resilience

Author: (USA) Thomas A. Clark Translator: LI Zheng

The world’s forests are today a prime venue for carbon capture to reduce net greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions and by this means to slow or reverse global warming and thereby to moderate warming’s negative consequences. But does this capacity extend to forests on mountainous terrain? Is the sequestration potential of mountain forests impactful vis-à-vis all other means for sequestration — associated with oceans, wetlands,agricultural practices, technological means —or in relation to the continual release of GHG’s resulting largely from the combustion of fossil fuels? Is the sequestration pay-off on mountain landscapes sufficient to warrant its prioritization over either other means of carbon sequestration,or over reduction of emissions arising from energy production associated with heating/cooling (HVAC), manufacturing and transport the world over? To promote resilience is to engender perpetual functionality in the face of system shocks and stresses. In the case of mountain forests these originate in climate change itself as well as human occupation and resource extraction[1]. Mountains are invariably contentious landscapes. Localized management of mountain landscapes will tend to favor localized interests whether residents or commercial enterprises. Carbon sequestration confers a non-local, global benefit. The assertion of the primacy of carbon sequestration over other land-using activities will require regional or national intervention particularly at lower elevations where land use rivalries are most pronounced.

Mountain forests present unique opportunities but also challenges. Their higher reaches are sparcely vegetated yet remote, hence protected;their lower reaches, are more abundantly vegetated yet more at risk[2]. Forest carbon densities moreover are highly variant over both time and space. What is their current sequestration capacity? How may this capacity change over time, the result of accelerating emissions, forest degradation, land use rivalries, and climate change itself? Are there better less costly means for achieving an equivalent effect in carbon capture, hence the slowing of planetary warming?This brief commentary begins to answer these questions. In doing so it begins to identify lapses of research coverage while attempting to situate these questions within the larger rubrics of resilience in mountain landscapes[3-4].

Mountain terrain is today everywhere under duress, its integrity compromised by both natural and anthropogenic disturbances, both endogenous and exogenous. Establishing the divide between these two classes of effects will go a long way to shape the policy interventions most desperately required today. The endogenous are those originating within mountain landscapes themselves hence amenable to localized policy treatments.The exogenous originate beyond these landscapes,impacting them but not being affected as a result of these impacts. In this light, carbon capture is seen to be interposed among co-existent features of mountain resilience. Aligning governance structures so as to encompass principal causal relations regarding any of the multiple dimensions of mountain resilience is of course a necessary objective. But managing multiple dimensions of resilience requires prioritization since not all will be simultaneously achievable. Some are mutually exclusive.

1 GHG’s, Albedo, and the Heat Trap

Extreme weather events and prolonged climatic shifts have been the object of study for centuries, beginning with the work of paleoclimatologists deploying the crude observational methods of the ancient Greeks. Today our powers of observation, diagnosis and action are of course substantially advanced and they are now being applied as never before to understand and address the challenges posed by global warming. Awareness of the heat trapping effect of increase in the reflective capacity of the earth’s atmosphere — its albedo — pointed by the 1960’s to the potential role of the accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2)and other GHG’s in the planet’s atmosphere leading to its overall warming and to the extreme outcomes that this condition is believed to engender[5].Of all GHG’s, CO2has had by far the greatest warming effect over the greatest duration. Prior to industrialization CO2’s atmospheric density was 280 ppm. Today it exceeds 400 ppm.

Warming’s projected global societal costs are now deemed by most informed analysts to be so severe as to warrant a major effort to arrest this warming trend[6]. The magnitude of potential damage is said to justify large investments to dampen, then reverse the trend[7]. We have currently just two potential courses of action beyond mere acquiescence: cut emissions at the source, principally the combustion of fossil fuels[8], or reduce their presence in the atmosphere,through technological capture and by absorption in our principal carbon sinks — our oceans, soils,wetlands and forests. Recent efforts show some promise in removing carbon from the atmosphere via mechanical processes, then storing it below ground. Scalability of this procedure though,remains untested. While oceans store vast quantities of carbon their absorptive capacity is being compromised due to warming and to acidification which harms the very algae that absorb CO2.Wetlands, coastal wetlands in particular, offer additional capability, but their effect is limited and difficult to manipulate through human agency.Their preservation remains a high priority however.Given these conditions, forests represent our best opportunity to capture carbon dioxide (CO2), the principal GHG, and to store carbon. CO2is the object of capture. Carbon, stripped of oxygen,is what remains on the forest floor, under our grasslands and rangelands, and in the depths of our oceans. 3.67 tons of CO2equal one ton of stored carbon.

The Boreal Forest (taiga), is the world’s largest such forest biome[9], possibly excepting the tropical, so its sequestration potential is great. It is not the principal nexus of the most deleteriously aggressive deforestation. At the same time the Boreal may offer an opportunity to expand its carbon absorbing capacity through forest recovery and expansion made in part possible by global warming itself, despite threats of pestilence and fire. Globally, perhaps 130,000 km2of forest land,mainly tropical, is lost annually, mostly to cattle ranching and agricultural expansion[10]. As much as one-fourth of the earth’s GHG emissions result from tropical deforestation exceeding the total emission from the planet’s transport sector[11].

2 Consequences Of Global Warming

Carbon dioxide is but one of four major GHG’s, but of all it is the most voluminous if not the most potent. Joining it in this nefarious process of global warming are Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and Ozone (O3). Methane, the main component of natural gas is over 80 times as harmful as CO2at least in the short term. Limiting it remains a very fruitful enterprise. Absent GHG’s the earth would grow cold. But when downward atmospheric reflectivity exceeds upward reflectivity the earth’s surface warms and uncomfortably so for many places but not all. Indeed some nations find opportunity in warming as grain bands shift north, northerly sea routes once frozen open, and arid places realize hydrologic benefits. Other places though, will suffer as oceans rise, and coastal plains and cities submerge in deepening oceans. Some will become uninhabitable if warming is unchecked.The geography of all living species will change. It is these net negative effects that help us to value or price the ill-effects of warming and to justify the expenses we will have to endure to restore a more hospitable climate. For each nation the calculus differs, so attaining agreement on collective action remains difficult.

Every nation will experience warming’s impacts but the mix of impacts will vary as will the attendant degree of determination to resist further warming[12]. For some warming might appear advantageous. For others warming’s consequences will be catastrophic and could include temperatures above the habitable. The lack of domestic financial or technological capacity in these places with which to mitigate warming’s negative effect will only heighten the determination to confront warming through bargains struck with other nations. Smaller and less prosperous nations generally have the lesser rates of aggregate GHG production, and so cutting emissions at the source is not an action they can take, with which to bargain. A few of the more vulnerable may have inordinate potential,principally in forest carbon sequestration, so they may aspire to make this potential available to those other nations that are also burdened by warming trends. Such trades may become more commonplace. Carbon markets, indeed, are being pursued as one way to enlist multi-national involvement in emissions management[7].

3 Carbon Sequestration Versus Decarbonization of the Energy Sector

Reduction of GHG emissions, originating in the use of fossil fuels and in industrial processes like cement production, remains the priority of many nations, and for most sequestration is considered less as an alternative and more as a paired strategy in emissions reduction. The interplay is contingent.Advance on either side alters the investment calculus on the other though each is influenced by additional factors that are unique to its circumstance, so the interaction is asymmetric.

Sequestration takes three forms: biologic,geologic and chemo-mechanical. Of the biologic,forests are preeminent, offering capacity well in excess of grasslands, range lands and wetlands.Humans can improve the absorptive capacities in each area. Trees, plants, grasses, algae et al. all photosynthesize carbohydrates from CO2and H2O releasing O2as a by-product. Such human activities as logging, farming, ranching, fuel harvesting and more all represent opportunities to improve carbon absorption. Logging yields lumber which sequesters carbon in buildings. Forestry and agro-ecosystems can nurture soils to improve carbon retention[13-14].Alternate energy regimes — solar, wind, hydro,and others — can displace fuel harvesting, largely in the Global South. Ceasing to drain wetlands can improve their efficacy. And fertilizing the oceans could produce carbon-consuming algae blooms that eventually die and sink. While oceans are a massive carbon sink, the further absorption of CO2continues to lower the ocean pH (i.e. increases acidification), and this damages algae ecosystems —the principal agent of carbon absorption in oceans— weakening their capacity for further carbon absorption. Of the geologic option, there are various means for channeling carbon below ground into geologic formations having requisite longevity.And lastly there are technological-mechanical possibilities largely subsumed under the name of Direct Air Capture (DAC). Inorganic soils can also store carbon as carbonates in the form of caliche(i.e. sedimentary rock) in arid desert landscapes.None of the forest-alternatives noted here, as yet offers the sequestration potential of forests.

The UN Environmental Programme’s Emissions Gap Report for 2019[15]estimates the difference — the “gap” — between current net GHG emissions rising into the earth atmosphere and the level of emissions that would be needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement of December, 2015[16]. Total global GHG emissions were found to be 55.3 GtCO2e①in 2018. Note further that one metric tonne of carbon (C) is equivalent to 3,667 metric tonnes of CO2. Gaseous CO2once sequestered and stripped of oxygen is carbon. The measure takes into account net sequestration principally in the earth’s forests,wetlands and oceans. Almost 70% of GHG emissions originated in industry and the burning of fossil fuels in 2018. As observed later, a portion of the annual net release of GHG originates in natural processes. Some indeed may be released when the net balance in forests is negative — denoting the atmospheric release of the unabsorbed surplus.Annual net emissions would have to be cut after 2018, from between 25 to 50% by 2030 to attain the goal of the Paris Agreement of 2015. While there is no means for carbon sequestration that can be said to be absolutely permanent, the challenge today is to diminish the momentary release of GHG’s into the atmosphere while deferring the eventual release of stored carbon until renewables can displace fossil fuels. Thereafter the displacement of fossil fuels may lessen the urgency of sequestration though the naturally occurring release of carbon stocks could still induce some degree of warming.

Over one-hundred nations to date have pledged to achieve net zero emissions by midcentury. Apportioning this task among nations however is proving contentious. China’s aggregate fossil fuel-related emission in 2018 approached 14 GtCO2e, more than double that of the United States. China’s net emission had been, prepandemic, rising steadily whereas that of most other nations, save India had been levelling off. US per capita CO2emissions, however, lead the world but are in steady decline, topping Russia, next in line. China’s per capita CO2emissions, however,were less than half those of the US in 2018, at a level also exceeded by Russia and Japan. China,of note, in the 1990’s began a large scale effort to plant new forests while nurturing older forests back to health. Such efforts may have offset upwards of 20% of its fossil fuel emissions four decades later as its forests matured into peak absorption. Further documentation will be useful.

If either approach — reduction versus absorption — were to be cheaper, more cost effective, easier to implement, and sufficiently scalable, it alone might be our sole focus.Neither approach alone though will be sufficient.Consequently, the emerged consensus favors the combination. Sequestration — carbon capture— may be the cheaper option so some nations seek credit for their forested landscapes when seeking to justify lower rates of source reduction.Emission reduction efforts are generally forged at the national level, implemented down the subnational governing hierarchy and across a spectrum of non-profits and corporate entities, and at times co-originated at the local scale. International cooperation is almost essential because any region acting alone is unlikely to have the capacity to deflect the course of global change in air quality,possibly excepting the very largest nations including the United States and China, as noted previously. And there is no mechanism for large nations acting alone to recover costs from freeriding nations disinclined, or often simply unable to act. Late industrializers argue early industrializers should bear a larger responsibility due to the length of time in which their emissions were the principal source of persisting atmospheric GHG’s.

Sequestration stands now not so much as an alternative as it is a strategic partner therefore, with source-based reduction. This reality is expressed in the aspirational precepts of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)operationalized first in the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 (effectuated in 2005, expiring in 2013). The Doha Amendments of 2012 though met with resistance but eventually secured the requisite national signatories in late 2020. From these efforts emerged two distinct acronyms denoting action:Afforestation/Reforestation (“A/R”), and Reducing Emissions From Deforestation and Degradation(“REDD+” including various forest management practices). Poorer nations were vocal in their insistence that the larger, richer nations take the lead.

Clearly, not all nations have favored the allowance of sequestration off-sets when tabulating fair shares of emissions reduction though this attitude might be dissipating[17-18].

Forested landscapes are a principal target in these efforts because of the perceived utility of treed landscapes for this function, over other herbaceous habitats. There are four distinct forest-based sequestration strategies, and their utility will vary among nations and between flatland and mountainous terrain. These include:1) halting deforestation — ceasing the permanent transformation of forest lands to other uses,2) slowing forest degradation that renders them less efficient as carbon repositories, 3) enhancing the health of forests elevating their carbon densities, and 4) engaging in afforestation whereby marginal lands or wastelands are selectively replanted in the most efficacious tree species and other ground covers.

While the decimation of forests continues,there is considerable space available with which to halt this decline. Global forest area declined by 83,000 km2per annum during the 1990’s. During the ensuing decade this figure fell to 52,000 km2per annum, evidencing marginal improvement.Each figure is the net of natural and human-assisted increase less losses due to forest destruction for farming, grazing, logging and other land uses[19]. It is estimated that there may be as much as 20 million km2of land on earth suited for forest restoration,some portion of which resides in mountains[20].

4 Forests as Net Carbon Sinks

Because the earths’ forested landscapes both absorb and release carbon they are intrinsic to the processes of climate change[21]. The net of carbon intake (+) less output (–) is the carbon balance,the upshot of the forest carbon cycle. Only when intake exceeds output (net positive) is a forest a carbon sink. This balance is composed of three co-occurring processes: respiration involving photosynthesis, using sunlight to convert C02and other ingredients into carbohydrates and sugar in biomass, biomass production both above ground(leaves, limbs, and trunks yielding wood products)and below ground (roots), and decay of deadwood and litter, yielding soils[22-23]. The processes noted both affect and are affected by climate change.Carbon sequestration — equivalent to net positive carbon intake — is an ephemeral, and momentary system state condition insofar as all sequestered carbon will eventually escape into the atmosphere unless transformed or cauterized. Delayed release of course, buys time to draw down source-based emissions emanating largely from the combustion of fossil fuels. Prior to combustion, of course,these fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) themselves were in an underground sequestered state.

The process of warming moreover may in part be “deviation amplifying” inasmuch as the process itself can be an accelerant or a depressant.For example the exposure of long concealed peat bogs with the melt of polar ice will release CO2.Warming could also elevate the demarcation of mountain forest tree-lines while also improving forest habitats below the tree-line, thereby in both ways expanding the forested area. On the other hand the release of CO2due to logging, fire,species loss, decay and cultivation in excess of that ingested in forest respiration could prompt faster growth of the world’s flora thereby elevating future carbon absorption. More generally global ground cover will change, with climatic changes that will be difficult to predict. Perhaps one-fifth of the flat forested plains of the Amazon Basin has been deforested in recent years, mainly the result of cattle ranching and agricultural expansion. It is possible that global warming, in fact, enhanced the attractiveness of the Basin principally for livestock grazing, accelerating deforestation. Fires, many ignited by farmers clearing the Amazon forest for planting, have ploughed their way into the interior,made easier by Brazil’s major effort to open up the forest in the 1970’s, by building an extensive road network and fostering the growth of urban settlements in the interior. In the Amazon Basin we have a classic demonstration of the ill-effects of land use competition. There commercial viability is a substantial inducement to deforest the landscape.Forests elsewhere, including those on mountainous terrain are one of the planet’s last lines of defense even as efforts to restore the rainforest are being mounted. Two questions are the focus of the remainder of this commentary. What may be the potential role of mountain forests in future carbon sequestration? What are the potential challenges in elevating this generalized forest potential in mountain forest biomes? These challenges are viewed through the lens of land use competition.

5 Efficacy of Carbon Sequestration in Mountain Forests

To evaluate the efficacy of efforts to promote mountain forest sequestration I first establish an order of magnitudes to gauge the quantity of forested lands in mountains, their size relative to the totality of the earth’s forests, the carbon footprint of these mountain forests, and their carbon density. From these data I will seek to judge the potential of mountain forests to address global GHG production. And I will frame this potential as being a product of land use competition wherein rival uses, but not necessarily rival users, compete for space. Such competition will take widely different forms as the proponents of rival uses vie for the right to use land in particular ways.

I accept the prevailing definition of mountainous areas to be those whose elevation exceeds 2,500 meters above sea level or higher,plus those areas whose elevation is between 300 and 2,500 meters and whose surface is rugged and irregular[24-25]. Of this mountainous area, just one-quarter (11.5 million km2) is forested[24]. As noted by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, “Forests cover a significant proportion of most mountain regions except those that are particularly dry or cold year-round. In Europe for instance, forests cover 41% of the total mountain area — over half of the Alps, Balkans,Carpathians, and Pyreness … . Other mountain regions with particularly high proportions of forest cover include the Appalachians, the Australian Alps, the Guiana Highlands, and the mountains of Central Africa, Southeast Asia, Borneo , and New Guinea”[26].

To these I would add the Rocky Mountains of North America, the mountain domains of central Africa and of China, and the Andes of Central and South America. But overall, mountain forests constitute just one-quarter of the total forested area set upon the earth’s land mass (45.9 million km2).

Are forests, and mountain forests in particular,suitable candidates for emissions sequestration?Consider first the overall size and scope of forested lands. The earth’s surface over land and water is 510 million km2. Close to 30% of this surface is land mass, or 153 million km2. Of this land mass,around 30%, is forested, or 45.9 million km2.And perhaps 25% of the earth’s forests reside in mountains, or 11.5 million km2. The exact area is not definitively known, nor are the qualities of forested areas in mountains. Forest carbon densities,for example, surely decline with altitude. The Boreal forest undoubtedly represents the largest single share of the mountainous forest, and if we reliably knew the composition of this forest and the carbon density of its undergrowth and soils it would be possible to specify its overall potential in carbon sequestration[27]. This, however, is not yet possible.

Consider the full scope of global sequestration options including that occurring in its principal repositories: wetlands, oceans and forests. Forests and oceans are the earth’s principal carbon absorbers per annum, though the cumulative amount of carbon stored in oceans far surpasses that in forest biomes. The IPPC[28]estimates that forests, plus wetlands to a much lesser degree,absorb combined together around 10 GtCO2per year while oceans absorb perhaps 8 GtCO2per year[29], a figure that may be in decline. Global combustion of fossil fuels plus cement production release close to 29 Gt per year into the atmosphere,an amount augmented by another 4 Gt per year from soil-degrading farming practices. Close to 15 GtCO2remains suspended in the atmosphere,unabsorbed. Almost half of the total CO2emitted each year that is, remains adrift.

Forests of course vary both in annual capture rates and aggregate storage capacity. The highest forest carbon densities are found in Boreal forest biomes, with the tropical next and temperate forests lagging behind. Boreal forests of conifers,birch and popular predominate in the cold temperate region south of the Arctic, coterminous with the taiga which is largely covered in coniferous forests and wetlands. The carbon densities of wetland biomes (700 metric tonnes of carbon per hectare on average) exceed those of Boreal forests(400 metric tonnes per hectare)[30].

Forests then not only do a major share of the global work of carbon capture, but of all the options they offer the greatest opportunity for human intervention to elevate their role in carbon capture.Indeed, two billion hectares (20 million km2) of the earth’s land surface might be suited for these forest-restorative activities. Forests today absorb perhaps one third (almost 3 billion metric tonnes per annum, or 3.3 billion non-metric (i.e. short tons) of the CO2produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Of all means for natural absorption(sequestration) forests appear to possess the greatest potential achieved through afforestation where no forest previously existed, reforestation to reclaim old forests areas, and the reversal of degradation.Restorative strategies include accelerating stand establishment through nutrient provision,promotion of resilient tree species, and protection of extant stands from fire and pestilence.

6 Estimating Net Carbon Sequestration in Global Mountain Forests

A rough approximation of the maximal sequestration potential of global mountain forests could in theory be computed as a product of area multiplied by annual absorptive capacity per unit of area, but not all mountain area is forested and current documentation is inadequate. There are, as previously noted, 11.5 million km2of forested land in the earth’s mountains. Further it is estimated that global boreal forests that are 200 years old or older,sequester around seven tons of CO2per hectare per year, or 700 tons per km2[31]. Eleven and onehalf million km2times 700 tons per km2yields 8.05 billion U.S. tons of CO2or 7.3 billion metric tonnes of CO2per annum.

There are many reasons why there is high variability in viability of mountain forests and their carbon potential. Major portions of these mountains will rise well above tree-line. And the tree-line itself will fall to lower altitudes as temperatures fall. Forested biomes such as the Boreal will be interspersed with patches of poor soils resting atop rocky outcrops, and at lower elevations logging and certain recreational pursuits will further erode sequestration capacity. Steeply sloped terrain will suffer erosion and forest degradation leading to lesser carbon densities. At lower altitudes rival pursuits will vie for space. This competition for land — land use competition —in both temperate and tropical forest biomes will be more likely to be surrounded by impoverished populations seeking to monetize forest products or scavenge for firewood. Fires in the denser forests at lesser altitudes having higher carbon content may burn hotter, releasing droves of carbon while preparing the ground for new growth in ensuing decades. Slope aspect will similarly shape forest outcomes, shielding the slopes from full sun and impeding growth somewhat. At the same time denser wooded areas will not only slow erosion but also modulate the local hydrology,furnishing steadier water supplies to residents and communities below. But furnishing the wherewithal for local populations to cling to the lower slopes will also promote destructive forest practices associated with both commercial and subsistence farming, mining, logging, and fuel harvesting.

It might seem that with the abundance of flatland forests, the work of mountain forests in carbon sequestration might be considered to be of less utility. Forests everywhere are under duress as documented every five years in the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization’s Global Forest Resources Assessment (FAO). Areas of most rapid forest loss and deterioration are found in Latin America(Amazon, the Atlantic Forest, Gran Chaco, the Cerrado, and Choco-Darien), SE Asia (Greater Mekong), Africa (the Congo Basin, and East Africa), and the South Pacific (Borneo, Eastern Australia, New Guinea, and Sumatra). Moreover,commercial agriculture continues to claim large tracts of the flatter forested lands. It bears primary responsibility for deforestation and degradation in the tropical biome. Of all large-tract commercial agriculture, soybean, palm, and cattle grazing are most inimical in this area. Logging short of clear-cutting is another principal cause of forest degradation. More is being learned now about how to improve recovery rates in such settings.Warming operates as an independent source of forest degradation and decay while also serving as a fire accelerant.

7 Mountain Forest Capacity: Recapitulation

At the outset of this commentary several questions related to mountain forests were put forward. I return to those now. Firstly, what is the current capacity of the world’s mountain forests in carbon capture? Recall from previously cited data that there are a total of about 45.9 million km2of forested land on earth at large, and of this amount 11.5 million km2(25%) resides in mountainous terrain. Global forests are said to absorb 10 GtCO2per annum. The absolute maximum additional capacity of mountain forests for net carbon ingestion, allowing for all the combined effects in the forest carbon balance noted earlier, would be 0.25 × 10GtCO2, or 2.5 GtCO2. If the global usage of fossil fuels produces around 29 Gt per annum, then around 9% of this production would be absorbed in mountain forests. This figure, moreover, may be on the high side given the greater role of tropical forests that has been averaged into these global aggregate estimates. At the same time, the combined sequestration of both oceans and mountains plus wetlands still leaves almost 10 GtCO2uncaptured and adrift in the global atmosphere. While the capacity of oceans at large, now limited by acidification, may increase marginally owing to polar melting, this would not be sufficient to erase the 10 GtCO2annual deficit.

Can forests including mountain forests do more to take up the slack? Perhaps they can. This is because, as already noted, possibly 20 million km2of the earth’s land mass has been deemed suited for forest restoration. At the average global forest net sequestration rate of 10 Gt CO2/ 45.9 × 106km2or 218t CO2/ km2mountain forests could net sequester an additional 1.1 Gt CO2. This assumes the additional mountain land suited for reclamation is proportional to the ratio of mountain forest land to global forest land. This would amount to around 11% of the amount of CO2currently drifting into the atmosphere each year. Such an estimate is necessarily preliminary since the needed data— more disaggregated — are not yet available. It is concluded that mountain forests already play a vital role in carbon sequestration, and that this role might be expanded with proper nurturing of mountain forests.

Secondly, how may this capacity change over time as a result of land use rivalries and of climate change itself? And may there be better, less costly means for achieving an equivalent effect in carbon capture, hence the slowing of planetary warming?As noted already, given the lack of alternatives any further reduction in global GHG emissions will have to originate in just two principal strategies:1) reduction at the source of emissions, and 2) sequestration, largely in forests. A succession of questions must now be asked. Is it less costly to reduce emissions at their source by reducing the carbon intensity of fossil fuels or by switching to renewables, or to engage in further sequestration?If the latter is advocated, then which among the options for sequestration are most feasible and cost-effective? And which of the forest sequestration investment options are best?

Three considerations help us to answer these questions: 1) which approach can gain political acceptance, 2) which is most likely to be implemented in light of capacities in both the involved governmental and non-governmental sectors, and 3) which is most cost-effective? Poor nations having sequestration potential but lacking the wherewithal to act, will necessarily have to draw upon the resources of wealthier nations complicating the global political calculus. This calculus is bifurcated. Will wealthier nations crosssubsidize the poorer? And will the poorer accept such external involvement and at what domestic cost? Forest sequestration options are differentiated in accord with location, land quality, impact on nearby resident populations, appropriateness of chosen tree species, capacity of local governments to oversee forest management, climatic conditions both now and in the future, and more. For the advocates of forest enhancements such factors as these combine together to score the desirability of alternate locational options for investment in afforestation and reforestation, and in arresting forest degradation. Think of this scoring function as an evaluation function whose output is a comparative weighting of forest investment options for a single use or user. Such evaluations allow single-use users to judge the relative attractiveness of different lands for a given use. They also come into play as rival uses or users “compete” for given spaces. Such comparisons constitute the basis upon which land is allocated to various functions. This is land use competition[32].

Three different divides define this competition: 1) between flatland and mountainous terrain, 2) among unequal contestants for the use of land, and 3) between the contexts of the Global North and South. Combined in a Vennlike diagram of course there will be some missing cells. First, flatland forests offer the attraction of both accessibility and forest abundance, but there the competition amongst potential uses or users of land can be intense. The remoteness and impenetrability of mountain terrain will tend to reduce the number and type of potential users and hence competition may be less fierce, making such places perhaps more suited for carbon capture which requires huge tracts of land. Most mountain forests have developed of their own accord,without human agency. But expanding these domains could require active management.

A second divide in the competition for forested lands is between large and powerful interests and the poor. In this competition contestants have unequal capacities to secure a competitive edge. And “clean” air, unburdened by an infusion of GHG’s, is a common pool resource whose value is almost entirely non-local hence unappreciated in the decision calculus of local contestants.

In and on the perimeters of the mountainous regions of the Global South live perhaps 720 million people. Seven in ten of these live in the most rural portions of mountain terrain eking out an existence on the lesser slopes while securing remittances from residents who travel to distant cities where jobs are more plentiful and income more easily secured. For these persons forests provide wood fuel, water, space for subsistence farming and grazing, and commercial employments in mining, farming, grazing, tourism, and logging[33].The juxtaposition of forests and poverty has taken its toll on such forest lands. Indeed, the area devoted to the world’s forests has declined by over 30% since the mid 19thCentury, and much but not all of this loss has been registered in the Global South. Deforestation peaked in the 1990’s at a net loss rate of perhaps 83,000 km2per annum. Since 2000 this annual net rate has fallen, possibly by as much as 40%, the result of both reclamation activities, urbanization of mountain economies,and climate change itself.

National context constitutes a third divide in the competition for mountain land and the forests set upon it. Those nations lacking sufficient domestic resources and organizational capacity with which to promote forest development and enhance sequestration represent a particular challenge in elevating global capacities in forest carbon sequestration. Assistance, both management and financial, is increasingly seen to be needed to enlist their participation[34]. Inducements are needed in many instances in which sequestration’s benefits are largely seen to be non-local, and in which the domestic payoff is therefore insufficient to engender substantial investment.

Considerable fractions of the terrain in mountains in both the Global North and South are in the province of national or regional governments. In these instances government per se is the owner hence the lead domestic entity in any negotiation over the uses of such lands.Many national governments, having signed on to the Paris Agreement or to the more recentBonn Challenge[35]②— which seeks national commitments to reforest 350 million hectares and to purpose them for carbon sequestration by 2030— will dedicate their own mountain lands to this purpose, over-riding any claims and associated bids originating outside of government.

The World Bank has become one principal agent in promoting payments for environmental services including carbon sequestration while building domestic economies to forestall forest destruction in Latin America and Africa[36]. Unlike the standard notion of land use competition however, competing forest users seeking sites will muster an array of political and legal capacities with which to claim space. These attributes are the coin of competition. Narrowly defined price-competition among rival land claimants is clearly not contemplated in this discussion. The competition for forested lands, particularly on mountainous terrain, entails few claimants, their number diminishing with altitude.

8 Concluding Observations

Forests, including mountain forests, are a principal context in carbon sequestration and a partial antidote for global warming. Indeed some now believe that it is within the earth’s reach to reduce GHG emissions to the point that surface temperatures may commence to stabilize in coming decades — far sooner than had previously been anticipated — , a most hopeful prospect[37]. Net zero global GHG emissions though remains a challenge and the prospect of rising emissions particularly in the Global South will make the pursuit of source-based emissions reduction and carbon sequestration an even more urgent but tandem objective.

Mountain forests, aided by both better management practices and greater cross-national collaboration, must be considered an essential element of any future solution. But to act more information is needed. Estimation of the full sequestration potential of mountain forests remains a matter of conjecture. More disaggregate data regarding the temporal and spatial variability of mountain forest composition will be required not only to gauge current performance but also future potential. Forests set upon mountains represent a particular challenge given difficult topography,unusual soil properties, variable sun exposure, and the vagaries of land ownership and control. Net zero carbon may be attainable but not absent the essential contributions of our forests including our mountain forests.

Knowledge of the sequestration potential of mountain forests and that of all other oceanic and terrestrial carbon sinks is of vital importance since the greater the collective sequestration potential of these sinks the less may be the need to reduce carbon emissions associated with the major energy-using sectors. On the other hand, the lower the aggregate sequestration potential across all sinks, the greater must be the effort to reduce source-based carbon emissions, primarily but not exclusively in the energy sector. This subject is set within the broader concerns associated with the maintenance, planning and design of resilient mountain landscapes. To promote resilience is to engender perpetual functionality in the face of system shocks and stresses. Carbon sequestration though is but one element of this pursuit. There are, however, many rival claimants seeking to benefit from mountain resilience and their quests are not easily reconciled. How determined must we be to elevate carbon sequestration potentials in mountain forests will depend on 1) the ease with which such an end can be achieved, 2) opportunity costs incurred in achieving this end, 3) the efficacy and mutuality of alternative uses and activities that could be pursued on mountain landscapes,4) the comparative efficacy of alternate oceanic and terrestrial carbon sinks, and 5) the costeffectiveness of decarbonization approaches in the energy sector.

The potential contributions of our forests including our mountain forests could represent a cheaper, faster way forward compared to the decarbonization of transport, manufacturing, and heating/cooling of buildings, or to elevating the sequestration capacities of the oceans, wetlands and soils[38]. In the longer term decarbonization of the energy sector will almost invariably be essential.Net zero will almost certainly require both decarbonization through electrification, largely fueled by nuclear and renewable energy sources,and sequestration. China anticipates that most new cars sold there in 15 years will be electric. General Motors pledges to sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2035. These topics are set within the rubrics of“mountain resilience” inasmuch as the maintenance and enhancement of the capacity for carbon sequestration in mountain forests necessarily must compete with rival purposes to be pursued in the planning and management of mountain landscapes.Among these are agriculture, resource extraction,fuel harvesting, tourism, and the like.

This commentary is a problematization of the carbon sequestration potential of mountain forests. More disaggregate data regarding the temporal and spatial variability of mountain forest composition will be required not only to gauge current performance but also future potential.Judging the efficacy of mountain forest biomes as carbon sinks will require further research into three distinct forest processes: respiration,biomass production and disbursement, and the stoichiometry of biomass decay and soil generation. The idiom that “one can’t see the forest for the trees” is especially apt in this context.While we require knowledge of the individual tree we also need to understand the entire mountain forest biome or ecosystem in its full synergetic complexity. Because the sequestration potential of mountain forests and indeed all other planetary carbon sinks varies over time, the resilience of each must be taken into account. If some falter, other sinks may bear a greater responsibility. If fossil fuels can be supplanted by other energy sources in a cost-effective manner then carbon sinks may carry a lesser responsibility. Both sequestration and decarbonization of the energy sector are subject to the vagaries of the human will, technology,climate, environmental capacity and more. As such they represent perhaps the penultimate challenge facing humankind since progress in each facet will inevitably suffer system shocks threatening the resilience of any particular “momentary”resolution. The fundamental reality is that the actions and conditions that must be in place to forestall global warming are not intrinsically resilient. Powerful societal forces will continue, in the absence of alternatives, to unearth and burn fossil fuels. Forests, oceans, soils and wetlands will give up their sequestered carbon in time since the cauterization of their carbon stores will be imperfect. Few elements of the energy-climatebiome “system” are going to be held constant in perpetuity. Resilience, including that small piece of this system lodged on mountainous terrain,will require a multitude of remedies to maintain system performance. These include the repair or replacement of failing elements of the system, or the substitution of new means to achieve purposes that can no longer be addressed by prior practices or conditions. The protected domains of the earth’s forests including its mountain forests might perhaps emerge in time as a steadying force within this complex system of vulnerable parts. Forest managers, planners, and landscape architects,informed by both forest and climate science,should be at the forefront of our collective effort to extract the full potential of forests, including mountain forests in carbon sequestration.


① The “e” in this measure denoted equivalency across all the GHG components expressed in terms of the weight of carbon dioxide (CO2), given in gigaton (Gt) metric, wherein one Gt is one billion (1×109) metric tonnes. The term CO2e signifies aggregate emission across all GHG types,expressed in terms of their CO2equivalent.

② The Bonn Challenge is driven by the Forest Stewardship Council and private industry, an alliance bent on forest preservation and reforestation.

(Editor / WANG Yilan)

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