CPC Centenary:Great achievements and a bright future for the nation

2021-11-21 18:14ByTimofeyBakhvalov
国际人才交流 2021年7期

By Timofey Bakhvalov

On July 1, China celebrated the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Led by the CPC, China achieved strength and independence, became a country with power in the social, economic, and political terms, striving for the revival rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and actively contributing to global development and community of the common destiny of humanity.

A century-long history of the CPC is the history of interaction between the peoples of China and Russia. Sino-Russian comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in the new era is a symbol and example of best practices, leading to benefit not only for neighboring countries but also strengthening global political mutual trust.

Back in 1928, the first abroad congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Moscow—the VI Congress of the CPC. Many famous Chinese communists studied and worked in Russia (USSR) before the founding of the PRC. During Second World War, the people of China and Russia, hand in hand, fought against the brown plague of Nazism. Thousands of Soviet specialists came to the aid of China. They helped build the country and made priceless contributions to the foundations for the industrialization of New China, writing golden pages in the book of traditional Sino-Russia friendship.

Inter-party cooperation between China and Russia has a glorious history and is based on independence, equality, respect, and noninterference. CPC is the root of China’s foreign policy, forming strategical international relations of a new type and making a community of common destiny the bright goal for humankind. With the proclamation of the Russian Federation, the CPC quickly and effectively established inter-party relations with several different Russian parties. That step was fundamental for the development of Sino-Russia relations that year by year turned into a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in the new era.

In the context of the 100th anniversary of the CPC, Xi Jingpin and Vladimir Putin officially announced the extension of the Sino-Russia Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation, which demonstrates the high prospects of sustainable growth of relations of new type between two states. China insists on the equality of every country, regardless of its size, power, or level of development and prosperity.

Chinese communists will carry forward the best traditions of the Chinese nation based on trust. They cherish mutual trust, develop strategic exchanges and strengthen interaction and mutual support, building a bright future of Sino-Russia relations.

More than 50 Russian Embassy employees in Beijing, including H. E. Ambassador Andrey Denisov, visited the newly opened Museum of the History of the CPC. He attended the exhibition twice because he was impressed with the first visit and decided to invite colleagues.

147000 square meters, more than 3500 exhibits and 2600 photographs_starting from the manuscript of Karl Marx and reproduction of the house where the first congress of the CPC was held, historical and actual models of HongQi cars, the model of Tianwen-1 Martian probe, hi-speed train cabin with video projections, etc. Everything narrowly and in detail showcasing China’s century achievements under the rule of CPC. Museum of the History of the CPC was visited by few hundreds of representative diplomatic corps of Beijing and leading media before the public opening. The Museum began receiving guests on June 18th. Soon it will be opened to the general public.

The main celebrations of the party’s centenary were held on July 1st at Tian’anmen Square, where Xi Jinping made a keynote speech that became the most remarkable and inspiring event for the Chinese nation and international diplomacy. CPC members have already reached 95 million people. It is enormous political power with the overwhelming support of Chinese society; even despite the COVID-19, the CPC successfully achieved poverty-fighting. The confidence in its capabilities was never so strong as today. “This country is its people, and the people are a country” _ that’s the motto of the Communist Party of China, its central policy, and the guarantee of the broadest public support.

On July 7th, Xi Jinping gave a speech at the summit of leaders of the CPC and world parties, which was held online under the theme “Happiness of the people: the responsibility of political parties.” More than 500 leaders of political organizations from more than 160 countries and regions of the world took part in it. Xi Jinping called political parties to take more responsibility for choosing a suitable course, shaping the shared future of humankind. He noted that to improve the welfare of all countries and regions of the world, the CPC will actively promote improved global governance and respond to global challenges. Political parties and political organizations of the world must encourage cooperation to create a more beautiful future.

China today is the second-largest economy globally, the second-largest investor, the leading trade and economic partner for more than 130 countries, the world leader in such areas as 5G, railway engineering technology, artificial intelligence, high-tech industry, e-commerce, the aerospace industry, etc.

Members of the CPC have consolidated all the efforts to speed up China’s development over the past decades, fully supported by hardworking, active, and highly disciplined Chinese people. CPC has always adhered to the “peoplecentered” ruling philosophy, dedication to people’s needs, embracing the ideology of “with the people, for the people.”

Strong support from the people is one of the keys to CPC success. When a party is close to the people, the people will respond positively to the party. Therefore, I am sure that the progress of the Chinese nation will continue, and the next 100 years of the Communist Party of China will be even more glorious. The party will lead China to another century of great success.