Ocean Protection in Times of Intense Change

2021-11-15 02:01ByLohPeiSun
国际人才交流 2021年6期

By Loh Pei Sun

The ocean represents about 71% of the surface of the earth. This alone shows that the ocean matters, and we should protect it. The ocean is the habitat of many flora and fauna. Moreover, it serves as an important food source for humans; regulates heat, climate, and weather patterns; serves as an important transport and trade route; and plays an important role in governing political and cultural values. However, human activities such as pollution, throwing of marine debris, overfishing, and other destructive methods of fishing are threatening the lives in the ocean. Global warming and climate change phenomena such as increased ocean heat and sea surface temperature, resulting in the occurrence of marine heat waves, sea level rise, and loss of biodiversity likewise affect the ocean. As a result of these, flooding, extreme weather conditions, ocean acidification, and hypoxia, occurring in increased intensity and frequency, are common phenomena. The deterioration of the ocean ecosystems further exacerbates global warming and climate change. All these threaten the very existence of humanity.

Blue carbon refers to the carbon stored in the world’s ocean ecosystem. Near to the land is the coastal zone known as the wetland ecosystem, which is between the land and the ocean. Examples of wetland ecosystems are mangroves and salt marshes. These are highly productive ecosystems that can trap and accumulate sediments, thus serving as an important carbon reservoir.Wetland ecosystems help mitigate climate change by reducing the atmospheric carbon dioxide. They also regulate nutrients and pollutants resulting in a clearer area; provide food, medicine, and fuel; and serve as an important habitat for many flora and fauna species. However, wetland ecosystems are threatened by climate change phenomena such as rising sea level and temperature and marine heat waves, pollution, eutrophication, degradation of water quality, erosion, presence of sea walls and coastal squeeze, deforestation,and land reclamation. The degradation of these ecosystems will result in the release into the atmosphere of a huge amount of carbon previously preserved in the sediments. This will further exacerbate the problem of global warming and climate change.

Given all the serious threats from human activities and climate change, there is an urgent need to protect the ocean and wetland ecosystems. Our oceans are in deep trouble, and their deterioration will consequently threaten humanity and its survival. Ocean protection efforts include ensuring that ocean activities like shipping, oil drilling, and sourcing of renewable energy are causing minimal harm to the ocean;adopting fisheries management and sustainable fishing techniques; reducing pollution and marine debris;restoring mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass;conserving marine fauna and flora; and designating more marine protected areas. However, protecting the ocean is a challenge due to the vastness of its area. For example, even with fisheries management,human activities continue to threaten the ocean.People are still using destructive methods to catch fish. Ocean and plastic pollution remain to be a serious problem. Mangrove forests are being cut down for developments. Hence, protection and conservation efforts will not succeed without public awareness of the importance of the ocean and the many threats it is facing. In this aspect, education plays an integral role in raising public awareness about the conditions and need for protection of the ocean. The public needs to know that the ocean is in trouble, and that this unfortunate phenomenon inevitably means that mankind is likewise in trouble. Ocean awareness programs are needed to increase public understanding and knowledge of the ocean, thereby improving the public’s attitude and treatment of the ocean. We need to educate children and young people about the many environmental issues facing the ocean so that they may become advocates for positive changes in the ocean. Throughout the history of mankind, we have advanced tremendously in all aspects of our lives.However, we have also made tremendous harm to the Earth along the way. Now is the time to take action to maintain the sustainability of the ocean ecosystem.We have made huge achievements before; we can do this now. Let us protect and save the ocean!