
2021-11-13 12:59CCCBArquitectos
建筑技艺 2021年8期


鸟瞰 © Fernando Guerra







The Chinese Academy of Art (CAA) in Hangzhou has two campuses.One is in the city center,near West Lake,and a new lager campus is in the outskirts.The architectural works of Wang Shu were ubiquitous on the new campus:most buildings were designed by him.When we started on this work,he had not yet received the 2012 Pritzker Prize.The help that we received from both him and his architect wife Lu Wenyu during the early stages and even today,was and continues to be fundamental.

The huge CAA collection and its recent acquisition of a large set of originals items from the Bauhaus School prompted the idea of a museum for the permanent collection along with other works and temporary exhibitions.We were given a characteristic museum briefly,apart from some specific features.

The huge campus was already nearly fully occupied.There was only one area still available on the south-eastern edge,at the intersection of two major roads in this expanding area.The available land has a triangular shape,with the planning restrictions of an urban and environmental nature that defined the building’s possible footprint and volume.

The internal layout seeks to facilitate smooth visitor flow and flexibility in the use of spaces.Being an art academy,its main purpose will be to display the results of different activities,languages and techniques deployed by students and teachers,as well as to receive guests.

The basement is planned to house the technical areas,archives,service areas,and a café connected directly to a triangular courtyard in the center of the building.Above it,the ground floor contains the entrance,public and rest areas,temporary exhibition halls and auditoriums.A mezzanine level permits circulation and a ramp link to the roof garden above the east-facing volume.The top floor of this volume is for the permanent exhibition of the Bauhaus collection.The administration areas,workshops for young artists and also some of the infrastructures are on the south-facing upper floors.

Red Agra sandstone from India will define the volumes and the exterior cladding.Some of the planes,especially inside the triangular volume,will be clad with white marble.The frames will be in be aluminum/wood.A free-standing volume in white concrete,inserted perpendicularly to the southern boundary,will be used as an entrance of the general public.


1,2 CC&CB,Arquitectos 提供

3-5 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司提供

6-12 Fernando Guerra 摄影


Limited to the needs of site,circulation and internal functions,the architects arranged several large exhibition halls on the first and second floors of the west side of the building,and some small research offices on the top floor (directly above the exhibition halls).What is more challenging is that although there are few windows on the facade,these windows are long strips,and according to the requirements of the architects,the structural columns could not be arranged on the facade and the back of the plan of these strip windows.

1 剖面图


In order to solve the problem of vertical discontinuity,we adopted a mixed structure scheme of steel frame (truss)+reinforced concrete tube.Only in the stairwell,elevator shaft and other positions set concrete tube structure,and we used steel truss and partial floor steel column to form large space,cantilever and other long span structure.Through these long span structures,the gravity load bypasses the interrupted part of the load-transferred path and finally transmits to the base.

2 首层平面图

3 钢结构4 中庭条窗5 办公条窗

6 门厅





项目负责人:Álvaro Siza、Carlos Castanheira

葡方设计团队:Adalberto Dias、Carolina Leite、Catarina Rodrigues、Diana Vasconcelos、Elisabete Queirós、Francesca Tiri、Germano Vieira、Joana Soeiro、João Figueiredo、Jorge Santos、Nuno Campos、Pedro Afonso、Rita Ferreira、Sara Pinto、Susana Oliveira

中方设计团队:Liu Ke、Zhao Yaunpeng、Jiang Weihua(建筑);Shentu Taunbing、Chen Yongbing(结构);Zhu Weiping,Yu Xiaofen(给排水);Jin Guogang,Wang Yonghong(电气);Chen Chunji,Teng Liang(暖通)

智能设计:Sun Mingliang,Sin Minjun

声学设计:Zhang Shanming,He Haixia

暖通顾问:Raul Bessa

结构顾问:Paulo Fidalgo

3D 建模:Germano Vieira,Pedro Afonso

总建筑面积:16 000m2



摄影:Fernando Guerra

7 门厅二层展区

8 庭院与展厅的空间尖角9 公共休息区

10 主入口

11 建筑外观12 立面覆盖的红色阿格拉砂岩砖
