美术馆鸟瞰 © Fernando Guerra
There are projects that are born both out of their site and for it.There are projects that create the site for themselves.The Art Pavilion was modified to the hill site and also adapted itself to it.And we also adapted ourselves to the beauty of this project.There was a strong will to build this particular idea on that site and all the challenges were overcome.
The forest pathway makes its way between high concrete walls,rough in texture,but elegant in form.Through an isolated volume,there is the destination for study and information,the library.We enter the Art Pavilion as if entering a sculpture that absorbs us and enables us to feel space,light,shade,time and also,what is before and what is beyond.Having come to the end of the route,we are presented with an external view of infinity.Inside the space,we look for our own internal,the personal infinity.
In architecture,space can be time.In architecture,light defines form.In architecture,the route surprises.In architecture,rough materials convey elegance.In architecture,the function is being there.In architecture,the shadow reveals beauty.
Saya Park lacked a chapel.There were plenty of symbols for meditation and introspection,allowing visitors to experience moments of beauty out in the open.A space of internal beauty was needed.
The Chapel building tucks into the hillside,opening up to the East and allowing in the light of the new day.It shares the location with other spaces of great symbolism and emotional significance.Its geometry is pure because its function is also pure.As we enter,we are bathed in light from above that penetrates through a small opening.But its effect,its greatness,is startling.Intended for Christian worship,it opens us up to spirituality.Space,time and meditation are great wonders that fit into this little building.As they do in the Soul.
We cross Saya Park through a pine forest.Taking in the immediate landscape,we are absorbed by nature.The views are filtered through gnarled branches and low-lying vegetation.A tower built of exposed concrete sits up on a little hill.It is sited above the valley,trying to make it narrower.
Curiosity draws us into the tower,to climb and reach the top.On our way up,we pass windows that give views out and have fleeting glimpses.At the top,a balcony opens to the South.We gaze and are dazzled.The deep valley is crushed by the scale of the mountains and their history.The descent provokes introspection as we return to earth.The almost raw finish of the exposed concrete contrasts with the purity of the form.Despite its simple appearance,the essence of the tower is complex.Its function is the essence of architecture.
1,2,8-13 CC&CB,Arquitectos 提供
5,6,18,19 Fernando Guerra 摄影
3,4,7,14-17 JongOh Kim 摄影
Saya Park 粗糙裸露的混凝土形象在一片绿树丛中分外显眼,其蜿蜒的建筑形体与地面紧密贴合,融为一体。混凝土表面印着木质纹路,这种做法将人工材料与自然环境以另一种姿态联系起来。
Saya Park uses rough exposed concrete,standing out from its green surroundings,while its long meandering shape and its close contact with the ground make it blend in with it.The texture of the wooden formwork is printed onto the concrete,in another gesture that relates the artificial material to its natural setting.
The "Art Pavilion" comprises a variety of art galleries and exhibition spaces.Upon entering,a library housed in a separate area will first come into view.The cavelike structure consists of two shafts are connected by a tunnel.High concrete walls,straight shapes and an interplay between light and shadow,structure the interior of the building.
2 美术馆首层平面图
3 美术馆庭院4 美术馆室外
5-7 美术馆室内
项目负责人:Álvaro Siza、Carlos Castanheira
设计团队:Rita Ferreira、Diana Vasconcelos、Luíza Felizardo、Nuno Rodrigues、Filipa Guedes
3D 建模:Germano Vieira
结构顾问:Paulo Fidalgo
木工:Serafim Pereira Simões Sucessores
石雕:Sousa Mármores
总建筑面积:美术馆1 350m2,教堂42m2,观景台178.45m2
摄影:Fernando Guerra、JongOh Kim
The Chapel building tucks into the hillside,opening up to the East and allowing in the light of the new day.It shares the location with other spaces of great symbolism and emotional significance.Its geometry is pure because its function is also pure.As we enter,we are bathed in light from above that penetrates through a small opening.But its effect,its greatness,is startling.
8 教堂平面图9 教堂木质十字架细部10 教堂剖面图
The observatory is built on a small hill to provide a view of the deep valley landscape.At the top,a balcony opens to the South.
11 观景台剖面图
14 教堂入口
15 教堂室内16 教堂室内木作17 教堂入口细部
18 美术馆与观景台
19 观景台