雍山玉 桑得福 宋振华 贾莉
摘要:在全膜雙垄沟播栽培条件下对引进的9个玉米新品种进行了试验。结果表明,参试各玉米品种在当地均能正常成熟,其中以Q2146和M751折合产量最高,为11 636.4 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159分别增产41.00%;M751折合产量次之,为11 368.7 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159增产37.76%。这2个品种综合性状表现良好,双穗率高,可在定西市旱作区同类生态区域推广种植。龙博士7号和农科大8号也有较好的丰产性,折合产量分别为10 934.3、10 505.1 kg/hm2,分别较对照品种迪卡159增产32.50%、27.30%,综合性状表现较好,可作为搭配品种在定西市旱作区示范种植。
中图分类号:S513 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-1463(2021)10-0069-04
Drought Resistance Identification and Drought Resistance Indices Screening of 30 Barley Germplasm Resources at Seedling Stage
XU Yinping 1, PAN Yongdong 1, ZHANG Tinghong 1, LIU Meijin 2, REN Cheng 1, YAO Yuanhu 1, JIA Yanchun 1, CHEN Wenqing 1, ZHAO Feng 1, BAO Qijun 1, HUO Kecang 1, NIU Xiaoxia 1
(1. Institute of Industrial Crops and Malting Barley, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China;2. Agricultural Science Research Institute of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province, hezuo Gansu 747000, China)
Abstract:Drought is the important abiotic stress factor for barley production in the northwestern hinterland. It is of great significance to identify drought resistance of barley resources, determine drought resistance index, screen drought resistance germplasm and cultivate drought resistance cultivars. The effects of the plant height,root length,leaf length,shoot fresh weight,root fresh weight,shoot dry weight,root dry weight and total dry weight of thirty barley germplasms were measured at the normal water supply and repeated drought treatments in pot experiments in rainprotection shed. Drought resistance comprehensive evaluation value (D value), comprehensive drought resistance coefficient (CDC value), weight drought resistance coefficient (WDC value), correlation analysis, frequency analysis, principal component analysis, grey relational analysis, subordinate function analysis, clustering analysis, and stepwise regression analysis were used to identify the drought resistance and screen drought resistance indices of tested barley germplasms at seedling stage. The results showed that drought stress had significant effects on all indices. Frequency analysis showed that the sensitive degrees of all indices response to drought stress in turn for root length, root dry weight, total dry weight, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, leaf length, root fresh weight and plant height. Correlation analysis showed that the total dry weight was significantly and positively correlated with root dry weight, shoot dry weight, leaf length ,root length and shoot fresh weight, but not with plant height and root fresh weight. Principal component analysis showed that 4 principal components could represent 83.583% of the original data information of barley drought resistance. The ranks of drought resistance of tested barley germplasms based on the D value, CDC value, and WDC value were similar. Grey relational analysis showed that the correlation degree between DC value of all indices and D value in turn for plant height, shoot dry weight, total dry weight, leaf length, shoot fresh weight, root length, root dry weight and root fresh weight, which was basically consistent with the order of correlation degree between DC value and WDC value.According to D value clustering analysis, tested barley germplasms were divided into 5 drought resistance grades, 2 belonged to grade 1, 13 belonged to grade 2, 6 belonged to grade 3, 7 belonged to grade 4, and 2 belonged to grade 5. The subordinate function values of tested indices except for root fresh weight,shoot dry weight, root dry weight and total dry weight,CDC value,D value,and WDC value were increased with increase of drought resistance grades. Stepwise regression analysis showed that the plant height and total dry weight were closely related to the D value. Xizang25 and NEVADA were identified as drought resistance barley germplasms at seedling stage, which could be used as materials for the researches on cultivar breeding, mechanism, and regulation and alleviation mechanism of drought resistance in barley. The plant height and total dry weight could be used as the simple and intuitive identification indices of drought resistance in barley germplasm resources at seedling stage.
Key words:Barley(Hordeum vulgare L.);Drought resistance at seedling stage;Drought resistance indexes; Comprehensive evaluation
定西市位于甘肃省中部,年降水量300~500 mm,且季节分布不均,多集中于7 — 9月,属典型的旱作农业区,旱作区面积占全市耕地总面积的88%左右[1 ]。玉米是定西市种植的主要农作物之一,随着以全膜双垄沟播为主的旱作农业技术的大力推广应用,全膜玉米在全市得到大面积种植,近年种植面积稳定在13.34万hm2左右,为保障区域粮食安全、促进农民增产增收发挥了重要作用。在雨养旱作条件下,玉米高产稳产主要取决于品种对水分亏缺的耐受性,玉米品种关系到玉米的产量、品质以及经济效益,选择不同的玉米抗旱品种对于提高玉米产量至关重要[2 - 3 ]。但是,随着玉米种植面积的扩大也伴随着出现了种植品种多、乱、杂的问题[4 ]。为了加快玉米品种的更新换代,丰富当地品种资源,进一步挖掘玉米增产潜力,我们进行了玉米新品种比较试验,以期筛选出适宜在定西市旱作区种植的优良抗旱玉米新品种,为定西市旱作玉米品种的选用和高产高效栽培提供依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 供试材料
1.2 试验地概况
试验设在定西市安定区西巩驿镇肖家川村旱梯田地,海拔1 793 m,全年降水量300~400 mm,蒸发量在1 500 mm以上,年平均气温7 ℃,年无霜期146 d。试验田地势平坦,肥力中等均匀,土壤类型为黑垆土。前茬作物为马铃薯。
1.3 试验方法
试验采用单因素随机区组设计,3次重复,小区面积19.8 m2(3.3 m×6.0 m),小区四周设保护行。采用全膜双垄沟播栽培方式,种植密度为45 000株/hm2。播前结合整地一次性基施农家肥60 000 kg/hm2、尿素225 kg/hm2、磷酸二铵225 kg/hm2、硫酸钾150 kg/hm2。于2020年4月18日按行距55 cm、株距40 cm播种,拔节期追施尿素150 kg/hm2,其余管理措施同当地大田。玉米生长期间田间观察记载物候期,成熟后每小區随机抽取15株进行考种,并按小区单收计产[5 - 6 ]。
1.4 数据处理
试验数据通过Microsoft Excel和SPSS统计软件进行统计分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1 物候期
从表1可以看出,参试的各品种出苗期基本一致,均在播种后13 d左右出苗。从拔节期开始,各品种的物候期开始出现差异。其中M751和对照品种迪卡159的生育期最长,均为140 d;敦玉328和敦玉16较长,均为133 d,均较对照缩短7 d;敦玉606、农科大8号、敦玉12、Q2146、稷农108生育期为125~132 d,较对照缩短8~12 d ;龙博士7号生育期最短,为124 d,较对照缩短16 d。
2.2 主要农艺性状
由表2可以看出,农科大8号的株高最高,为282 cm,较对照品种迪卡159高50 cm;其次为M751,株高为270 cm,较对照品种迪卡159高38 cm;敦玉16的株高略低于M751,为268 cm;敦玉12的株高最矮,较对照品种迪卡159矮12 cm;其余品种均较对照品种迪卡159高8~31 cm。穗位高以敦玉16最高,为110 cm,较对照品种迪卡159高40 cm;其次为M751,穗位高90 cm,较对照品种迪卡159高20 cm;Q2146、农科大8号分别位居第3、4,穗位高分别为85、82 cm,较对照品种迪卡159分别高15、12 cm;其余品种较对照品种迪卡159低0~10 cm。双穗率以Q2146最高,为61.5%,较对照品种迪卡159增加61.5百分点;其次为M751和龙博士7号,均为53.8%,均较对照品种迪卡159增加53.8百分点;稷农108和敦玉328双穗率分别为15.4%、7.7%,较对照品种迪卡159分别增加15.4、7.7百分点;其余品种双穗率均为0。
穗长以敦玉12、敦玉16、敦玉606较长,分别为19.6、19.4、19.3 cm,较对照品种迪卡159分别长0.6、0.4、0.3 cm;其余品种均较对照品种迪卡159短,减幅为0.3~1.7 cm。穗粗以农科大8号最粗,为5.32 cm,较对照品种迪卡159粗0.45 cm;敦玉328次之,为5.25 cm,较对照品种迪卡159粗0.38 cm;敦玉16居第3,为5.10 cm,较对照品种迪卡159粗0.23 cm;其余品种穗粗为4.84~5.03 cm,较对照品种迪卡159粗-0.03~0.16 cm。穗行数以农科大8号最多,为18.8行,较对照品种迪卡159多3.6行;其次为敦玉12、敦玉328,穗行数分别为17.2、17.0行,分别较对照品种迪卡159多2.0、1.8行;Q2146穗行数最少,为14.0行,较对照品种迪卡少1.2行。行粒数以M751最多,为38.6粒,较对照品种迪卡159多4.4粒;其次为敦玉12,为38.2粒,较对照品种迪卡159多4.0粒;敦玉606居第3位,为34.3粒,仅比对照品种迪卡159多0.1粒;其余品种较对照品种迪卡159少0.2~4.0粒。
穗粒重以农科大8号最高,为223.02 g,较对照品种迪卡159增加53.81 g;其次为敦玉12,穗粒重为196.67 g,较对照品种迪卡159增加27.46 g;敦玉16居第3,为193.50 g,较对照品种迪卡159增加24.29 g;其余品种均较对照品种迪卡159增加 -18.78~9.88 g。百粒重以Q2146最高,为40.48 g,较对照品种迪卡159增加5.40 g;敦玉606次之,为36.49 g,较对照品种迪卡159增加1.41 g;对照品种迪卡159居第3位,为35.08 g;其余品种均较对照品种迪卡159减少,减幅为0.41~6.32 g。出籽率以M751最高,为88.79%,较对照品种迪卡159增加0.71百分点;对照品种迪卡159次之,为88.08%,其余品种均较对照品种迪卡159有所降低,降幅为1.30~4.71百分点。
2.3 产量
由表3可以看出,各参试品种均较对照品种迪卡159增产,折合产量以Q2146最高,为11 636.4 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159增产41.00%;其次为M751,折合产量为11 368.7 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159增产37.76%;龙博士7号位居第3位,折合产量为10 934.3 kg/hm2,比对照品种迪卡159增产32.50%;农科大8号居第4位,折合产量为10 505.1 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159增产27.30%;其余品种折合产量为 8 343.4~9 308.1 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159增产1.10%~12.79%。
对产量结果进行方差分析的结果表明,区组间差异不显著(F=1.36 < F0.05=3.55),处理间差异极显著(F=43.49 > F0.01=3.6)。进一步对产量差异进行多重比較,Q2146与M751差异不显著,与龙博士7号差异显著,与其余品种间差异极显著;M751与龙博士7号差异不显著,与其余品种间差异极显著;龙博士7号与农科大8号差异不显著,但二者均与敦玉12、敦玉16、敦玉328、稷农108、敦玉606、迪卡159(CK)差异极显著;敦玉12、敦玉16与敦玉328间差异不显著,稷农108、敦玉606、对照迪卡159之间差异不显著。
3 小结与讨论
试验表明,参试的9个玉米新品种在定西市旱作区全膜双垄沟播栽培条件下均能正常成熟。其中以M751和对照品种迪卡159的生育期最长,为140 d,属晚熟品种;龙博士7号和稷农108生育期较短,为124~125 d,属中熟品种,其余品种生育期128~133 d,属中晚熟品种。Q2146的折合产量最高,为11 636.4 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159增产41.00%;M751次之,折合产量为11 368.7 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159增产37.76%。这2个品种综合性状表现良好,双穗率高,可在定西市旱作区同类生态区域推广种植。龙博士7号和农科大8号也有较好的丰产性,折合产量分别为10 934.3、10 505.1 kg/hm2,较对照品种迪卡159分别增产32.50%、27.30%,综合性状表现较好,可作为搭配品种进行示范种植。其余品种产量相对较低,较对照品种迪卡159增产幅度较小,建议进一步试验。
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收稿日期:2021 - 05 - 07
作者简介:雍山玉(1981— ),女,甘肃临洮人,高级农艺师,主要从事农业技术推广工作。Email:yongshanyu@126.com。
通信作者:桑得福(1964— ),男,甘肃临洮人,农业推广研究员,主要从事农业技术推广工作。Email:282592160@qq.com。