
2021-10-12 22:55周远航郭建富马小龙樊晓琴陈勇林明
安徽农业科学 2021年19期

周远航 郭建富 马小龙 樊晓琴 陈勇 林明

摘要 [目的]回顧新疆红花生产历史及分布,摸清新疆红花生产现状,探讨发展对策,以期为新疆红花产业的健康、快速、可持续发展提供有价值的参考。[方法]采用实地调研并结合文献统计收集整理分析的方式调查新疆红花种植历史,总结新疆红花生产现状及特点,并针对现存问题提出相应的对策建议。[结果]新疆地区拥有悠久的红花种植历史,经过多年发展变迁,伊犁、塔城、昌吉红花主产区地位已经形成。但由于不同产区存在自然条件、栽培措施的差异,其种植面积、分布范围、品种资源等生产特点也各不相同。[结论]新疆红花生产存在品种混杂退化、栽培技术落后、生产经营方式粗放、机械化水平低、产业链过短过窄这样的限制因素。通过建立新疆红花良种繁育基地、制定红花栽培技术规程和产品质量检测标准、不断研发机械化采收工艺、拓宽产业发展思路,打造优势品牌,提高产品附加值等方式,可有效解决目前新疆红花产业发展现存问题,带动新疆红花产区产业发展。

关键词 新疆红花;生产现状;现存问题;发展对策

中图分类号 S-9   文献标识码 A

文章编号 0517-6611(2021)19-0199-03



Research on Current Situation and Development Countermeasures of Xinjiang Safflower Production

ZHOU Yuan-hang, GUO Jian-fu,MA Xiao-long et al (Manasi Agriculture Experiment Station,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Manasi,Xinjiang 832200)

Abstract [Objective]Review the history and distribution of safflower production in Xinjiang, find out the status quo of safflower production in Xinjiang, and explore development countermeasures in order to provide valuable references for the healthy, rapid and sustainable development of Xinjiang safflower industry.[Method]Using field surveys combined with literature statistics collection and analysis to investigate the history of safflower planting in Xinjiang, summarize the current situation and characteristics of safflower production in Xinjiang, and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for existing problems.[Result]Xinjiang region has a long history of safflower planting. After years of development and changes,Yili, Tacheng, and Changji safflower production areas have taken shape. However, due to differences in natural conditions and cultivation measures in different production areas, their planting area, distribution range, variety resources and other production characteristics are also different.[Conclusion]The production of safflower in Xinjiang has restrictive factors such as mixed varieties and degradation, backward cultivation techniques, extensive production and management methods, low level of mechanization, and short and narrow industrial chains. Through the establishment of Xinjiang safflower seed breeding base, formulation of safflower cultivation technical regulations and product quality inspection standards, continuous research and development of mechanized harvesting technology, broadening of industrial development ideas, building superior brands, and increasing product added value, etc., it can effectively solve the existing problems in the development of the safflower industry and drive the industrial development of the safflower production area in Xinjiang.
