
2021-10-12 22:36俞京庄海涛袁广翔朱亚峰刘玉坤窦昆鹏陆苗苗李晓平王栋张合川眭凯
安徽农业科学 2021年19期

俞京 庄海涛 袁广翔 朱亚峰 刘玉坤 窦昆鹏 陆苗苗 李晓平 王栋 张合川 眭凯

摘要 為了考察浓缩工艺参数与再造烟叶原料醇提液蒸发效果的关系,使用旋转蒸发仪开展试验室真空浓缩试验,研究了不同浓缩工艺条件对乙醇溶液蒸发效率、乙醇损失量及样品感官质量的影响。结果表明:水浴温度对溶液总蒸发速率的影响最大,之后依次为真空度、蒸发瓶转速、浓缩时间、乙醇浓度。随着水浴温度的增加以及真空度的降低,乙醇和清水蒸发速率均逐渐上升;随着蒸发瓶转速的增加,乙醇和清水蒸发速率均先下降后上升;随着浓缩时间的增加,乙醇蒸发速率逐渐下降,清水蒸发速率逐渐上升。浓缩时间对乙醇损耗量的影响最大,之后依次为真空度、乙醇浓度、水浴温度、蒸发瓶转速。其中,随着浓缩时间的增加、真空度的降低,乙醇和清水损耗量均逐渐上升;随着乙醇浓度的提高,乙醇损耗量逐渐上升,清水损耗量逐渐下降。随着提取时乙醇溶液浓度的增加,样品感官质量明显提升;随着浓缩过程中水浴温度的提高,再造烟叶样品杂气和刺激均稍有改善,但当水浴温度提高到70 ℃后,样品香气有所下降;随着真空度的升高,再造烟叶样品的香气有所下降。适宜的醇提浓缩工艺条件为乙醇浓度75%,水浴温度60 ℃,真空度5 kPa。

关键词 再造烟叶;醇提液;浓缩;蒸发效果;感官质量

中图分类号 TS 45  文献标识码 A  文章编号 0517-6611(2021)19-0164-06



Influences of Concentration Process on the Evaporation Effect of Alcohol Extraction from Reconstituted Tobacco Materials

YU Jing, ZHUANG Hai-tao, YUAN Guang-xiang et al

(Jiangsu Xinyuan Tobacco Sheet Co., Ltd., Huaian, Jiangsu 223002)

Abstract In order to investigate the relationship between concentration process parameters and the evaporation effect of alcohol extraction from reconstituted tobacco materials, vacuum concentration experiment was made by rotary evaporator to study the effects of different concentration process parameters on the evaporation efficiency of alcohol solution, ethanol loss and sensory quality of products. The results showed that water bath temperature had the most impact on the total evaporation rate of solution, followed by vacuum degree, rotating speed of evaporating flask, concentration time and ethanol concentration. The evaporation rate of ethanol and water increased gradually along with the increasing of water bath temperature and the decreasing of vacuum degree. The evaporation rate of ethanol and water presented a down and up trend along with the increasing of rotating speed of evaporating flask. Evaporation rate of ethanol dropped while the evaporation rate of water increased along with the increasing of concentration time. Concentration time had the most impact on the ethanol loss, followed by vacuum degree, ethanol concentration, water bath temperature and rotating speed of evaporating flask. Ethanol and water loss increased gradually along with the increasing of concentration time and the decreasing of vacuum degree. Ethanol loss increased while water loss decreased along with the increased of ethanol concentration. Sensory quality of cigarette products made by the alcohol extraction improved significantly along with the increasing of ethanol concentration. Miscellaneous scent and irritancy of cigarettes reduced, however aroma decreased when water bath temperature raised to 70 ℃. Aroma of cigarettes reduced with the increase of vacuum degree. The suitable technology conditions for concentration progress were as follow: ethanol concentration 75%, water bath temperature 60 ℃, vacuum degree 5 kPa.
