
2021-10-12 22:15叶卿谈金豪刘凯
安徽农业科学 2021年19期

叶卿 谈金豪 刘凯

摘要 于2019年对西江长江江豚迁地保护基地的浮游动物群落结构进行了4个季度的周年调查,共发现浮游动物45属68种,其中原生动物24种,轮虫类27种,枝角类10种,桡足类7种。西江浮游动物年平均生物密度2 007.75个/L,年平均生物量为0.94 mg/L,夏季、秋季的平均密度和生物量显著高于春季、冬季( P <0.05)。Shannon-Wiener指数( H ′)变幅为0.17~1.75;Margalef指数( D )变幅为0.20~1.79;Pielou均匀度指数( J )变幅为0.11~0.72。根据生物学评价标准和生物多样性指数分析水质,西江水体属于中营养类型。根据西江浮游动物年均生物量估算出可提供的渔产潜力为4.91×104 kg。

關键词 浮游动物;群落结构;生物多样性指数;现状;渔产潜力;安庆西江长江江豚迁地保护基地

中图分类号 S 917.4  文献标识码 A  文章编号 0517-6611(2021)19-0082-04



Current Status of Zooplankton Community and Assessment of Fishery Potential in Yangtze Finless Porpoise Ex-situ Nature Reserve of Xijiang River in Anqing

YE Qing1, TAN Jin-hao2, LIU Kai2

(1.Shanghai Aquatic Wildlife Conservation and Research Center, Shanghai 200092;2. Fishery Resources and Environmental Science Observation and Experiment Station of the Lower Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214081)

Abstract A survey was conducted on the zooplankton community structure of the Xijiang Yangtze River finless porpoise ex-situ nature reserve in four seasons in 2019. A total of 68 species of zooplankton were found in 45 genera, including 24 species of protozoa, 27 species of rotifers, 10 species of cladocerans and 7 species of copepods. The average annual biomass density and biomass of zooplankton in Xijiang River was 2007.75 ind./L and 0.94 mg/L, respectively.The average density and biomass in summer and autumn were significantly higher than those in spring and winter ( P <0.05). The Shannon-Wiener index ( H ′) had a range of 0.17-1.75;the Margalef index ( D ) had a range of 0.20-1.79;the Pielou index ( J ) had a range of 0.11-0.72. According to the analysis of water quality based on the biological evaluation criteria and biodiversity index, the water of Xijiang River was mainly mesotrophic type. Based on the average annual biomass of zooplankton in the Xijiang River, the fishery potential production that could be provided was 4.91×104 kg.

Key words Zooplankton;Community structure;Biodiversity index;Current status;Fish potential production;Yangtze finless porpoise ex-situ nature reserve of Xijiang River in Anqing

基金项目 修复向家坝库区渔业资源及保护长江珍稀特有物种项目“长江江豚迁地保护群体建立及现有群体普查交流项目”。

作者简介 叶卿(1980—),女,江苏南京人,助理工程师,从事水生野生动物保护研究。


收稿日期 2021-05-10;修回日期 2021-06-10
