
2021-09-10 07:22吴安运
考试与评价·高二版 2021年2期


定语从句是在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句,通常紧跟在被修饰的名词或代词之后。定语从句在句中起限制的作用,被定语从句所修饰的词称为先行词。引导定语从句的有关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose和关系副词when, where, why。

一、 定语从句的构成


Zhang Yixing is a pop star.  + Jay Chou is from China.

Zhang Yixing is a pop star who is from

先行词  关系代词

China. 张艺兴是中国的一位流行歌手。

Yao Ming is a basketball player. + Yao Ming’s parents are also basketball players.

Yao Ming is a basketball player whose

先行词     关系代词

parents are also basketball players. 姚明是个篮球运动员, 他的父母也都是篮球运动员。

The book is very useful. + My father gave me a book.

The book which my father gave me is very     先行词  关系代词

useful. 我父亲給我的那本书很有用。



二、 关系代词的基本用法

1. that引导的定语从句

that引导定语从句时,可以指人,代替who 或whom;也可以指物,代替which。可在从句中做主语或做从句谓语动词的宾语。

The man that (who) wrote the book is an English professor. 写这本书的人是一位英语教授。(that做主语)

Film companies often make follow-ups to films that have been very successful, such as Harry Porter. 电影公司常常为已大获成功的电影拍续集,例如《哈利·波特》。(that做主语)

She is the singer that (whom) I met last week.  她就是我上周遇见的那位歌星。(that做宾语)

Is this the picture that (which) you talked about yesterday? 这就是你们昨天谈论的那幅画吗?(that做宾语)


在下面三种场合中,要用that 引导定语从句,不用which 或who。

This is the first English grammar book that she has read. 这是她读过的第一本英语语法书。

I’d like to read the very book that you read last week. 我想读你上周读过的那本书。

She was the only person that saw the accident. 她是唯一亲眼目睹那场事故的人。

This is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。

Sally is the most hard-working student that I have ever known. 莎丽是我所认识的最勤奋的学生。

②先行词为nothing, all, little, much,something, everything 和anything等不定代词,或先行词被all, every, few, any, no, some, little 等修饰时,其后的定语从句要用that引导,不用which。

He has got all that he needs. 他得到了所需要的一切。

You can borrow any book that you want to read. 你可以借任何一本你想看的书。

Everything that can be done has been done. 一切能做的都做了。

The writer has said something that we should remember forever. 那位作家说了一些我们应该永远记住的话。

③ 主句以who 或which 开头时,定语从句用that,不用who, whom 或which。

Who is the boy that just spoke to you? 刚才同你讲话的那个男孩是谁?

Which of you that has attended the meeting can tell us something about it? 你们中间哪位参加过会议的能给我们讲些有关情况?


That’s the only thing ___ can’t be forgotten in my life.

A. that B. which         C. who         D. /


先行词thing (事情) 指“事物”, who是指“人”的,要首先被排除;从句本身缺少主语,关系代词不可省略,故排除D项。that 和which 都可用来指“事物”。当先行词被the very, the only, the same, all, no, any, every, little, much或形容词最高级、序数词等修饰时,关系代词只用that而不能用which。本题答案为A。

2. who, whom 和whose引导的定语从句

who, whom 和whose引导定语从句时用于指人。who在从句中做主语,whom做谓语动词或介词的宾语,whose做定语。

He is the student who knows the answer to the question. 他就是知道那个问题答案的学生。(做主语)

Here comes the girl whom you want to see. 你想见的那个女孩来了。(做宾语)

That’s the man whose house was burnt down.  那就是房子被烧毁的人。(做定语)


① 在口语中who也可做宾语。

②whom做介词的宾语时,介词可以放在whom的前面,也可以放在有关动词的后面; whom做动词宾语时,通常可省略。

The lady to whom he sent a letter was a musician. (= The lady (whom) he sent a letter to was a musician.)  他写过信去的那位女士是一位音乐家。

③ whose既可指人,也可指物,用作定语。

He lived in a room whose window looked out over the sea. 他住在一间窗户朝向大海的房间里。


George Mallory was an English school teacher ___ loved climbing.

A. who  B. whom        C. he      D. which


考查关系代词的用法。定语从句要由关系代词引导,首先排除C项;先行词teacher是指“人”的名词,which用来指“物”,故D项也要被排除;根据定语从句 loved climbing可知,关系代词在从句中做主语,whom是做宾语的,故排除。本题答案为A。

3. which引导的定语从句

which 引导的定语从句修饰表示“物”的名词。which在定语从句中可以做主语或宾语。which做宾语时可以省略。

Is she on the plane which took off half an hour ago? 她在半小时前起飞的那架飞机上吗?

The story (which) we heard yesterday is very moving. 我们昨天听到的那个故事非常感人。


I have that ___ he has given me.

A. that  B. which      C. who D. whose


当先行词为that时,我们多使用关系代词which, 而不使用that。所以本题答案为B。


关系代词which, that, who在从句中做主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数应同先行词保持一致。

The pen which was lost has been found. 丢失的那支钢笔找到了。

The pens which were lost have been found.  丢失的那些钢笔都找到了。

The girl who is singing is from America. 正在唱歌的那个女孩来自美国。

The girls who are singing are from America. 正在唱歌的那些女孩来自美国。

三、 關系代词的位置和省略

1. 关系代词的位置


I brought some books here that may help you. 我帶来一些可能对你有帮助的书。(定语从句与先行词被here隔开)

This is the third time in my life that I have wept. 这是我一生中第三次哭了。(定语从句与先行词被in my life隔开)

2. 关系代词的省略


① 在口语中,关系代词做宾语时可以省略。

The book (that / which) I borrowed from the library is very interesting. 我从图书馆借来的书很有趣。

The man (that / whom) you met in the supermarket is Tom’s father. 你在超市遇见的那个人是汤姆的父亲。


The man ___ you saw yesterday was the president of our college.

A. who  B. which         C. whose      D. /


关系代词在定语从句中做主语时一般不可以省略,但做宾语时可以省略。本题省略了关系代词whom / that,故答案为D。



Do you know the man (whom) they are talking to? 你认识那个在和他们谈话的人吗?(whom可以省略)

Do you know the man to whom they are talking? 你认识那个在和他们谈话的人吗?(whom在介词后,不可省略)

② 做表语的关系代词有时可以省略。

He is not the honest boy (that) he used to be. 他再也不是以前的那个诚实的少年了。


I. 用适当的关系代词填空。

1. Will those ___ teach the children from

abroad come to the headmaster’s office?

2. The monument was the first place ___

they went to visit while they were in China. 3. All ___ glitters is not gold.

4. You can take any seat ___ is free.

5. The children upstairs always make noise

___ drives me mad.

6. The thief ___ had robbed the man was

caught by the policeman.

7. I saw some trees ___ leaves were black

with disease.

8. This was the best model of a radio set ___

the factory produced in 1979.

9. This is the cadre ___ son died in the War

of Resistance Against Japan.

10. He told me everything ___ he had seen

in the traffic accident.

11. Yesterday I met Dr. Li ___ told me the

good news of Wang’s recovery.

12. The two pupils ___ you taught three

years ago have become tractor drivers.

13. The first thing ___ my sister is going to do this evening is to write a report about scientific experiment.

14. The child ___ parents died in the air

crash is now living with his aunt.

15. You can telephone the people ___ you

want to invite to dinner.

II. 从A、B、C、D中选出一个最佳选项填空。

1. All ___ is useful to us is good.

A. which      B. what C. that  D. whether

2. Is this factory ___ the foreign visitors

visited last week?

A. where     B. that  C. which      D. the one

3. She will never forget the days ___ she

spent in Beijing.

A. when B. what C. which      D. why

4. The text is one of the most interesting stories

___ written in the past three years.

A. that have    B. that have been

C. which has       D. which has been

5. The college won’t take on anyone ___

eyesight is weak.

A. who  B. whose    C. of whom D. which

6. Here is the bicycle ___ in the shop.

A. that you saw it    B. that saw it

C. you saw          D. you saw it

7. Those ___ to take part in the game write

down your names, please.

A. who             B. who want

C. that wants         D. want

8. This is the only thing ___ I can do now.

A. what            B. which

C. that             D. all

9. Have you seen the film “Titanic” ___

leading actors are famours?

A. its    B. it’s    C. which      D. whose

10. The family ___ I stayed with in New

York are coming to Beijing.

A. which      B. whom     C. what D. whose

III. 用定語从句翻译下列句子。

1. 这就是我昨天买的那本字典。


2. 我已把从阅览室借的那本杂志还回去了。


3. 你认识那位昨天在会上发言的学生吗?

