
2021-09-10 12:22
科普研究 2021年3期

On the Science Popularization under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China in Yanan Period:

Based on Content Analysis of Science Garden

Hu Yan1, 2

[Graduate School,Party School of the Central Committee of CPC(National Academy of Governance),Beijing 100091]1

(National Science Library,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190)2

Abstract:As the first popular science column of Liberation Daily,a newspaper of the central government in Yanan period,Science Garden is a microcosm of science popularization work under the leadership of CPC. Through content analysis of Science Garden, this paper explores the positive effects of science popularization under the leadership of CPC during Yanan period,including breaking feudal superstition, spreading scientific knowledge,disseminating science and technology,promoting the spirit of science,as well as supporting the anti-Japanese war and save the country. Furthermore,it summarizes some inspirations for the science popularization in the new era.

Keywords:Yanan period;science popularization;Science Garden

CLC Numbers:N4    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.001

Review on the History of Forestry Science Popularization Since 1949

—— Based on Investigations of Science and Education Films on Forestry

Zhang Meifang1 Zhang Xinyu1 Li Zhengwei2

(Institute for Cultural Heritage and History of Science & Technology,USTB,Beijing 100083)1

(China Research Institute for Science Popularization,Beijing 100081)2

Abstract:According to the statistics and classification of science and education films from 1949 to 2019, combined with the historical background of science popularization, forestry and science and education film industry, as well as  analysis of film content, the evolution of forestry science and education films since 1949 is roughly divided into six stages. Its development reflects the characteristics and focus of forestry science popularization work in different periods since 1949. This transformation is closely related to the state development strategy, science popularization policy and forestry, science and education film industry at that time. Summarizing the historical changes of science and education films on forestry since 1949, this review offers reflections on the development of science and education films on forestry and science popularization work in the period.

Keywords:forestry;history of science popularization;science and education films

CLC Numbers:N4    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.002

Research on the Theme Changes of Chinese Science and Education Films Since the Founding of the Peoples Republic of China

——Using the Title as a Cut-in Point

Dou Yang1 Gao Hongbin2

(School of Humanities,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049)1

(China Research Institute for Science Popularization,Beijing 100081)2

Abstract:As an important way of science communication,science and education films have different stages in different social contexts. This research takes the title of science and education film as a cut-in point and divide them into four periods since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949:(1)the period of practical technology that started with the patriotic health movemen;(2)the period of standardized propaganda of practical technology;(3)the period of diversified science and education films to emancipate the mind,and (4)the period of progress from pragmatism to humanism. In these different periods,changes in the concept of science communication can be found.

Keywords:science and education film;science communication;science spirit;science and society

CLC Numbers:N4;J971.9    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.003

Research on Qian Xuesen's Thought of Science Popularization :

Based on His Manuscript

Li Hongxia

(Qian Xuesen Library & Museum of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030)

Abstract:Through collating and analyzing the manuscripts of Qian Xuesen,it is found  that science popularization is one of the directions he has always attached great importance to and focused on. Guided by Marxist philosophy and based on the thought of Systems Engineering,he explored the science popularization work from three aspects of social value,intension principle,and practice approach,which formed a integrated thought of  science popularization. His thought still has important theoretical value and inspiring value for the work of science popularization at present.

Keywords:Qian Xuesen;science popularization;Marxist philosophy;systems engineering

CLC Numbers:N4;G315    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.004

The Development Stages of Science Communication in China

Li Li Sun Wenbin Tang Shukun

(Science Communication Research and Development Center,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026)

Abstract:The research on development stages of science communication is an important issue of science popularization studies in China. It not only helps to clarify the correlation between domestic and foreign concepts and research approaches,but also helps to sort out the historical context and development trend of science popularization in China. It is generally acknowledged that science communication studies go through three developmental stages:“Traditional Science Popularization”、“Public Understanding of Science” and “Science Communication”. However,this paper proposes that “Science Communication” should be replaced by “Public Reflection on Science”,and adding two new stages of “Public Engagement of Science” and “Public Science Service”. These five stages together constitute the whole “science communication”,and more accurately describe the development tendency from traditional “science popularization” to modern “science benefit to public”.

Keywords:science communication;development stage;communication mode

CLC Numbers:N4    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.1673-8357.2021.03.005

The Progress and Implication of International Biology Education Research in Science Education

——Based on CiteSpace Knowledge Mapping Analysis

Guo Shuchen1 Liu Enshan2

(School of Teacher Education, Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023)1

(College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875)2

Abstract:In this paper,8 SSCI journals in the core collection of WOS database were used as data sources,CiteSpace was used to conduct information visualization analysis on literatures in the field of international biology education from 2000 to 2019,and then the progress,hotspots and trends were systematically reviewed in the field of international biology education in the past two decades. It is found that:(1) the international scientific education community pays more and more attention to biology education;(2) European and American countries dominate the field of research on biology education;(3)the hot spots of research can be clustered into 6 categories,which reflects that international research on biology education focus on the cultivation of scientific literacy,contextualization,timeliness,modernization,and has certain characteristics of cultural uniqueness;and (4) the latest research frontier is about learning progress,evolution and the highest cited literature are curriculum standards. China still has great potential in the field of biology education and science education research. We should put emphasis on implementation of curriculum standards and cultivating students core competence. Cooperation should be conducted in- and outside of the country and research should be encouraged to get published abroad. Knowing the international research hotspots and trends,we should focus on the weak areas of existing domestic research and promote the development of local science education.

Keywords:international biology education;CiteSpace;research hotspot;research trends

CLC Numbers:G633.91    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.006

Research on the Typical Training Practice of Science Fiction Writers in China

Huang Qianhong Zhang Zhimin

(China Research Institute for Science Popularization,Beijing 100081)

Abstract:To achieve the prosperity of science fiction,a key element lies in talents. In recent years,the training practice of science fiction talents is in the ascendant in China,and gradually forms a multi-agent training system including universities,primary and secondary schools,industry associations,enterprises,etc. It cultivates the effective force in the field,promotes the prosperity of science fiction creation. But overall it is still in a primary stage. There are problems such as lack of top-level design,lack of teaching staff,incomplete teaching materials and teaching system,insufficient coverage and unsustainable of talent training. In view of this,this paper proposes suggestions to promote the cultivation of science fiction talents from the aspects of:(1)top-level design,(2)implementation of academic education,(3)promotion of social training,(4)accurate training of potential groups and key groups,and some others.

Keywords:science fiction;talent cultivation;typical practice

CLC Numbers:N4;I207.42   Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.007

Overview of the Development of Chinese Meteorological Science Popularization Books in the 21 Century

Wang Xiaofan1 Zhang Qian1 Zhu Ziyang2

(CMA Centre for Communication and Outreach,Beijing 100081)1

(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044)2

Abstract:Through a quantitative analysis of meteorological science popularization books published in mainland China from 2003 to 2018,it is found that during this period, the publication of these books has entered a stage of prosperity. Children and adolescents are important audience groups. The creation of these books is closely related to the characteristics of the meteorological discipline and is rich and colorful. It is also deeply influenced by the social background,serving the national disaster prevention and mitigation needs as well as public appeals. In the future,the creation of meteorological science popularization books needs to be more demand-oriented. Writers should enrich and expand the topics,themes and audience groups,explore ways to integrate with new media,and create influential masterpieces.

Keywords:science popularization book;meteorology; science popularization creation

CLC Numbers:N4    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.008

Mao Yishengs Thought on “Professional Science” and Its Contemporary Value

Liu Yang1 Li Zhengwei2

(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049)1

(China Research Institute for Science Popularization,Beijing 100081)2

Abstract:Mao Yishengs thought on “Professional Science” is a continuation of his thought on engineering education and idea of popular science,and it is influenced by Engels Dialectics of Nature,“On Practice”,and the scientific development concept of China. “Professional Science” emphasizes theorization on a professional basis and expounds the in-depth relationship between on-site technological creation and scientific creation. It is the close integration of scientists professional thinking and scientific development practice in China. Various parts of “Professional Science”,such as the relationship between science research and production,the relationship between science research and science popularization,and the path of science development,are of inspiring value to understand the problems of science development in the new era.

Keywords:Mao Yisheng;professional science;science popularization;technological revolution

CLC Numbers:N4;G315    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.009

Construction of Diversified Collaborative Science Popularization Investment System

Li Juanjuan1 Gao Hongbin2

(Capital Normal University, College of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100089)1

(China Research Institute for Science Popularization, Beijing 100081)2

Abstract:From the perspective of government and society,this paper analyzes the problems faced by the current government led science popularization investment structure. The problems the government faces are:(1)the imbalance inverstment between the central government and the local government on science popularization leads to great pressure on local finance;(2)the imbalance development among regions leads to the regional imbalance of science popularization investment;and (3)the investment is relatively scattered. The problem the society faces is the insufficient participation of enterprises,social organizations,scientific researchers and the public. The current situation of China's social development as well as the long-term nature of science popularization and its characteristics of public welfare,provides feasibility of constructing a diversified and collaborative science popularization investment system. On this basis,considering the characteristics of each subject,this paper proposes a possible path to build a diversified collaborative science popularization investment system.

Keywords:diversified collaboration;science popularization investment;government investment;social investment

CLC Numbers:N4    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.010

Research on the Development Strategy of Museum-School Cooperative Curriculum Resources

Jin Rongying

(Beijing Museum of Natural History, Beijing 100050)

Abstract:By summarizing the current situation and problems in the development of museum-school cooperation curriculum resources,combining with the resources and practice of the Beijing Museum of Natural History,this paper probes into the development strategies of the museum-school cooperation resources: making reference to the concept of science,selecting topics according to the national curriculum standards, relying on exhibits for teaching resources,cooperating the role of teachers in the teaching process,leading by experts,flexibly using the new multimedia technology,developing the Project-based learning, paying attention to the study of the pre-middle and post-middle stages,etc. The strategies developed with the resources above are applied to practical courses and activities.

Keywords:science education;science popularization;curriculum resources development

CLC Numbers:N4    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.011

The Impact of Residents Climate Change Cognition and Environmental Efficacy Perception on Their Carbon Emission Reduction Behaviors

Wang Xiaohong Hu Shilei

(School of Management,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001)

Abstract:It is not clear whether residents cognition of climate change can effectively motivate them to carry out carbon emission reduction. Previous studies only focus on the impact of residents climate change cognition on single carbon emission reduction behavior and ignore the impact of environmental efficacy perception on this behavior. Different from that, using the data of CGSS 2010,this paper empirically analyzes the impact of both residents climate change cognition and environmental efficacy perception on different carbon emission reduction behaviors. The results show that residents cognition of the causes of climate change has a significant positive impact on three carbon emission reduction behaviors (waste classification,driving reduction and energy saving),while residents cognition of the hazards of climate change and environmental efficacy perception respectively have a significant positive impact on two carbon emission reduction behaviors (driving reduction and energy saving). Compared with the impact on waste classification,residents cognition of the causes and hazards of climate change,and environmental efficacy perception have a greater impact on driving reduction and energy saving. Environmental efficacy perception is an important variable that influencing residents carbon emission reduction behavior,and the impacts of residents climate change cognition and environmental efficacy perception on carbon emission reduction behavior are heterogeneous.

Keywords:climate change;cause cognition;hazard cognition;environmental efficacy perception;carbon emission reduction

CLC Numbers:X24    Document Code:A    DOI:10.19293/j.cnki.l673-8357.2021.03.012
