日前,意大利外交部和意大利對外贸易委员会宣布,拨款120万欧元给Edi.Cer. Spa展览公司,资助其举办2021年意大利陶瓷家装展。这是疫情之后意大利首个聚焦陶瓷卫浴和家装的实体展。展会将于今年9月27日至10月1日在博洛尼亚展览中心举办,目前已经售出95%的展位。其中,约有40%的展商来自意大利以外,再次证明了展会的国际性以及对当地经济的重要助力。
Cersaie 2021 receives funding for in-person show
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Trade Agency ITA have signed a 1.2-million-euro agreement with Edi.Cer. spa to support the initiatives of Cersaie 2021, the first international exhibition devoted to architecture, design, ceramics and bathroom furnishings to be held after the resumption of in-person trade shows. Cersaie is due to be held in the Bologna exhibition centre from September 27 to October 1, 2021 and has already allocated 95% of the total available exhibition space. Some 40% of exhibitors are non-Italian companies, further confirming the international reach of the event and its importance for the local economy. “
The Italian Trade Agency ITA has long been supporting CERSAIE and the ceramic industry, which is highly representative of the “Made in Italy” label worldwide, given its distinctive combination of design and technology,” comments ITAs c h a i r m a n C a r l o Ferro.