Center for General Education,China Medical University,Taichung 40402,Taiwan,China E-mail:changss2013@163.com
Jinfang TANG (唐金芳)
Department of Mathematics,Yibin University,Yibin 644007,China E-mail:jinfangt 79@163.com
Chingfeng WEN (温庆丰)
Department of Medical Research,Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital,Kaohsiung 80708,Taiwan,China E-mail:cfwen@kmu.edu.tw
Abstract In this article,we propose a new algorithm and prove that the sequence generalized by the algorithm converges strongly to a common element of the set of fixed points for a quasi-pseudo-contractive mapping and a demi-contraction mapping and the set of zeros of monotone inclusion problems on Hadamard manifolds.As applications,we use our results to study the minimization problems and equilibrium problems in Hadamard manifolds.
Key words Monotone inclusion problem;quasi-pseudo-contractive mapping;demi-contraction mapping;maximal monotone vector field;quasi-nonexpansive mappings;Hadamard manifold
Rockafellar[1]considered the inclusion problem of finding
is a set-valued maximal monotone mapping de fined on a Hilbert spaceH
.He developed an elegant method,known as the proximal point algorithm(PPA),to solve this inclusion problem.During the last two decades,inclusion problem(1.1)has been extended and generalized in many directions because of its applications to different areas in science,engineering,management and the social sciences(see,for example,[2–9]and the references therein).
Recently,many convergence results attained by the proximal point algorithm have been extended from the classical linear spaces to the setting of manifolds(see,for examle,[10–14]).Li et al.[10]developed the proximal point method for problem(1.1)in the setting of Hadamard manifolds.Later,Li et al.[11]extended the Mann and Halpern iteration scheme for finding the fixed points of nonexpansive mappings from Hilbert spaces to Hadamard manifolds.Very recently,Ansari et al.[12]and Al-Homidan-Ansari-Babu[13]considered the problem of finding
is a nonexpansive mapping,B
is a set-valued maximal monotone mapping,andA
is a single-valued continuous and monotone mapping.They proposed some Halpern-type and Mann-type iterative methods.They proved that,under suitable conditions,the sequence generated by the algorithm converges strongly to a common element of the set of fixed points of the mappingT
and the set of solutions of the inclusion problem.Motivated and inspired by the works in[5–8]and[11–14],in this article we consider the problem of finding
is a quasi-pseudo-contractive mapping,U
is a demi-contractive mapping,B
is a set-valued maximal monotone mapping andA
is a singlevalued and monotone mapping such thatA
is maximal monotone.We propose a new type of algorithm and prove that the sequences generalized by the algorithm converge strongly to a common element of problem(1.3).As applications we apply our results to study the minimization problems and equilibrium problems in Hadamard manifolds.p,q
)is the minimal length over the set of all such curves joiningp
,which induces the original topology onM
.A Riemannian manifoldM
is complete if,for anyp
,all geodesics emanating fromp
are de fined for allt
∈R.A geodesic joiningp
is said to be a minimal geodesic if its length is equal to d(p,q
).A Riemannian manifoldM
equipped with Riemannian distance d is a metric space(M,
d).By the Hopf-Rinow Theorem[15],ifM
is complete,then any pair of points inM
can be joined by a minimal geodesic.Moreover,(M,
d)is a complete metric space and bounded closed subsets are compact.tv
)for each real numbert
.It is easy to see that exp0=γ
,where 0 is the zero tangent vector.Note that the exponential map expis differentiable onT
for anyp
.De finition 2.2
A complete simply connected Riemannian manifold of non-positive sectional curvature is called a Hadamard Manifold.Proposition 2.3
be a Hadamard manifold.Then,for any two pointsx,y
,there exists a unique normalized geodesicγ
(1)which is in fact a minimal geodesic denoted byThe following inequalities can be proved easily:
Lemma 2.4
be a finite dimensional Hadamard manifold.(i)Letγ
be a geodesic joiningx
.Then we havex,y
)denotes the Riemannian distance).(ii)For anyx,y,z,u,w
1],the following inequalities hold:M
be a Hadamard manifold.A subsetC
is said to be geodesic convex if,for any two pointsx
,the geodesic joiningx
is contained inC
.In the sequel,unless otherwise speci fied,we always assume thatM
is a finite dimensional Hadamard manifold,andC
is a nonempty,bounded,closed and geodesic convex set inM
,and Fix(S
)is the fixed point set of a mappingS
.A functionf
∞]is said to be geodesic convex if,for any geodesicγ
,the functionf
is convex,that is,De finition 2.7
A mappingS
is said to be(1)contractive if there exists a constantk
1)such thatk
is said to be nonexpansive,and(2)quasinonexpansive if Fix(S
,the functionφ
∞]de fined byis nonincreasing;
-demicontractive[19]if Fix(S
)/=∅and there exists a constantk
1)such thatS
)/=∅andProposition 2.8
be a mapping.Then the following statements are equivalent:(i)S
is firmly nonexpansive;(ii)for anyx,y
Lemma 2.9
is a firmly nonexpansive mapping and Fix(S
)/=∅,then for anyx
),the following conclusion holds:Proof
For given pointsx
,we consider a geodesic triangle△(p,Sx,x
).By a comparison theorem for triangle([15]Proposition 4.5),we haveS
is firmly nonexpansive,takingy
in(2.9),we haveThis,together with(2.11),shows that
The conclusion of Lemma 2.9 is proved.
Remark 2.10
From De finition 2.7 and Lemma 2.9,it is easy to see that if Fix(S
)/=∅,then the following implications hold:S
is firmly nonexpansive,then,by(2.10),it is quasi-nonexpansive;therefore it is demicontractive and so it is quasi-pseudo-contractive.These show that the class of quasi-pseudo-contractive mappings is more general than the classes of quasinonexpansive mappings,firmly nonexpansive mappings andk
-demicontractive mappings.In the sequel,we denote by X(M
)the set of all set-valued vector fieldsA
such thatA
for allx
,and we let the domain D(A
be de fined by D(A
)/=∅}.De finition 2.11
A set-valued vector fieldA
)on a Hadamard manifoldM
is said to be(1)monotone if,for anyx,y
,the conditionu
of orderλ>
0.De finition 2.13
A mappingT
is said to be demiclosed at 0 if,for any sequence{x
such thatx
and d(x
).First we give following Lemma,which will be needed in proving our main result:
Lemma 3.1
be a Hadamard manifold andT
be a mapping which isL
≥1)and demiclosed at 0.LetG
be two mappings de fined byT
is also demiclosed at 0;(3)K
-Lipschitzian;(4)In addition,ifT
is quasi-pseudo-contractive,thenK
is a quasinonexpansive mapping,that is,for anyx
-demi-contractive andk
1),then the mappingW
→de fined byhas the following properties:
is demiclosed at(0);(d)W
is a quasi-nonexpansive mapping.Proof
First we prove the conclusion(1)In fact,ifu
),then it follows from(2.4)thatu
),then,from(2.4),we haveSimplifying,we have
1,this implies thatu
).The conclusion(1)is proved.Now we prove the conclusion(2)
Simplifying,we have
This implies that
0 and d(x
)→0,this implies that d(x
is demiclosed at 0,x
);that is,K
is demiclosed at 0.Next we prove the conclusion(3)
SinceT L
-Lipschitzian,for anyx,y
it follows from(2.6)thatSimilarly,from(2.6)and(3.4),we have
Now we prove the conclusion(4)
For anyp
)and anyx
,it follows from(2.5)thatT
is quasi-pseudo-contractive,we haveFrom(2.5)we have
Substituting(3.6)and(3.7)into(3.5),after simplifying,we have
Finally we prove the conclusion(5)
It is easy to prove thatW
has the properties(a)–(c).Next we prove thatW
has the property(d).In fact,since Fix(T
),for anyp
it follows from(3.3),(2.5)and the de finition ofk
-demicontractive mapping thatThe conclusion(d)is proved.Therefore the proof of Lemma 3.1 is completed.
In the sequel,we always assume that
is a finite dimensional Hadamard manifold andC
is a nonempty closed and bounded geodesic convex subset ofM
is a set-valued maximal monotone mapping andA
is a single-valued and monotone mapping such thatA
is a set-valued maximal monotone vector field;S
is a quasi-pseudo-contractive mapping,U
is ak
-demi-contractive mapping,k
1),and thatS
both are demiclosed at 0 andL
≥1;(5)We can letG
be the mappings de fined byProof
(I)First we observe that by the assumptions of Theorem 3.2,Lemma 2.12 and Lemma 3.1,we have thatK
is quasi-nonexpansive,from Lemma 2.4 and(3.11)we have thatSimilarly,from Lemma 2.4 and(3.12),we have
This implies that
In fact,it follows from(3.13)that
0,this implies thatFrom(3.16)and Lemma 2.4,we have
∈Ω,The conclusion of(3.15)is proved.
(IV)Now we prove that{x
}converges strongly to some point in Ω.This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2.
is a finite dimensional Hadamard manifold,and thatC
is a bounded closed and geodesic convex subset ofM
+∞]be a proper,lower semicontinuous and geodesic convex function.Consider the minimization problem of finding a pointx
such thatWe denote by Ωthe solution set of the minimization problem(4.1),that is,
[21]is de fined byLemma 4.1
+∞]be a proper,lower semicontinuous and geodesic convex function.Then,the subdifferential∂f
is a maximal monotone vector field,andf
is a proper,lower semicontinuous and geodesic convex function,and∂f
is the subdifferential off
)is a maximal monotone vector field.Hence,from Theorem 3.2 and Lemma 4.1,we have the following result:β
1)such that 0<a
≥0 andK
are mappings de fined by(3.9).Ifx
}converges strongly to some pointx
∈Ω.In particular,ifS
(the identity mapping onM
=0,then the sequence{x
}de fined byconverges strongly to a solution of minimization problem(4.1).
→R be a bifunction.We assume that the following conditions are satis fied:x
such thatThe solution set of equilibrium problem(4.5)is denoted by EP(F).
Lemma 4.4
be a nonempty closed and geodesic convex subset of a Hadamard manifoldM
→R be a bifunction satisfying the conditions(A1)–(A4).LetH
be a set-valued mapping de fined byB
=0 andS
,the following result can be obtained from Theorem 3.2 immediately:Theorem 4.5
→R be a bifunction satisfying the conditions(A1)–(A4)and letH
be the mapping de fined by(4.7).For any givenx
}be the sequence de fined byEP
)/=∅,then the sequence{x
}converges strongly to a solution of equilibrium problem(4.5).In this paper,an iterative algorithm to approximate a common element of the set of fixed points of a quasi-pseudo-contractive mapping and a demi-contraction mapping and the set of zeros of monotone inclusion problems on Hadamard manifolds has been proposed.Under suitable conditions,we proved that the sequence generated by the algorithm converges strongly to a common solution of problem(1.3).Since the quasi-pseudo-contractive mapping and the demicontractive mapping is more general than the nonexpansive mapping,firmly nonexpansive mapping and quasi-nonexpansive mapping,problem(1.3)studied in our paper is quite general.It includes many kinds of problems,such as convex optimization problems,the fixed point problem,variational inclusion problems,and equilibrium problems as its special cases.Therefore the results presented in the paper not only improve and generalize some recent results,but also provide a powerful tool for solving other problems related to(1.3).
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2021年4期